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ABSTRACT indicated by increased levels in a series of urinary pro-

teins and an immunological imbalance with a skew
Iridium (Ir) belongs to the platinum group elements toward a T helper 2 (Th2) cytokine pattern. Hypersen-
and is one of the rarest elements in the Earth’s crust. sitivity and allergic reactions were described in occu-
Since Ir is a hard metal with good resistance to corro- pationally and nonoccupationally exposed subjects
sion, it is widely used in the electronic, chemical, and with symptoms including rhinorrhea, asthma, contact
automotive industries. In the latter sector, Ir is pres- dermatitis, and urticaria, indicating the sensitizing
ent as an impurity or is found in alloys together with potential of Ir, albeit at a relatively low level.
platinum, palladium, and rhodium in automobile cata- Overall, little is known of the toxicological charac-
lytic converters. These devices are continuously sub- teristics of Ir and further research is needed to define
jected to physical and chemical stress that leads to Ir its potentially hazardous properties and their princi-
release in airborne particulate matter and a consequent pal toxicological mechanisms so that an appropriate
increase in metal levels in the general environment. evaluation and management of Ir risk can be made
Current data relating to environmental Ir concen- with regard to the general and occupationally exposed
trations in air, soil, roadside dust, water, and foods populations.
indicate quite low levels that are not thought to pose a
serious threat to human health. However, the increase
in general exposure levels and the widespread indus- 1  PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
trial use of this metal have raised concern in the sci-
entific community regarding potential adverse health Iridium (Ir); Chemical Abstracts Service number,
effects for the general and occupationally exposed 7439-88-5; atomic mass, 192.2; atomic number, 77; den-
populations. sity at 20°C, 22.4 g/cm3; melting point, 2446°C; boiling
Limited knowledge of the toxicological mechanisms point, 4428°C; modulus of elasticity, E, 516 × 103 MN/
of Ir in different physical and biological systems pre- m2; modulus of rigidity, G, 210 × 103 MN/m2; silver-
vents researchers from making a correct evaluation white metal; oxidation states, from −3 to +6, most com-
of the risks derived from exposure to this metal and mon oxidation states are +3 and +4; natural and stable
also from reaching definite conclusions regarding the isotopes, 191Ir and 193Ir (Hunt, 1987; Royal Society of
potential adverse effects of low-“dose,” long-term Chemistry, 2013).
exposures. Ir belongs to the platinum group elements (PGEs).
Recently, the in vitro cytotoxic and genotoxic poten- Discovered by Smithson Tennant in 1803 among
tial of Ir, mediated by oxidative stress reactions and the insoluble impurities in natural platinum (Pt), this
induction of direct DNA damage, was demonstrated in metal was named iridium after the goddess Iris, the
rat fibroblasts. Interestingly, in vivo results showed that personification of the rainbow, because of the strik-
oral Ir exposure in rats induced nephrotoxic effects, as ing and diverse colors of its salts (Argonne National

Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals 4E 855 Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
856 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

Laboratory, 2005). Ir is the second densest element 2000s, Ir has been alloyed (10-20% w/w) with Pt, pal-
after osmium (Os), and is the most corrosion-resistant ladium (Pd), and rhodium (Rh) in the manufacture of
metal. It is insoluble in all mineral acids including autocatalytic converters. The compulsory use of these
aqua regia and is not attacked by other molten met- devices has led to an increase in Ir concentrations in the
als or by silicates at high temperatures. Ir has a very environment (Locatelli, 2011). In fact, during the release
high melting point and is the only metal to maintain of exhaust gases from the engine, the surface of the cata-
good mechanical properties in air at temperatures lyzer washcoat is chemically and physically stressed by
above 1600°C (Hunt, 1987; Emsley, 2003). It can, how- rapidly changing oxidative/reductive conditions, high
ever, be attacked by some molten salts such as sodium temperature, and mechanical abrasion. This results
cyanide and potassium cyanide (Emsley, 2003), as well in the emission of particulate matter (PM) containing
as by oxygen and the halogens at higher temperatures PGEs (Ravindra et al., 2004).
(Lagowski, 2004). Since Ir is not only extremely hard, Recently, several papers have reported analytical
brittle, very stiff, and resistant to deformation but also procedures for determining Ir levels in environmental
has low ductility and a very high melting point, the matrices. Researchers have mainly used spectroscopic
solid metal is difficult to machine, shape, or work. For techniques (Rao and Reddi, 2000; Ely et al., 2001; Meisel
this reason, Ir is commonly employed in powder form et al., 2001, 2003; Pretorius et al., 2003; Djingova et al.,
(Greenwood and Earnshaw, 1997). Ir has a very high 2003a,b; Fritsche and Meisel, 2004; Petrucci et al., 2004;
boiling point—the tenth highest of all elements—and Cristaudo et al., 2007), whereas less frequent use has
becomes a superconductor at temperatures below been made of neutron activation analysis (NAA) (Dai
0.14K (Kittel, 2004). Ir forms compounds in oxida- et al., 2001; Takeda et al., 2007) and chromatography
tion states between −3 and +6. Hexachloroiridic(IV) (Sánchez et al., 2000; Sommer and Vlasankova, 2000;
acid (H2IrCl6) and its ammonium salt are the most Wang et al., 1999; Locatelli, 2011). Regardless of the
important Ir compounds used in industry (Crabtree, analytical method used, the general difficulty in deter-
1979). Ir trichloride (IrCl3) is often used as a starting mining PGEs, including Ir, is due to low concentrations
material for the synthesis of other Ir(III) compounds (especially background ones) and the lack of reference
(Greenwood and Earnshaw, 1997). Organoiridium materials (RMs) for quality control (Balcerzak, 1997,
compounds contain Ir-carbon bonds, where the metal 2011; Barefoot, 1997; Schramel et al., 2000; Djingova
is usually in lower oxidation states (Greenwood and et al., 2003a). Most available RMs consist of different
Earnshaw, 1997). 191Ir and 193Ir are the only two natu- types of minerals in which the concentrations of Ir are
rally occurring stable isotopes (Audi, 2003). At least 34 considerably higher than in environmental materials
radioisotopes have also been synthesized, ranging in (e.g. all CANMET-CCRM PGE RMs TDB-1, UMT-1,
mass number from 164 to 199. 192Ir, which falls between WGB-1, WMG-1, and WPR-1). Furthermore, the matrix
the two stable isotopes, is the most stable radioisotope composition and the PGE forms can differ significantly
with a half-life of 74 days. It decays by beta emissions (Schramel et al., 2000; Meisel and Moser, 2004). Thus,
to stable 192Pt and 192Os. It is used in brachytherapy the methods validated against these RMs may not nec-
(Stellman, 1998) and industrial radiography, and 192Ir essarily provide reliable data in the case of road dust,
sources have been responsible for a number of radio- soils, sediments, and plants.
logical accidents. 192Ir metastable isomer (192m Ir) has Sample preparation for PGE analysis varies accord-
a half-life of 240 years, and decays to 192Ir by isomeric ing to the method and material used. For example,
transition and by relatively low-energy gamma emis- classic silicate analysis with HF and HClO4, and alkali
sion (Argonne National Laboratory, 2005). fusion, widely used for geological and pedologi-
cal samples (Balcerzak, 1997; Djingova et al., 2003a),
require larger samples, are very time-consuming, are
2  ANALYSIS: METHODS AND PROBLEMS prone to either loss or contamination of samples, and
depend on the analytical skill of researchers (Jarvis
The presence of Ir in the environment is currently et al., 1997; Totland et al., 1993, 1995). They are there-
the subject of great interest (Locatelli, 2011). From a fore not very well suited for environmental analysis.
geological point of view, PGEs have been significant Inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass
tracers for decoding the Earth’s late accretional his- spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS) is one of the most promis-
tory (Morgan et al., 2001) and deep mantle processes ing techniques for PGE determination at trace levels
(Puchtel et al., 2004), and for assessing the contribution (Balcerzak, 1997; Barefoot, 1997). Using this technique,
of impact materials in the breccias from impact craters Djingova et al. (2003a,b) reported a detection limit
(Koeberl and Reimold, 2003; Shinotsuka and Suzuki, (3σ criterion) of 0.015 ng/g for 191Ir. However, a very
2007). Moreover, more and more frequently in the serious problem in this case is the spectral overlap of
40 Iridium 857
177Hf16O+ and 175Lu16O+ ions with 193Ir and 191Ir iso- range, and the possibility of a rapid multielement anal-
topes, respectively. These interferences may also be ysis accompanied by excellent lower detection limits
totally different depending on the matrix, the equip- (Bocca et al., 2010a,b). Moreover, for noninterfered
ment, and the measurement conditions, and underlines isotopes, SF-ICP-MS yields far better detection lim-
the idea that validation of a method using only one its than quadrupole instruments when a comparable
type of material does not automatically mean that the sample introduction system is used (Moens et al., 1995;
procedure is correct. Ir analysis should be done using Begerow et al., 1996). For complex matrices such as
191Ir; in fact, the error introduced by the spectral over- blood, the removal of organic sample matrix and dilu-
lap of HfO+ on 193Ir is too high (Djingova et al., 2003a). tion to reduce the content of total dissolved solids are
This method provides reliable determination of PGEs recommended to avoid carbon deposition that could
in many environmental matrices. Although isotope result in blockage of the sampling cone and severe sig-
dilution (ID)-ICP-MS, high resolution (HR)-ICP-MS, nal instability (Begerow et al., 1997). Strong mineral
and sector field (SF)-ICP-MS are deemed to be more acids are frequently utilized for matrix decomposi-
efficient than Q-ICP-MS in determining PGEs, they are tion. However, this digestion technique could result
subject to the same interferences and are also much in solutions containing relatively high acid concentra-
more expensive. To overcome these interferences, off- tions that are not tolerated when using conventional
or on-line matrix separation is usually done with ID- pneumatic nebulizers for sample introduction. For
ICP-MS (Müller and Heumann, 2000; Köllensperger urine and serum digestion, ultraviolet (UV) photoly-
et al., 2000). In the case of HR-ICP-MS, resolutions of sis has been found to be more advantageous than con-
over 10,000 are sometimes necessary in order to elimi- ventional mineral acid digestion techniques (Begerow
nate interferences (Müller and Heumann, 2000). et al., 1996; Ensslin et al., 1994). Since reagent addition
For voltammetric determinations, prevalence is is minimal, blank values can be kept extremely low,
given to high-pressure ashing with nitric and hydro- and compared to digestion by mineral acids, a large
chloric acid because this destroys any organic mate- dilution of the sample solution is not strictly necessary.
rial in the samples (Balcerzak, 1997; Barefoot, 1997). When applied on blood (Begerow et al., 1997), UV pho-
Although voltammetric measurement is seldom used tolysis and magnetic SF-ICP-MS yielded an 193Ir practi-
(Ezerskaya and Kiseleva, 2001; Svancara et al., 2007), cal detection limit of 0.03 ng/L, which is comparable to
it is nevertheless a valid and simple analytical tech- the value determined by means of adsorptive voltam-
nique that is suitable for multicomponent metal deter- metry and lower than that obtained by Q-ICP-MS. Nev-
minations and ultratrace Ir measurements in complex ertheless, such sophisticated instrumentation does not
matrices (Baur and Spaine, 1998; Bobrowski and necessarily guarantee high-quality data. Current rec-
Zarebski, 2000; Zaitsev et al., 1999; Locatelli, 2011). ommendations underline the importance of develop-
Very low limits of detection can be obtained using this ing a validated procedure that includes an uncertainty
technique because it is precise, accurate, and offers a estimate expressing the range of values within which
high degree of selectivity and sensitivity. Voltammetry the true value is deemed to lie (ISO, 2005; Thompson
can also be a good alternative to spectroscopy due to and Wood, 1995; Thompson et al., 2002; Bocca et al.,
its lower running costs and the less costly equipment 2010b). Unfortunately, researchers often neglect vali-
needed to measure very low metal concentrations dation and uncertainty estimation, possibly because it
(Locatelli, 2011). is difficult to apply a rigorous mathematical model due
To assess human exposure to Ir and study cor- to variability in test matrices, the complexity of ana-
relations with possible health effects, it is important lytical methods, the lack of certified RMs guaranteeing
to measure Ir in body fluids such as blood and other the traceability of measurements, the high instrument
biological matrices (Begerow et al., 1997). Powerful costs, and the need for qualified and trained personnel
and reliable analytical procedures are needed to mea- (Bocca et al., 2010b).
sure extremely low concentrations of precious metal
samples in such complex matrices. Several analytical
methods such as NAA (Minoia et al., 1990), SF-ICP- 3  PRODUCTION AND USES
MS (Begerow et al., 1997; Rodushkin and Odman,
2001; Petrucci et al., 2004; Cristaudo et al., 2007), and
3.1 Production
Q-ICP-MS (Petrucci et al., 2004; Cristaudo et al., 2007)
have been used to perform quantitative analyses of With an average concentration of 0.05 ng/g in the
biological matrices. SF-ICP-MS is a powerful tech- continental crust, Ir is one of the least abundant ele-
nique for the ultratrace analysis of human body flu- ments in the Earth’s crust (Wedepohl, 1995). It is
ids because it offers high sensitivity, a larger dynamic thought that the overall concentration of Ir on Earth
858 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

