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Name: ___________________________________________________

Review Test in Social Studies 3

Quiz 3.1

Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect.

__________1. Progressive life means people get more than just their basic needs.
__________2. A highly industrialized country is called a tiger economy.
__________3. President Rodrigo Duterte promoted “Philippines 2000” because he wanted the
country to become highly industrialized.
__________4. Hongkong, North Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore are considered as the four Asian
tiger economies.
__________5. The exercise of one’s rights and duties is important in developing talents and
Direction: Answer the questions that follow. Unscramble the letters to form a word. Write the
answer in the space provided.
__________6. What is the term to describe a highly industrialized country? ( GREIT COMYNOE )
__________7. What is the term that describes an obligation or responsibility? ( YUDT )
__________8. It means people get more than just three basic needs. ( PESSORGRVEI EILF )
__________9. Who promoted Philippines 2000? ( LEDIF V. MOARS )
Direction: What trait is described in each number? Choose your answer from the box below.
a. Self-discipline b. Patience c. Industriousness
d. Healthy Mind and Body e. Self-Reliance f. Time Management
g. Gratefulness or h. Hospitality i. Close Family Ties

_____10. It is shown through endurance and perseverance in whatever we do.

_____11. Alfred finished all of his assignments and avoided the temptation of playing games.
_____12. A person’s ability to make things happen because one depends on herself/himself more
than on others.
_____13. A trait which means whatever you do, do your tasks promptly and willingly.
_____14. It can be achieved through proper diet and exercise.
_____15. Volunteering in giving foods for the victim of typhoon Andres.
_____16. Alfred finished all of his assignments and avoided the temptation of playing games.
_____17. When the clock hit 8 PM, June is already preparing to sleep.
_____18. Repaying of kindness; good deed is highly appreciated
_____19. Treating visitors like family
_____20. Filipinos love and enjoy being together.

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