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Name: Marian B.

Course & Year: BSA-2

Contemporary World

Module 6: Towards Sustainable

Topic 1: Sustainable Development
Questions for Discussion
1. How do poor countries balance their need for development with the necessity to protect the
- I believe that poorer nations are taking more proactive steps to combat global
warming than other nations because they are aware of the serious repercussions
that will occur if they do not. Each nation finds a balance between its requirements.
Providing a list of the prerequisites and instructions for environmental protection.
Outlining the actions that must be implemented to encourage growth while
safeguarding the environment. The cleanest drinking water, the clearest air for
travel, the cleanest water for industry, and sewerage methods for toilets and
domestic wastewater are some of these.

2. How do you define sustainable development?

- A thoroughly thought-out approach for embracing progress while utilizing
resources more wisely, sustainable development takes into account both the short-
and long-term advantages for our planet and the people who inhabit it. Sustainable
development strategies aid in a country's ability to adjust its growth to the problems
posed by climate change, therefore protecting vital natural resources for current
and future generations.

3. What are the major environmental problems you are exposed to? How are these problems
addressed in achieving sustainable development?
- Water pollution is mostly caused by a number of factors, including poor industrial
sewage disposal, oil spills, the dumping of radioactive and chemical waste, and
plastic contamination. In many countries throughout the world today, a lack of
clean water and water pollution are major threats to human life. The quality of
water is more likely to worsen as the world's population increases and the sources of
water pollution multiply, posing risks to human health and the environment as well
as social and economic issues. According to the UNESCO, water quality issues pose
new threats to water security and sustainable development and are a significant
challenge in both developed and developing nations.

4. Differentiate stability from sustainability.

- Sustainability refers to addressing existing demands without sacrificing the capacity
of future generations to address their own needs. Contrarily, a system's capacity to
keep its current condition or to revert to its initial state after being agitated is
known as stability.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The following are parts of the Egg of Sustainability except
a. Human well-being
b. Ecosystem well-being
c. Social well-being

2. Sustainable development does not imply the affirmation of a neo-liberal economic model; rather, it

a. a world of solidarity that would accompany profound changes in existing economic arrangements.
b. a reassurance of democratic procedures.
c. both (a) and (b)

3. Sustainable development is not a new method of analysis. Choose what requires the people reject four
intolerable and commonplace features of contemporary life that put the future of the world in jeopardy.
a. inequality, caused by excessive confidence in the distribution of savings
revenue in times of crisis
b. instability, brought about by an excess of State intervention, lax monetary policies and inflationary
c. inefficiency, caused by countries turning in on themselves, accompanied by market shifts that seriously
affect the rural areas
d. exclusion and inequality which are still very much in evidence and wrongly accepted as inevitable.
e. all of the above

4. Sustainable development is not an end in itself but a way of managing possible feasible scenarios for
the future and fostering new approaches to social dialogue.
a. True
b. False

5. Sustainable development involves the natural sciences and economics, but it is primarily a matter of
culture. It is connected with values people cherish and with the ways in which they perceive their
relationship with others.
a. True
b. False

Do the activity following the instructions:

Global Food Security

Process Questions
1. If the world produces enough food to feed itself, why does hunger still exist?
- The world can produce enough or more than enough food for every human in this world,
but not everyone can afford to buy and get one. I always heard in the news, documentaries,
and class sessions why a lot of people are hungry. It is because of poverty. I absolutely agree
with that. Those people who produce foods and goods that will help our bodies to be healthy
and alive are those businessmen and entrepreneurs who have the upper hand , milk the
consumers from what they offer, earn a big profit and keep it with themselves, and make
more businesses to earn more than what they are earning right now. Thus, hunger exists
because of poverty.

2. Do we need to take action of these?

- Actually, when it comes to the national crisis that is very relevant here in the Philippines,
the government is doing their best and putting poverty on their major priorities, and it is
through feeding programs, giving jobs to jobless citizens, free education, tax exemption, and
other government benefits for the poorest of the poor in the country, and also including
those who need help regardless of their social status. The government is not only assisting
and providing for its citizens, but it is also attempting to teach them to stand on their own
two feet and earn a living through hard work. Hunger is the cause of poverty, and poverty
is not only limited to one country like the Philippines. Even the most developed country
right now has a poverty problem, but the difference is the level rate.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is food security?

a. The state of not being able to access a reliable source of nutritious, healthy and affordable food
b. The state of being able to access a reliable source of nutritious, healthy and affordable food
c. The same as food insecurity
d. All of the above

2. What causes global food security?

a. water scarcity and climate change
b. human
c. the weather
d. introduced species

3. The risk of Global Food Security exclude

a. malnutrition
b. hunger
c. conflict
d. climate change

4. Which level of household income experiences the highest percentage of food insecurity?
a. Low
b. Middle
c. Upper-middle
d. Highest

5. The Importance of Global Food Security (Positive outcome):

Secure access to food can produce wide ranging positive impacts, including
a. Economic growth and job creation
b. Poverty reduction
c. Decreased global security and stability
d. None of these

Do the following items: stnemngissA
1. Answer the following questions:
a. In your own opinion, what is the most pressing problem related to
globalization? How can it be resolved?