is much higher than that observed in crustal rocks electrocatalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds
but, because of its density and siderophilic character, (Hindle et al., 2005; Andersson, 2011; Diéguez et al.,
Ir descended below the crust and into the Earth’s core 2012). Moreover, Ir was recently introduced in the
when the planet was still molten (Renner et al., 2002). Ir autocatalyst sector as the so-called ‘DeNOx’ cataly-
is found in nature as an uncombined element. The most sator in order to drastically reduce NOx emission in
dominant species are Ir4+ and Ir3+ (the latter is usually the exhausts of lean burning engines (Emsley, 2003;
found in soluble form), or those in natural alloys, espe- Ravindra et al., 2004).
cially the Ir-Os alloys, but it is also found in raw nickel Nowadays, demand for Ir comes mainly from the
or raw copper (Emsley, 2003; Xiao and Laplante, 2004; electronic, automotive, and chemical industry. In 2010,
Martín-Peinado and Rodríguez-Tovar, 2010). In seawa- there was a quadruple increase in Ir demand that
ter, the commonest Ir species are the oxy-hydroxyl and suddenly and rapidly rose to 9469 kg compared to
chloro-complex ion forms (Dai et al., 2000a,b). the 2296 kg of the previous year. The extra 7173 kg of
The highest concentrations of Ir within the Earth’s demand came mainly from the electrical sector (Johnson
crust are found in igneous deposits and impact cra- Matthey Publications, 2011), where Ir is principally used
ters. The largest known primary deposits are in the in the manufacture of crucibles utilized for growing sin-
Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa (Seymour gle crystal sapphire, which is the substrate for gallium
and O’Farrelly, 2001), although the large copper (Cu)- nitride, the inorganic semiconductor material used to
nickel (Ni) deposits near Norilsk in Russia and the make blue and green light-emitting diodes for TV and
Sudbury Basin in Canada are also significant sources the smartphone and tablet computer markets. Ir has
of Ir. Smaller deposits are found in the United States good properties for this application, including a high
(Seymour and O’Farrelly, 2001). Ir is also found com- melting point and resistance to chemical attack (Johnson
bined with PGEs in secondary alluvial deposits. Mined Matthey Publications, 2012). The refitting of the Chinese
production of Ir declined in 2011 in accordance with chloralkali industry generated additional demand for Ir.
lower mined Pt output in South Africa. Industrial pur- Growth in the worldwide automotive sector in 2010 also
chases of Ir exceeded primary mined supply and metal led to increased demand for Ir-tipped spark plugs.
was drawn from above-ground stocks in order to bal- In 2011, total demand for Ir was 8533 kg, with the
ance the market (Johnson Matthey Publications, 2012). electronic sector accounting for 4678 kg, 18% less than in
Ir is obtained commercially as a by-product from Ni 2010, but still over half of total global purchasing of the
and Cu mining and processing. Noble metals such as metal. Interestingly, in 2011, some Ir was purchased for
silver, gold, and the PGEs settle during electrorefin- use as phosphorescent emitter materials in organic light-
ing of copper and nickel (George, 2006, 2008). Subse- emitting diodes, suggesting a future use for Ir in display
quently, the metals are brought into solution by fusion technology. Ir continues to be used widely in electrodes
with sodium peroxide followed by dissolution in aqua for high-performance spark plugs in the automotive sec-
regia or by dissolution in a mixture of chlorine with tor and also in the medical sector in the Pt-Ir alloys of
hydrochloric acid to be separated (Renner et al., 2002; devices designed to be implanted in the human body
Seymour and O’Farrelly, 2001). Ir is separated from the (Johnson Matthey Publications, 2012).
other PGEs by precipitating (NH4)2IrCl6 or by extract-
ing IrCl62− with organic amines (George, 2006, 2008).
The principal use of Ir is as a hardening agent in Pt
4.1  Iridium Levels in Geological Samples
alloys. Ir, and especially Ir-Pt or Os-Ir alloys, are hard-
wearing and are used, for example, for multipored Since the mid-1990s, we have seen a dramatic
spinnerets, through which a plastic polymer melt is increase in the quantity of data available on PGE con-
extruded to form fibers such as rayon (Egorova et al., centrations in different types of geological materials.
1979). Os-Ir alloys are used for tipping fountain pen This is largely due to the development of analytical
nibs and for compass bearings (Emsley, 2003; Handley, equipment capable of detecting PGEs at the range
1986; Stallforth and Revell, 2000). Because of its corro- found in most rocks, i.e. 0.1-10 ng/g (Barnes et al.,
sion resistance, an Ir alloy is used for certain long-life 1985; McDonald, 1998). Moreover, since PGE concen-
aircraft engine parts, and deep-water pipes are made trations and the distribution of these metals in rocks
from an Ir-titanium alloy (Emsley, 2003). Ir compounds are important tracers of mantle processes and extrater-
are used as catalysts in the carbonylation of methanol restrial input into the crustal environment, PGE data
to produce acetic acid (Cheung et al., 2000) and in the have been used in some high profile studies, notably
40 Iridium 859

the debate over events at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) form platinum group minerals on which chromite
boundary (Alvarez et al., 1980; Tredoux et al., 1989; grains nucleate and grow (Brenan and Andrews, 2001;
Evans et al., 1993a; McDonald, 1998). Sattari et al., 2002; Fiorentini et al., 2004).
Average PGE concentrations in oceanic basalts dif- However, in this context, the discrepancy between
fer greatly from those in rocks from different tectonic experimental studies in the literature could be due
environments (Crocket, 2000). Surveys indicate that to an overestimation of the partition coefficients for
mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) is much lower in PGE PGEs between silicate melts and Cr spinels (Pagé et al.,
content than basalt from intraplate environments, 2012). In situ analysis of Cr spinels from the Merensky
especially those associated with plume or hotspot vol- Reef, a sulfide-bearing, PGE-rich cumulate horizon in
canism (Crocket, 1981; Barnes et al., 1988; Greenough the upper critical zone of the Bushveld Igneous Com-
and Fryer, 1991). Ir is approximately six times higher plex, South Africa (Ballhaus and Sylvester, 2000), and
in intraplate basalt (Crocket, 1981), with averages of the evaluation of the komatiitic basalts, ferropicritic
0.06 and 0.36 ng/g in MORB and ocean island basalt, basalts, and tholeiitic basalt from the Abitibi greenstone
respectively. The same group (Crocket, 2000) investi- belt, Canada (Fiorentini et al., 2004), failed to reveal
gated the Ir content in fresh unaltered tholeiite basalt detectable Ir concentrations. Ir analysis of chromites
collected from the Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, showing a from Ni sulfide mineralized and unmineralized kom-
mean (±SD) level of 0.38 ± 0.14 ng/g. When compared atiite flows in the Archaean Agnew-Wiluna greenstone
to basalts subjected to hydrothermal alteration, minor belt in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, showed
changes in Ir concentrations were detected, suggest- levels ranging from 0.75 to 7.21 ng/g (Fiorentini et al.,
ing that the metal was relatively inert to alteration 2004). Pagé et al. (2012) reported Ir levels of ∼20 ng/g
processes and stable in the primary host phase. Con- in Cr spinels from komatiites collected from the south
versely, high-temperature sulfate-dominated conden- of the Main Alexo Mine, northern Ontario, Canada.
sates generated incrustations 50 times enriched in Ir, Park et al. (2012) found an Ir abundance of ∼10 ng/g in
with concentrations ranging from 10.7 to 30.7 ng/g. Cr spinels from the reduced Jimberlana layered intru-
The same study (Crocket, 2000) reported that most of sion, Western Australia, while higher Ir contents, rang-
the Ir in fresh rocks was hosted by chromite. This find- ing from 13 ± 15 to 104 ± 76 ng/g, were detected in Cr
ing was also confirmed in other investigations carried spinels from the oxidized lavas of the Ambae Volcano,
out on chromite layers from El Tigre, San Cristobal, and Vanuatu, southwestern Pacific. This interesting find-
Juan mines, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, ing suggests that Ir was highly compatible in Cr spinel
Mexico (Vatin-Perignon et al., 2000). These deposits, when crystallized under oxidized conditions.
belonging to the lower > 600 m lithostratigraphic zone, In the Yilgarn Craton region, Barnes et al. (2012)
had the highest absolute Ir abundance, with concen- found Ir levels ranging from 6.7 to 20.4 ng/g in a 250-m
trations ranging from 97 to 557 ng/g. Analysis of the continuous drill core of the Mount Keith magmatic sul-
other silicate rocks from the upper zones showed prac- fide-hosted Ni ore body. PGEs are important constitu-
tically no Ir content, with a maximum concentration ents of magmatic sulfide ores and their concentrations
of 2.51 ng/g, suggesting that precipitation of the metal are useful indicators of ore-forming processes. When
occurred during the earliest stages of fractional crys- different chemostratigraphic zones were analyzed, the
tallization and was concentrated in chromitites. Singh uppermost zone with the lowest Ni level (1500 ppm)
et al. (2013), comparably, found a greater Ir content was found to have a declining sulfur and PGE content
in chromitites (9.8-84.4 ng/g) than in peridotites (2.2- with a very low Ir content. This could be due to wan-
4.0 ng/g) of the Manipur Ophiolitic Complex, which ing of the magma flux and temperature in the upper-
is part of the Indo-Myanmar Orogenic Belt, Northeast most zones responsible for the gradual decrease in the
India. Interestingly, the Ir distribution pattern in chro- rate of accumulation of cumulus sulfide liquid and a
mitites showed enrichment of the metal in the high- progressive decrease in Ni and PGE tenors.
chromium (Cr) samples (22.8-84.4 ng/g) compared to The Deccan flood volcanism of India has generated
the high-aluminum ones (9.8-30.8 ng/g), suggesting interest in the influence that PGE geochemistry has
that differences in the chemistry of magma involved in had on terminal Cretaceous extinctions. Rocchia et al.
chromitite formation could influence the nonhomoge- (1988) found the Ir content in basalt or interflow ash
nous Ir distribution. Some researchers have suggested beds or boles to be below the detection limit of the ana-
that the PGE enrichments in chromitites are largely lytical method employed (0.04-0.3 ng/g). A set of 18
driven by mechanical processes such as the formation flow and dyke basalt samples subsequently collected
of clusters where PGEs preferably bond with other in the same region showed an average (±SD) Ir concen-
metals (Tredoux et al., 1995; Fiorentini et al., 2004), tration of 0.065 ± 0.12 ng/g with a small subset of these
while, according to other researchers, PGEs primarily samples (n = 4) demonstrating a positive skew of the Ir
860 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