- In my opinion, the major disadvantage of globalization is the influence of another

culture on the other. At times right now, the influence of culture has come to the
point of loss of cultural identity For example, in the Philippines we can find the
biggest base of K-pop fans in the whole world and it came to the point where we let
the language of Koreans (Hangul) be in the education curricula of the students here
in the Philippines rather than focusing on our own culture and learning more about
Baybayin (old written ways of Filipinos) for the purpose of familiarizing and
embracing the culture of our own ancestors. This culture influences us that
somehow came to the point of loss of cultural identity is an indirect way of
colonizing us, aiming at our roots first.

b. Why do Third World countries typically lag behind First World nations with regard to
technology? How can such gaps be bridged?

- For this reason, these nations were plagued by war, epidemics, or other natural
calamities, high levels of corruption, a low capital pool, a lack of high-skilled labor,
and distance from industrialization hubs (where neither human nor capital capital
was shared). Developing countries need people with technical knowledge to compete
in the high-tech sector. When governments try to develop education too quickly and
produce graduates without a suitable infrastructure to sustain the educational
system, problems occur.

c. For countries like the Philippines, how can agricultural modernization and
industrialization lead to development and prosperity?

- Economic development and growth are significantly influenced by agriculture. It is

a fundamental aspect of human existence since it provides nourishment. It is a
major contribution to economic growth in other areas of the economy since it
provides industrial raw materials. The world's food supply has expanded thanks to
agricultural modernization, which has also significantly raised farmer income and
boosted the local economy. By raising worker productivity, expanding the
agricultural surplus to build capital, and growing exports, agricultural
modernization creates the prerequisites for industrialisation.

d. How can progressive taxation help governments achieve development for their people?

- Progressive taxes are implemented in an effort to lessen the impact of taxes on those
who have a lesser ability to pay because they gradually move the incidence to those
who have a higher ability to pay. With a progressive tax, individuals with higher
earnings pay more in taxes than those with lower incomes do. This form of tax aids
low-income households in covering the costs of necessities like food, shelter, and
transportation. They may devote a higher portion of their income to cost-of-living
costs thanks to a progressive tax.

e. Why do some international groups campaign for debt reduction and/ or condo nations?

- The global community has concentrated on increasing the connections with debt
relief and measures to reduce poverty as the debt relief projects have developed. To
prevent debt loads from rising to unmanageable levels, there are still obstacles to
overcome. In addition to debt relief, long-term loan sustainability necessitates
efforts by debtors, lenders, and donors to encourage responsible borrowing,
appropriately concessional financing, continued economic growth, diverse exports,
and increased market access in developed nations.

f. How can a grassroots approach to globalization be implemented in the Philippine context?

– It would be beneficial for other nations to take note of the neighborhood governance
system that the Philippines have built. The barangays aid in the devolution of
authority from the center and offer regular people a role in decision-making. They
enhance how well fundamental public services respond to local requirements. Above
all, the organization acknowledges and legitimizes the contribution that community
may contribute to a strong civil society. Communities are better geared up to deal
with misfortune thanks to the participation and engagement processes that assist to
harness the agency and ingenuity of locals. However, the barangays might be made
stronger by promoting physical alterations to their neighborhoods, mobilizing for
more funding for neighborhood infrastructure, and remaking the built

Topic 3: Global Citizenship

Propose solutions to contemporary problems associated with the existence of

globalization and with global citizenship through research topic and content
a. What globalization issue or concept has the most significant impact for you and in your locality?
- It’s Loss of Cultural Identity

b. How do you describe these issues and impacts and how does your community respond or react to
- Loss of Cultural Identity is when we embrace too much of others' culture compared to our
own and value it more than our own. For example, we let Hangul and Nihongo into our
education curriculum rather than let our own old written way (Baybayin) that Filipinos
must focus on and embrace as our own, learning it like our ancestors did starting from a
very young age. Based on my observation, Filipinos right now are so into Kdramas and
animes, and some are learning their language and culture, and somehow it shows how we
ignore the beauty that the Philippine culture has and some even want to migrate and live
there. This just shows an indirect colonized nation.

c. Do your proposed solutions on these problems address or respond to the needs of your locality?
- The DEPED and CHED should allow Filipino language to be used as our teaching language
inside within the schools, greater promotion in the Filipino culture, and usage of Baybayin
writing style, is my suggested solution to this issue. Because I really think that these are the
necessary first measures to remind Filipinos of who they are, to have a significant influence
on our minds and hearts, and to demonstrate to those foreigners that no matter how many
times they colonized us, we would always return to our true selves.