distribution with a mean value of 0.24 ng/g (Crocket Considerable research has also been carried out
and Paul, 2004). The highest Ir group samples were on the geochemical behavior of PGEs in laterites (e.g.
characterized by a higher proportion of Cr relative to Bowles et al., 1994; Traoré et al., 2006; Cornelius et al.,
Ni and magnesium oxide (MgO). This observation and 2008; Ndjigui, 2008; Ndjigui et al., 2008). When ana-
the occasional occurrence of chromite inclusions in lyzed in serpentinite samples collected in the Kongo-
some of these samples confirmed that chromite was a Nkamouna ultramafic massif, Lomié region, Southeast
sink for Ir. Interestingly, a strong positive Ir correlation Cameroon, a low Ir content was found ranging from
with MgO was detected, suggesting a possible relation 4.83 to 5.00 ng/g. Interestingly, the weathering pro-
between Ir levels and the fractional crystallization of files located in the southern (Nkamouna), the middle
basic magma, as was subsequently confirmed (Jamais (Napene), and the northern (West and East Mada) part
et al., 2008). In this latter study, Ir concentrations were of the massif indicated that Ir content increased with
determined in fractionated lavas erupted during two depth as concentrations ranged from 5.52 to 41, 10.9 to
stages of volcanic activity, named the Pololu (455- 34, and 5 to 17 ng/g, respectively (Ndjigui and Bilong,
260 ka old) and Hawi (232-62 ka old) volcanics, after the 2010). Higher levels were always found in the deeper
Kohala Volcano, Hawaii. The metal levels ranged from saprolite zone, supporting the theory of permanent Ir
0.003 to 0.213 ng/g in Pololu basalts, where more prim- enrichment due to the weathering process or to copre-
itive lavas (> 8 wt% MgO) showed a rather constant Ir cipitation of Ir-rich alloys with iron and manganese
abundance, while the metal content decreased rapidly oxides (Wimpenny et al., 2007). The low Ir content
with increasing fractional crystallization in lavas with in the upper part of the lateritic profiles might be the
< 8 wt% MgO. An Ir concentration of 0.003 ng/g was result either of late neoformation of Ir-bearing minerals
found in the highly differentiated Hawi lavas. within the laterites or of their dissolution in laterites.
Ir content was also investigated in the mafic igne-
ous alkaline rocks from the Kutch region, Gujarat, of
4.2  Iridium Levels in Air
the Deccan Volcanic Province. These represented the
earliest phases of the Deccan volcanic activity (Crocket An initial study to investigate Ir levels in the atmo-
and Paul, 2008). Compared to the tholeiites, a substan- sphere was conducted by Tuncel and Zoller (1987). The
tially lower PGE level was found in the alkaline rocks, authors analyzed Ir concentrations in 30 atmospheric
with significantly different Ir PGE (including Ir and particulate samples collected at the geographical South
ruthenium) proportion compared to the other PGEs. In Pole in 1979. Ir concentration ranged from 2 × 10−17 to
fact, Ir PGEs accounted for 17% of the total PGEs in the 13.4 × 10−17 g/m3 and was higher during the austral
alkaline rocks and only 1% of the PGEs in tholeiites. summer than in winter, with average concentrations of
For flood basalts in general, Pd:Ir ratios correlate posi- 9.1 × 10−17 and 7.2 × 10−17 g/m3, respectively. A strong
tively with Mg, confirming that PGEs are governed to correlation was reported between Ir concentrations
some extent by processes such as fractional crystalli- and beryllium-7 (7Be) activity in the South Pole atmo-
zation that control major element composition. When sphere. On the basis of this correlation and 7Be produc-
Dai et al. (2001) measured Ir content in impact breccias tion in the stratosphere due to the interaction of cosmic
and target rocks from the Lake Bosumtwi impact crater rays with atmospheric nitrogen, Tuncel and Zoller
in Ghana using NAA and the ultrasonic nebulization- (1987) hypothesized the existence of a stratospheric
ICP-MS analytical techniques, they found comparable source of Ir (possibly extraterrestrial material). Earlier
levels that ranged from 0.29 to 3.7 and from 0.15 to studies at the South Pole had demonstrated that the
1.9 ng/g, respectively. flux of crustal dust is one-to-two orders of magnitude
Anbar et al. (2001) measured extremely low Ir con- less than a similar flux at midlatitudes, thus reduc-
centrations, < 3 × 10−12 g/g rock powder, in metasedi- ing the contribution of terrestrial Ir to the atmosphere
ments older than 3.8 Gyr sampled from Akilia Island, (Cunningham and Zoller, 1981).
southern West Greenland, resembling a geochrono- Although it has been suggested, that the use of Ir
logical period of heavy terrestrial mass bombardment. in the most recent catalytic converters produces an
These concentrations were well below those predicted increase in the atmospheric levels of this element,
from mixing terrigenous sediments and extraterrestrial especially in high-density vehicle traffic areas, only a
material contributions, suggesting that metasediments few studies have investigated environmental Ir pol-
contained negligible Ir contributions from the weather- lution (Rauch et al., 2006; Botrè et al., 2007; Iavicoli
ing of emergent landforms or their sedimentary detri- et al., 2008). The first study (Rauch et al., 2006) mea-
tus. Moreover, low Ir levels could be a consequence of sured Ir concentrations in airborne PM with a mean
undersampling the extraterrestrial contribution due to diameter of 10 μm (PM10) that was collected in the
the rapid accumulation of sediments. Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). The aim of
40 Iridium 861

the authors was to ascertain the eventual variations Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the
in Ir airborne concentrations over time between 1991, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft (German Research
the year in which catalysts became compulsory in new Foundation) have not yet established threshold values
vehicles in Mexico City, and 2003. No evidence of an for airborne Ir, no clear interpretation of these findings
increasing trend was found for this element between can be made. This study also detected typical Ir dis-
1991 and 2003; in fact, average airborne concentrations tribution in the particulate fraction: in fact, about 30%
remained in the same order of magnitude—0.010 pg/ of the total amount of the metal was bound to parti-
m3 in 1991 and 0.07 pg/m3 in 2003. Concentrations rel- cles < 10 μm diameter, with about 80% of this portion
ative to sampled PM10 mass also remained relatively found in the fraction < 2.5 μm. Only a small percentage
constant, with a mean Ir level of 0.13 ng/g in 1991 seemed to be associated with particles between 2.5 and
and 0.5 ng/g in 2003. These results contrast with the 10 μm. These data are of great importance on account
increasing trend detected for other PGEs such as Pt, of the potentially greater toxicity of the finest particles,
Pd, and Rh over the same period. The lack of a clear which can easily penetrate the deeper part of the respi-
temporal trend for this element compared to the other ratory tract. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not yet
PGEs could be due to the small amount of Ir used in fully understood and no comparisons can be made due
catalysts, and the use of Ir-containing devices in a non- to a lack of data in the literature. In fact, there is a need
significant fraction of the vehicle fleet. Furthermore, no for further research into the Ir content in finer fractions
spatial variability in Ir levels was demonstrated when so that a better assessment can be made of the poten-
an evaluation was made of Ir concentration in PM10 tial risks of respiratory exposure and so that air quality
samples collected in 2003 from five different sites in policy can be adapted to regulate and monitor increas-
the MCMA. Results showed a mean (±SD) airborne ingly smaller airborne PM size fractions (Iavicoli et al.,
Ir concentration of 0.08 ± 0.05 pg/m3 and an average 2008; Wiseman and Zereini, 2009).
(±SD) concentration relative to sampled PM10 mass of Only two studies have monitored Ir concentration
1.3 ± 0.8 ng/g. This result is probably due to the lim- in indoor airborne PM10 sampled in the same indus-
ited dataset, day-to-day variations, and PM10 particle trial plant engaged in the production and recycling
dispersion. It raises some questions about the potential of PGEs (Petrucci et al., 2004; Cristaudo et al., 2007).
catalytic source of Ir contamination because areas of Ir concentrations were detected in different sectors of
medium traffic density have Ir levels that are compa- the plant, including the salt and solution department
rable to those with higher vehicle density. It therefore (SSD), the chemical and catalyst department (CCD),
seems necessary to investigate how (1) Ir mobility in the coating department (CD), and the recycling depart-
PM10 particles due to wind patterns and (2) possible ment (RD). Values of 2 × 10−3, 0.6 × 10−4, 0.7 × 10−4, and
regional industrial emissions and volcanic activity can 0.9 × 10−4 μg/m3 were reported in the aforementioned
influence air Ir concentration. departments, respectively. These data were compared
Higher levels of Ir contamination were detected with values of 0.5 × 10−4 μg/m3 in the administrative
during PM10 environmental monitoring performed by service (AS) and of 6 × 10−6 μg/m3 in sites away from
Botrè et al. (2007) in two heavy traffic sites of Rome the plant, used as control areas (Petrucci et al., 2004;
in the winter months between 2004 and 2005. Ir con- Cristaudo et al., 2007). When assessed by means of per-
centrations ranged from 0.28 to 3.73 pg/m3, with an sonal sampler devices, Ir exposure levels were 2 × 10−3,
average (±SD) level of 0.85 ± 0.59 pg/m3. Comparable 0.2 × 10−3, 0.8 × 10−3, 1.0 × 10−3, and 0.06 × 10−3 μg/m3
results were obtained in a subsequent study that eval- in the SSD, CD, CCD, RD, and in AS, respectively
uated Ir levels in the total suspended particle (TSP), (Cristaudo et al., 2007). In all sites investigated, the
PM10, and PM2.5 fractions sampled inside a tram run- levels of Ir were very low because this element is very
ning along Rome city streets with medium-high traf- rarely used in production processes. However, Ir level
fic during the first week of November 2005 (Iavicoli in indoor production sectors were higher than in areas
et al., 2008). Airborne collection was performed close assumed to be unexposed. Even if it is difficult to com-
to the seat of the tram driver and lasted about 6 h per pare data resulting from indoor and outdoor airborne
day in order to obtain a good estimate of Ir exposure monitoring, it should be noted that indoor environ-
during the work shift. Samplings were also carried mental Ir concentration is greater than in an external
out close to the open window of the driver cabin so environment (Rauch et al., 2006; Botrè et al., 2007;
as to collect information on outdoor Ir pollution in the Iavicoli et al., 2008). Surprisingly, the highest Ir concen-
urban air. Mean (±SD) Ir levels were 1.43 ± 1.66 pg/m3 tration was detected in the SSD, where all processes are
in TSP, 0.44 ± 0.27 pg/m3 in PM10, and 0.36 ± 0.19 pg/m3 completed in a closed reactor and the dissolved PGEs
in PM2.5. Since authorities such as the Occupational are transferred to other departments by means of pipes.
Safety and Health Administration, the National This suggests that although all equipment is effectively
862 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

fitted with hoods and extraction vents and the oven values for the upper crust, which ranged from 0.025
plant is self-contained, aerosols and dust powder are to 0.05 ng/g (Wedepohl, 1995; McDonald, 1998). In line
nevertheless able to spread in the indoor environment. with the fact that Ir is supposedly not widely present
This could be an interesting point to investigate in in catalytic converters but possibly present as impu-
future research in order to clarify the health risk for rities or contained in some new diesel catalysts, all
occupationally exposed subjects. soils showed levels of less than 1 ng/g [values (±SD)
In conclusion, there are only limited data on air- ranging from 0.09 ± 0.06 to 0.43 ± 0.07 ng/g], with no
borne Ir pollution in the literature. In the studies significant differences related to road traffic inten-
reviewed, there are few attempts at evaluating the sity. Somewhat surprisingly, when Ir concentrations
level of a “new kind” of air contamination resulting were normalized to the local background, all soils
from the relatively recent introduction of Ir as a cata- showed levels significantly higher than those of the
lyzing agent in converters. Although the studies differ background, and Ir enrichments in some soil samples
with regard to sites, sampling seasons, vehicle traffic was as much as five to seven times the background.
density, and methodological design, all found average Considering the distance from road edges, relatively
outdoor Ir levels to be quite low. The limited use of constant abundances were detected across the length
Ir in catalysts in some new diesel devices or as PGE of the two sampling traverses conducted perpendicu-
impurities in the older ones may explain these low lev- lar to the two major roads investigated. The Austra-
els. Nevertheless, the potentially rising trend of envi- lian roadside soils, with contents (±SD) ranging from
ronmental Ir emission due to a more widespread use 0.59 ± 0.17 to 0.73 ± 0.30 ng/g, also exhibited Ir enrich-
of this metal in newer catalysts and the growing num- ment compared to the general upper crust levels.
ber of vehicles fitted with these devices are a source of However, interpretations are limited because a local
concern for the near future. To this end, the monitoring background soil sample was not collected. Australian
of Ir in urban air could indicate appropriate measures and U.S. levels were comparable, although caution
for catalyst introduction and provide information on should be exercised in trying to compare roadside Ir
how the complex apparatus needed for automobile concentrations from different regions. In fact, a large
catalysts can function efficiently. An extended airborne number of variables affecting the production, accu-
Ir database could be useful for establishing standard mulation, and subsequent transformation of metals in
levels so that abnormally high concentrations would the roadside environment could lead to inappropriate
signal an inadequate use of catalysts (Kojima and conclusions. Soil characteristics such as composition,
Lovei, 2001). Moreover, environmental monitoring of mineralogy, grain size, and underlying bedrocks can
airborne Ir levels should be systematically performed also play a role in influencing Ir abundance.
to follow-up time and spatial Ir variability. Lastly, par- In contrast to the results of the previous study (Ely
ticular attention should be given to Ir concentrations in et al., 2001), a distance-related Ir decrease was demon-
the different PM fractions so as to clarify the toxicolog- strated in a study investigating Ir concentrations in soil
ical profile of this metal and the potential health effects samples collected at different distances from a high-
resulting from general and occupational exposure. way near Mainz, Germany (Müller and Heumann,
2000). Ir concentrations decreased with increasing dis-
tance from the highway, showing levels of 0.37 ± 0.09,
4.3  Iridium Levels in Soils and Roadside Soils
0.16 ± 0.07, and 0.13 ± 0.07 ng/g at 0.6, 1.8, and 3 m from
Only three studies have been carried out to quan- the road, respectively. Compared to the 0.03-0.05 ng/g
tify the Ir content of roadside soils located near local average Ir abundance in the Earth’s crust (Wedepohl,
roads, interstates, and urban highways. These stud- 1995, Schmidt et al., 1997), the concentrations detected
ies investigated the anthropogenic contribution to significantly exceeded the assumed background con-
roadside Ir enrichment as a result of environmental Ir tent. A similar distribution pattern was observed in the
release caused by the attrition of catalysts (Ely et al., soils along three Austrian motorways, with a signifi-
2001; Müller and Heumann, 2000; Fritsche and Meisel, cant decrease in Ir concentration according to the dis-
2004). Ely et al. (2001) collected soil samples from inter- tance from the edge of the roads (Fritsche and Meisel,
state highways, urban roads, and side streets in and 2004). Ir content was more than 20 times the natural
around South Bend, Indiana, USA. A South Bend local background at 0.20 m from the road and decreased to
background sample was also taken. For a comparative the background level at a distance of 3 m. Compared
purpose, three soils were collected from Perth, Western to natural alpine background concentrations, cor-
Australia, immediately adjacent to one rural and one responding to continental crust mean values of 0.03-
urban highway. The background South Bend Ir content 0.05 ng/g (Wedepohl, 1995), the Ir values sampled
(±SD) of 0.06 ± 0.04 ng/g was similar to the literature were significantly higher, with levels ranging from
40 Iridium 863

0.04 to 1.1 ng/g. Interestingly, this study showed that the finest fraction (< 0.25 mm) and the coarser fraction
multiple factors could affect Ir roadside soil concentra- (< 0.5 mm) compared to the background level. How-
tions because the highest Ir concentration was found in ever, in the near future, with the widespread use of Ir
the immediate vicinity of a road impacted by frequent in catalytic converters and the growing number of cars
traffic jams (1.1 ng/g) and a lower level was observed fitted with these devices, differences could become
along another street with higher traffic density but less evident and this approach to soil deposition analysis
precipitation (0.09 ng/g). should be taken into careful consideration. It should
The coexistence of multiple factors must be taken be noted that although the limited number of studies,
in consideration when evaluating potential sources different dates for the compulsory introduction of cat-
of Ir contamination. When analyzed according to alytic converters, variable composition of each coun-
soil depth distribution, Ir content showed a less dra- try’s car population according to car manufacturer and
matic decrease compared to the perpendicular profile model, and differences in the age of catalytic convert-
because concentrations in the second depth range ana- ers, speed of cars, volume of traffic, climate, rainfall,
lyzed (5–10 cm next to the road edge) were still signifi- and soil type all make accurate comparisons difficult,
cantly elevated. In order to demonstrate that vehicle comparable levels of Ir were found in different coun-
traffic is the primary emission source of Ir to the sur- tries (Ely et al., 2001). Studies on Ir transformation in
rounding urban environment, the content of this metal the roadside environment, its mobility and the bio-
was compared with those of other traffic-borne heavy availability, and the toxicity of Ir from catalytic con-
metals such as nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead verters are still in the early stages and require deeper
(Pb) (Ely et al., 2001), cobalt (Co), Zn, and antimony analysis. In fact, the behavior of Ir in depositional and
(Sb) (Fritsche and Meisel, 2004; DeMiguel et al., 1999; postdepositional conditions is not well established and
Hares and Ward, 1999). In the first study (Ely et al., this introduces significant uncertainty regarding varia-
2001), no consistent positive correlation between Ir and tions in the original Ir concentrations. Ir is considered
Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb was found; the same was true for Ir one of the less mobile of the PGEs (Colodner et al.,
and yttrium and gallium, two lithophile elements that 1992; Evans et al., 1993b). There is evidence of postde-
are generally constant in all soils and for which there positional mobilization after changes in sedimentary
is no documented anthropogenic input. In the second conditions (Izett, 1990; Wallace et al., 1990; Evans et al.,
study, inconsistent results were obtained (Fritsche and 1995), but little is known about Ir mobility in terres-
Meisel, 2004). In fact, on the one hand, correlations of trial environments. In this context, Ir concentration in
Ir levels with the aforementioned heavy metals are a soil covered by a layer of tailings after a catastrophic
ambiguous (Fritsche and Meisel, 2004) and geochemi- mining spill in Seville, Spain, was determined from
cal data cannot confirm traffic as the primary source 1998 up to 10 years after deposition (Martín-Peinado
(Ely et al., 2001); also the influence of industrial emis- and Rodríguez-Tovar, 2010). The tailing layer had an Ir
sions is not clear (Müller and Heumann, 2000). On the concentration of 0.349 mg/kg. The oxidative weather-
other hand, Ir content considerably above the local ing of the tailings caused the release of Ir and infiltra-
background (Ely et al., 2001; Fritsche and Meisel, 2004; tion into the soil. Ir distribution in soil samples taken
Müller and Heumann, 2000) and most likely depos- from different depths indicated the ability of the metal
ited along with Pt, Pd, Rh (Ely et al., 2001), and the to redistribute throughout the profile according to the
considerable decrease in concentration with distance changing physicochemical properties of the soil, par-
from the highways (Fritsche and Meisel, 2004; Müller ticularly in relation to the sulfur, iron, and clay con-
and Heumann, 2000) make it impossible to exclude tent, and pH. Anomalous Ir values (0.129 mg/kg) were
the possibility of Ir emission from catalytic convert- detected in the first 11 cm below the layer of tailings
ers. The limited number of studies on Ir deposition in 10 years after the spill. The maximum concentration
roadside soils and the relatively recent employment of was found in the uppermost 2 cm next to the layer of
this metal in the catalytic industry point to the need tailings (0.192 mg/kg). The residual/insoluble fraction
to focus future research on determining the anthropo- was > 90% of the total Ir concentration in the soil.
genic sources that truly influence Ir levels in environ-
mental samples. Interestingly, only some soil samples
4.4  Road Dusts and Sediments
in the Ely et al. study (2001) were processed both as
bulk samples and as samples separated according Djingova et al. (2003b) examined the Ir content in
to grain size. Although attrition studies on catalytic dust samples collected along three highways and
converters indicated that the finest < 0.25 mm frac- a road in Germany in September 1999. The authors
tion was the richest in PGE particles, Ely et al. (2001) found the greatest Ir concentrations in samples col-
failed to demonstrate differences in Ir content between lected from sites with the highest traffic and speed of
864 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