I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world—and their place in it.
a. Global citizen c. Politicians
b. Global citizenship d. None of the above

2. It is being embraced by educators, scholars, politicians and even business people.

a. Global citizen c. Politicians
b. Global citizenship d. None of the above

3. Someone who is committed to certain values, attitudes and behaviors

a. Politicians
b. Educator
c. Global citizen
d. Global citizenship

4. Moral values that control one’s attitudes, behaviors and actions

a. Morality
b. Ethics
c. Respects
d. None of the above

5. It can train the human brain to work faster in situations where it can be difficult to make a decision or
react over a particular issue in an appropriate manner.
a. Ethics
b. Morality
c. Global citizenship education
d. None of the above

II. True or False

False 1. A global citizen is someone who is not committed to certain values, attitudes and behaviors.
True 2. Global citizenship education can be used as a holistic approach to reduce the negative global
issues, such as injustice, victimization, harassment and many other features.
False 3. Citizenship education is based on the concept of helping young people.
True 4. The concept of global citizenship in relation to education is used by educators in varied contexts
in order to bring the world into their classrooms or send their learners to the world, so that they
can be exposed to new content and various experiences.
True 5. The human brain to work faster in situations where it can be difficult to make a decision or react
over a particular issue in an appropriate manner in global citizenship education.
False 6. The concept of global citizenship can guide the citizens in terms of moral responsibilities and
develop their sense of social duties.
True 7. Global citizenship programs help students to develop some cognitive skills, such as critical
thinking through enabling them to think clearly about what they are supposed to do in their daily
life, especially when encountering a particular problem.
True 8. Global citizenship deals with how cognitive abilities affect social relationships.
True 9. Developing international communication can be achieved by engaging students in global
citizenship, and several materials, methods, approaches and activities can be used to teach global
False 10. In the United States, a survey of social studies teachers revealed that 80% claimed that global
citizenship is required for civics education Many universities introduce specific programs for the
ethics of global citizenship, especially in the USA; for example, they offer certificates in
intercultural communication to promote the ethics of global citizenships.

Do the following items:

1. Research using reliable sources on the following topics:

a. Politics and governance
b. Peace and order
c. Economics and poverty
d. Culture and language disintegration
e. Religious amalgamation and extremism
f. Food security and production
g. Women and children’s rights
h. Human rights
i. Racial tension
j. Climate change and sustainability
k. Health and aging
l. Poverty and malnutrition
m. Women and malnutrition
2. Come up with one problem to each of the topics presented.
a) Politics and governance - Corruption
b) Peace and order – Disobedient Citizens
c) Economics and poverty – Scarcity of Resources
d) Culture and language disintegration – Loss of Cultural Identity
e) Religious amalgamation and extremism - Stereotype
f) Food security and production – Air pollution
g) Women and children’s rights – Gender Inequality
h) Human rights – Human Trafficking
i) Racial tension – Racism
j) Climate change and sustainability – Environmental Impact
k) Health and aging – Mental Health
l) Poverty and malnutrition – Lack of Education
m) Women and malnutrition – Lack of Access to Basic Healthcare

Reflection Guide
1. What have I LEARNED this day that has helped me do all aspects of this better?
- We should always be responsible to our own waste because it affects a lot of factors
that will comeback to us, and supposedly we are stewards of this planet.

2. What have I DONE this week that has made me better at doing all aspects of this?
- Reflecting through relating in my life the lessons from this module.

3. How can I IMPROVE at doing all aspects of this?

- Applying what I have learned from this module.
Expanded Opportunities
For Topic 1:
Do the following:
1. Research on the global environmental crises: global warming, desertification, ozone depletion, and
many others with a larger picture of environmental degradation.

2. Present pictures as evidence of the global environmental problems. Submit the environmental
problems. research-based narrative report on the attribution of different countries in solving the
environmental problems.
For Topic 2:
Research on different problems related to food global security. Present the problems with pictures and
then share the alternative solutions that each of the countries did.
For Topic 3:
Answer the following question:
What is the most significant attribute of global citizenship? Explain.

- A person who is aware of and appreciates their role in the larger world is referred to as a
global citizen. They are a global citizen. They participate actively in their community and
collaborate with others to improve the peace, sustainability, and fairness of our earth.
Global citizens have the view that everyone is equal. They do not hold some persons or
groups in higher or lower regard than others. Global citizens embrace diversity and don't
harbor animosity against others who are different from them. Global people are open to
assisting and working with others.

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