cars, particularly along two highways with values of levels ranging from 0.040 to 0.59 and 0.090 to 0.96 ng/g
3.5 ± 0.2 and 3.5 ± 0.3 ng/g. Twofold lower levels were in road-deposited sediments in Manoa and Palolo,
detected in sites with lower vehicular traffic: 1.2 ± 0.1 respectively. No statistically significant differences
and 1.6 ± 0.2 ng/g. These results confirmed that higher were detected between the two systems. The average Ir
traffic density and speed leads to an increase in envi- concentrations, 0.25 ng/g for both sample sites, did not
ronmental Ir release. significantly exceed the aforementioned baseline con-
Interestingly, a previous study (Müller and centration in Hawaii (Sutherland et al., 2007). Compa-
Heumann, 2000) had investigated Ir content in road rable results were obtained in the Nuuanu watershed.
dusts collected in a highway tunnel in Austria and In fact, Ir levels did not differ significantly from the
homogenized to different grain sizes: < 1000 μm and computed regional baseline level of 0.268 ng/g, with
< 90 μm. Comparable Ir levels (±SD) of 0.16 ± 0.06 and concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 1.27 ng/g and an
0.15 ± 0.06 ng/g, respectively, were detected in the two average (±SD) level of 0.22 ± 0.34 ng/g (Sutherland
different granulometric fractions. These results differed et al., 2008). To assess metal contamination, researchers
significantly from those of 5.69 ± 5.27 ng/g described in calculated the Ir enrichment ratio, i.e. the ratio between
the literature for dust samples sized < 1000 μm (Lustig, the trace element concentration of the sample and the
1997) and those of 4 ± 1.8 ng/g recently reported by baseline concentration for the same element. No Ir
Jackson et al. (2010) in samples of road dusts collected enrichment was found in any of the sites examined
in the center of Sheffield, UK. When examining metal (Sutherland et al., 2007, 2008), with ERs of 0.95 ± 0.62,
levels in samples of this type, it should be remembered 0.93 ± 0.7, and 0.8 ± 1.3 in Manoa, Palolo, and Nuuanu,
that road dust is constantly removed from the street and respectively. These values indicate that Ir was primar-
concentrations are therefore not cumulative. Indeed, ily controlled by geogenic inputs particularly related to
a temporal and spatial comparison of the detected the proximity of the Koolau Volcano, characterized by
values might not be an adequate analysis of results tholeiite basalts with high metal content. Overall, data
(Djingova et al., 2003b). These differences demonstrate from the three watersheds examined in Hawaii reveal
the need to develop a standardized, highly sensitive, comparable Ir levels, indicating a common contempo-
and accurate method of measuring trace metals in the raneous source of this metal in the road environment
environment so that researchers can make an adequate of this country (Sutherland et al., 2007, 2008). The lack
comparison of findings from different studies (Müller of Ir enrichment reinforces the absence of a significant
and Heumann, 2000). anthropogenic signal for Ir and the fundamental role
Road sediments contain materials directly emit- of geogenic contributions. However, it should be noted
ted or worn away from vehicles, atmospheric deposi- that these data reflect residential street traffic and not
tion, and soil eroded from roadside areas (Sutherland highways, as typically reported in the literature. Addi-
et al., 2008). Moreover, road-deposited sediments are tionally, Ir abundance comparisons between studies is
an important archive in urban areas for assessing the complicated by different sampling methodologies, the
degree of contamination of solid PM entering the grain size fractions analyzed, digestion procedures,
subsurface storm sewer system and potentially the analytical approaches, traffic densities, and fleet com-
river network (Wei and Morrison, 1994; Sutherland positions. Further research is required to enlarge the
and Tolosa, 2000; Sutherland, 2003). In June 1999, Ir sediment concentration database and to examine Ir
De Vos et al. (2002) found average (±SD) Ir levels of mass loading in different grain size fractions in depth
1.40 ± 0.56 ng/g in road sediments sampled from a so as to reach a better understanding of Ir transport
sediment retention lagoon that collected runoff from pathways in urban environments and their potential
a motorway in east Kent, England. Since this catchpit consequences.
drained directly into the River Stour, it was able to
directly influence Ir fluvial sediment levels.
4.5  Water Ecosystem
To date, Ir levels in roadside sediments are avail-
able for three urban watersheds, Manoa, Palolo, and PGE levels in marine seawater and sediments were
Nuuanu in Honolulu, Hawaii (Sutherland et al., 2007; studied in 1986 by Hodge et al. in order to clarify
2008). Ir levels were determined in the < 63-μm fraction their oceanic chemistry and reveal the nature of envi-
road-deposited sediments representative of all residen- ronmental chemical reactions. Samples of seawater,
tial traffic levels collected in the period from 1999 to sediments, and manganese nodules collected off the
2002. A Hawaiian baseline concentration of 0.268 ng/g California coast were analyzed. The Ir level in seawater
was computed as a background reference value was 0.0009 ng/L. This was the lowest reported concen-
(Tatsumi et al.,1999; Crocket, 2000; Meisel and Moser, tration for a stable element in seawater and was in line
2004). Ir concentrations never exceeded 1 ng/g, with with subsequent determinations of the metal in 100-L
40 Iridium 865

samples that revealed a concentration of < 2pg/kg now exposed on land in Caravaca, Spain, and Stevns
(Date et al., 1987). Sediment levels ranged from 0.2 to Klint, Denmark, were also examined. In the first sample,
1.2 ng/g, while in manganese nodules collected at a Ir ranged from 0.269 to 13.8 ng/g. The highest values
water depth ranging from 1409 to 4200 m, Ir concentra- detected at the KTB were 30-fold greater than the pre-
tions ranged from 2.2 to 7.4 ng/g, respectively (Hodge and post-KTB sediments. Interestingly, the elevated
et al., 1986). levels were approximately symmetrically distributed
The Pacific Ocean seawater from depths of 60, over a distance of ∼1.8 m from the KTB, supporting
1500, and 4500 m gave upper limits of less than 5 pg/L postdepositional Ir redistribution. A concentration of
(Goldberg et al., 1986). When investigated in pelagic 12.8 ng/g was observed in the North Pacific site, while
sediments, Ir content ranged from 0.2 to 1.2 ng/g and the other two locations showed near chondritic adun-
seemed to be strongly governed by Mg concentra- dances of 50.9 and 42.0 ng/g, respectively.
tions. Higher Ir values were found in the ferroman- Significant quantities of PGEs enter fluvial, estuarine,
ganese concretions, where its levels ranged from 0.4 and coastal sediment systems via road runoff, storm
to 7.4 ng/g. Colodner et al. (1993) determined Ir con- drains, wastewater, and sewage treatment systems and
centrations of 1.5 ± 0.1 and 2.1 ± 0.1 ng/g in abyssal may accumulate in fluvial sediments by physical and
pelagic sediments from the northwest Atlantic Ocean chemical processes. Fluvial systems are ideal systems
at depths of 1440–1442 and 1420–1422 cm, respectively; to document the sources and distribution of anthro-
there results are in line with those previously reported pogenic PGE in an attempt to determine some of the
by Kyte and Wasson (1986). physical and chemical parameters that may influence
Anbar et al. (1996; 1997) evaluated Ir levels in 4-kg the distribution of these elements because they contain
water samples from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the tidal and nontidal components and drain catchments in
Baltic Sea, and rivers draining into the Baltic. In the open which land use and potential PGE inputs change (e.g.
ocean, Ir concentration was essentially depth indepen- Lee, 1983; Hodge et al., 1986; Koide et al., 1991; Esser
dent and was comparable in the Pacific (4.4 ± 0.6 × 108 and Turekian, 1993; Wei and Morrison, 1994; Ravizza
atoms/kg at 1000 m depth) and Atlantic Oceans (range and Bothner, 1996). In this context, in June 1999 De Vos
from 2.5 ± 0.6 × 108 to 5.1 ± 0.8 × 108 atoms/kg at depths et al. (2002) carried out a baseline survey of contempo-
ranging from 200 to 4200 m). The latter data, examined rary fluvial sediments in the Stour River in east Kent,
at depths ranging from 200 to 4200 m, indicated small England. The Ir content (±SD) of the river sediments,
but significant variations in Ir concentrations that may sieved to a ≤ 2-mm sized fraction, ranged from < 0.03
be evidence of a minor redistribution of this element in to 2.69 ± 2.03 ng/g. Interestingly, analysis of the sedi-
near-surface waters resulting from the adsorption of Ir ment sample sites revealed that the lowest Ir concen-
to particles or to uptake of Ir in the marine biological trations occurred at tributary sites and rural sites little
cycle. Moreover, surface water Ir content was shown affected by discharge from sewage works, whereas the
to be influenced by aeolian inputs, as demonstrated by highest concentrations were found at urban sites with
the different enrichment in the Atlantic (17.6 ± 0.9 × 108 heavy traffic and at urban and rural sites affected by
atoms/kg) compared to the Pacific (15.7  ± 0.8 
× 108 discharge from sewage works. Although these data
atoms/kg) surface water at the same 25-m depth. In suggest that anthropogenic sources play an important
the rivers that feed the Baltic Sea, Ir concentrations role in Ir contamination, it is difficult to distinguish
were 10-20 times higher than in the open oceans and between the possible catalytic converter Ir source and
were much more variable, ranging from 17.4 ± 0.9 × 108 sewage works. However, further confirmation of this
atoms/kg for a pristine river to 92.9 ± 2.2 × 108 atoms/ anthropogenic Ir source is provided by the fact that
kg for a polluted one (Ponter et al.,1992). The shallow, the abundance and distribution of Ir in the river sedi-
oxic waters of the Baltic Sea have concentrations rang- ment samples did not correspond to potential geologic
ing between the average river concentration and seawa- inputs to the Stour River. In fact, no systematic corre-
ter (range from 10.7 ± 1.0 × 108 to 38.9 ± 2.2 × 108 atoms/ lation was found between the Ir levels (±SD) ranging
kg at depths ranging from 5 to 225 m). These levels can from < 0.03 to 0.89 ± 0.13 ng/g in the samples of major
be explained in terms of mixing and removal of Ir into sedimentary rocks traversed by the Stour and the Ir
oxic Baltic sediments (Anbar et al., 1996). concentration detected in river sediments. However,
At closely spaced intervals, Lee et al. (2003) investi- the absence of a pure catalytic converter signature in
gated Ir concentrations in pelagic sediment cores from the river sediments suggests that there may be a vari-
the South Pacific Ocean, including the K-T boundary ety of Ir sources, possibly mixed in sewage works, or
(KTB; thought to represent the fallout of a large mete- that PGEs may undergo chemical fractionation in the
oric impact), and in the KTB clay from a pelagic North fluvial environment, possibly in response to changes
Pacific site. Two European hemipelagic KTB sediments in redox potential.
866 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

Three river bed locations were sampled in a head- collected in December 2007. The 50-year average (±SD)
water area of the Palolo watershed in Honolulu, Ir concentration was 0.12 ± 0.08 × 10−15  g/g, with a
Hawaii at a distance of about 20 m from a road with minimum concentration < 0.05 × 10−15 g/g and a maxi-
restricted traffic access (Sutherland et al., 2007). The mum one of 0.34 × 10−15 g/g. Peak Ir concentration was
average (±SD) Ir level was 0.207 ± 0.205 ng/g in the observed at depths corresponding to volcanic eruption
sediment material passed through a < 63-μm sieve. periods, thus indicating that Ir can be used to trace
Unfortunately, as in the case of road dusts, the different past volcanic activity. Estimated average Ir flux was
methodologies and environmental context prevented 0.003 ± 0.002 ng/m2/year. These data were compara-
any comparison with previous studies. ble with those observed in the Antarctic Dome C ice
Rauch et al. (2004a) presented evidence of recent sample (Takahashi et al., 1978), with an average (±SD)
changes in the Ir accumulation rate by studying sedi- concentration of 0.31 ±  0.12 × 10−15 g/g and a flux of
ments collected in 2002 from the Upper Mystic Lake, 0.010 ± 0.004 ng/m2/year. However, these results were
Boston, MA, USA. These demonstrated that the Ir approximately one or two orders of magnitude lower
accumulation rate had significantly increased, ranging than those of another study (Gabrielli et al., 2006) of
from 0.034 ± 0.015 μg/m2/year in the period 1948-1971 Antarctic ice core samples from the Holocene period
to 0.69 ±  0.018 μg/m2/year in the period 1992-2002. (average fluxes: 0.18 ng/m2/year for Dome C, 0.04 ng/
The relatively higher accumulation rates detected for m2/year for Vostok), and two or three orders of mag-
Ir in the second period might be related to Ir released nitude lower than the Ir flux registered in Greenland
from automobile catalysts. Measurement of Ir accu- snow (Gabrielli et al., 2008). Surprisingly, the study
mulation rates may provide a better understanding carried out by Gabrielli et al. (2006) found a relatively
of PGE transport on a regional scale and help identify high Ir concentration (averages were 6 × 10−15 g/g for
the source of Ir in the environment. Moreover, restrict- Dome C and 2 × 10−15 g/g for Vostok), with high Ir:Pt
ing the processes that give rise to Ir variations in water ratios of close to or greater than 1. This value was sig-
sediments is vital to understanding the geochemical nificantly higher than the average Ir:Pt ratio of 0.006
behavior of Ir in this complex ecosystem. determined by Soyol-Erdene et al. (2011a) and was dif-
Some PGEs are carried downstream in natu- ficult to explain solely in terms of natural contributions
ral watercourses (de Vos et al., 2002; Whiteley and such as volcanic (Yudovskaya et al., 2008; Puchtel and
Murray, 2005; Jackson et al, 2007; Prichard et al., 2008) Humayun, 2001; Bockrath et al., 2004; Rilling, 2009),
and some are washed off the roads into artificial drain- crustal (Wedepohl, 1995; Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Jahn,
age systems and into sewage. Unfortunately, analysis 2001; Schmidt et al., 1997), and cosmic dust (Anders
of Ir in sewage is rare and only Jackson et al. (2010) has and Grevesse, 1989).
analyzed such samples, collected between 2004 and
2006 from the sewage treatment facilities in Sheffield
4.6  Other Environmental Matrices
and Birmingham, UK. Results yielded a maximum Ir
concentration of 3 and 4 ng/g in the two sites, respec- Ombrotrophic peat bogs receive nutrients and
tively. Ir concentrations in sewage sludge samples trace elements only from atmospheric deposition; the
from all locations were generally comparable to those peat cores of ombrotrophic bogs have therefore been
found in road dust from central Sheffield. used to investigate historical change in atmospheric
Compared to data available for PGE pollution levels trace metal concentrations and to determine rates
close to source regions, there are relatively few time of atmospheric deposition (Shotyk et al., 1998, 2003;
records of changes in PGEs at remote and polar loca- Weiss et al., 1997). Rauch et al. (2004b) investigated
tions because of the extremely low concentrations and changes in Ir deposition in two peat cores collected
associated analytical challenges (Soyol-Erdene et al., in October 2002 from Thoreau’s Bog, an ombrotrophic
2011a). It is therefore difficult to evaluate the impact peat bog located near Concord, MA, USA. Similar Ir
of increasing PGE levels on the global environment levels were observed in the two peat samples, with
over time. Currently, data on Ir are available for the a mean (±SD) concentration calculated on the two
snow layers of Greenland (Gabrielli et al., 2008) and cores of 0.05 ± 0.08 ng/g. Lithogenic atmospheric soil
Antarctica (Soyol-Erdene et al., 2011a,b), and for the dust, which has a composition similar to that of the
ancient ice of the same regions (Gabrielli et al., 2004, upper continental crust, is the major source of natu-
2006; Takahashi et al., 1978; Soyol-Erdene et al., 2011a). rally occurring particles in ombrotrophic bogs. How-
To determine changes in the global background atmo- ever, an estimated enrichment factor (ER) of 129 for
spheric Ir level, Soyol-Erdene et al. (2011a) reported Ir indicated an enrichment of this element above the
atmospheric Ir deposition rates in Antarctica over atmospheric soil dust. This result was further con-
the last ∼50 years by measuring Ir in snow samples firmed by the levels of lithogenic and nonlithogenic
40 Iridium 867

Ir fractions corresponding to 0.0003 ng/g (0.8%) and be solubilized by various environmental components,

0.04 ng/g (99.2%), respectively. The analyzed cores as well as its potential transformation into more toxic
corresponded to peat accumulation from 1980 to 2002. species after uptake by organisms, researchers have
Catalysts were introduced in the U.S. in the mid-1970s investigated Ir levels in plants (Wiseman and Zereini,
and their number increased sharply until approxi- 2009; Petrucci et al., 2000; Pino et al., 2010). In recent
mately 1990 (Rauch and Hemond, 2003). However, decades, terrestrial plants, grasses, and lichens have
compared to the previous evidence of an increase in been used to assess the bioaccumulation and bioavail-
Ir deposition in the Upper Mystic Lake in the period ability of Ir as a function of environmental pollution in
between 1948-1971 and 1992-2002, possibly as a result and around areas with heavy vehicle traffic, but also
of atmospheric Ir emissions released from impurities in areas considered to be relatively unpolluted (Conti
present in catalysts (Rauch et al., 2004a), time variabil- and Cecchetti, 2001). When interpreting the findings
ity in Ir concentration in Thoreau’s Bog did not follow of these studies, consideration must be given to the
a similar trend. The absence of a clear trend follow- fact that the accumulation of metals in plants is influ-
ing the introduction of catalysts indicated that Ir was enced by a number of factors such as the availability
not quantitatively preserved in peat. This may have of elements, the characteristics of the plants (species,
been due to postdepositional mobility of the metal, in age, state of health, type of reproduction), and other
which downward leaching and plants play an impor- parameters, e.g. temperature, available moisture, and
tant role. The average Ir value reported by Rauch substratum characteristics (Conti and Cecchetti, 2001;
et al. (2004b) was comparable to the 0.070 ng/g level Baker, 1983).
reported in a subsequent study that evaluated Ir con- Ely et al. (2001) demonstrated that Ir was taken up
centration in a minerotrophic peat deposit near a his- by grass. The authors reported mean Ir values (±SD)
toric Pb-Ag mining district in Příbram, Czech Republic ranging from 0.07 ± 0.04 to 0.09 ± 0.04 ng/g and from
(Strnad et al., 2008). This value, which was similar or 0.07 ± 0.05 to 0.06 ± 0.04 ng/g in washed and unwashed
slightly elevated in absolute comparison with values grasses, respectively, collected at a distance of 0 and
for the upper continental crust, did not indicate any 18 m from the Interstate 80/90 (Indiana Toll Road),
substantial enrichment. However, when the Ir EF was South Bend, Indiana, USA. Interestingly, the amount of
calculated, an increasing trend was observed toward Ir in all samples was influenced neither by local back-
the upper part of the peat profile, possibly due to min- ground soil nor by distance from the road edge.
ing and smelting activity and also to automotive emis- To provide another bioindicator, Ir levels were
sions. These findings indicate the need for a deeper evaluated in sphagnum moss located in the top sec-
understanding of the potential role that anthropogenic tion of a peat core collected from Thoreau’s Bog, where
sources such as automotive emissions or other human concentrations reached levels of 0.021 ng/g (Rauch
industrial activities play in elevating Ir concentrations et al., 2004b). The utility of mosses as environmental
even in areas where increased environmental pollu- bioindicators depends on their ability to trap airborne
tion is not expected. pollution and accumulate persistent metals to concen-
Jackson et al. (2010) compared the Ir content in trations far greater than those in air (Pino et al., 2010).
sewage sludge and incinerator ash sampled between Ir concentrations detected by Rauch et al. (2004b) were
2004 and 2006 in Sheffield and Birmingham. Ir concen- lower than those found in urban mosses collected in
trations in incinerator ash were greater than in sew- Germany in September 1999 by Djingova et al. (2003b).
age sludge, suggesting that the incineration process This decrease in Ir deposition may have been linked to
increases the Ir concentration, possibly due to the loss the increasing distance from traffic emissions. Among
of PGE-barren material. The highest concentration plant samples collected in a urban site where traffic
(33 ng/g) was found in the Sheffield raw incinerator density was low, the highest Ir concentration (±SD)
ash, while a lower level (11 ng/g) was detected at the of 0.10 ± 0.03 ng/g was found in Rhytidiadelphus squar-
other site. Ir concentrations were all below 20 ng/g in rosus (moss), while mean Ir levels (±SD) of 0.08 ± 0.02,
samples of stored ash from Sheffield. Ir concentrations 0.010 ± 0.003, and < 0.004 ng/g were detected in Taraxa-
in the incinerator ash samples were 10-fold higher than cum officinale (dandelion), Plantago lanceolata (plantain),
those found in road dust. and Vascellum pratense (mushrooms), respectively.
In the same study, Ir content was measured in plant
samples collected at a distance of less than 1 m from
4.7  Plant Organisms
the road edge of two high traffic highways and a road.
Because of the limited data available on how Ir The highest Ir concentration was found in T. officinale
behaves in the environment, its distribution in the dif- (0.4 ± 0.2 ng/g) followed by P. lanceolata (0.3 ± 0.2 ng/g).
ferent PM fractions, and its mobility and capacity to These results were twice the values reported by
868 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

Ely et al. (2001). Further comparison can be made (lichen, grass, or other plants) selected as a biomoni-
using the PGE analysis of samples of T. officinale and tor. These may regard accumulation, distribution,
P. lanceolata collected 15 years previously in Bulgaria, and complexation ability, as well as parameters such
Germany, and the Netherlands (Djingova and Kuleff, as weather conditions, site morphology, number of
1993) in which researchers found concentrations below vehicles, distance from roads, and analytical meth-
the detection limits (< 0.01 ng/g), indicating a clear odology that might affect Ir content in the analyzed
accumulation of the metals in plants along highways. samples.
Comparisons of Ir levels in washed and unwashed
grasses yielded conflicting results (Ely et al., 2001;
4.8  Food and Drugs
Djingova et al., 2003b): no differences were detected
in the first study (Ely et al., 2001), demonstrating that The Total Diet Study (TDS) is an important part
almost all Ir was incorporated into the leaves and of the UK Government’s surveillance program for
stems, while the second revealed a twofold decrease chemicals in food and has been carried out on a con-
in Ir content after washing (Djingova et al., 2003b). As tinual yearly basis since 1996. Results from the TDS
current data on Ir levels in plants are limited, future are used to estimate the dietary exposure of the gen-
research should focus on investigating Ir distribution eral UK population to chemicals in 20 groups of food
in different plants in a specific location, on compar- (e.g. nutrients and contaminants) to identify trends
ing behavior between sites, and on the transfer factor in exposure and make assessments on the safety and
between soil and plants so as to clarify possible metal quality of the food supply. In 1994, the TDS started
distribution in ecosystems and its effect on the food reporting average Ir concentrations in food. These
chain (Djingova et al., 2003b). were generally low, and for many groups were under
Nazarov et al. (1995) carried out an initial study to 0.001 mg/kg fresh weight (f.w.), the limit of detec-
investigate Ir content in Pinus Sivestris needles, col- tion, in foods such as bread, carcass meat, offal, milk,
lected in the Tver Region and in the Kola Peninsula, and nuts (Ysart et al., 1999). In miscellaneous cere-
and also in Usnea spp. lichens obtained in Franz Josef als, levels reached 0.002 mg/kg f.w. Total Ir dietary
Land, Russia. Ir levels were 0.0007 and < 0.0002 ng/g in exposure for the general population was 0.002 mg/
pine needles and lichens, respectively. day; the mean estimated total exposure for an adult
Few studies have measured the amount of Ir in consumer was 0.002 mg/day, with un upper range of
uncontaminated areas, probably because the back- 0.003 mg/day.
ground concentrations of PGE are very low and With regard to pharmaceutical products, in Sep-
remain outside the resolution of routinely used tember 2008, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA,
analytical methods. However, in order to assess air 2008) adopted maximum acceptable concentration
quality in the remote area of Tierra del Fuego, Pata- limits for metal catalyst residues present in pharma-
gonia, Argentina, in 2006 Pino et al. (2010) investi- ceutical substances or in drugs. Interestingly, due to
gated Ir levels in lichen samples of Usnea barbata. the risk to human health, together with Rh, Ru, and Os,
The global Ir concentration in lichen samples ranged Ir was classified among the 1B category that includes
from 0.05 to 1.011 ng/g, with a mean (±SD) level of metals of significant safety concern. However, since
0.192 ± 0.258 ng/g and no difference between trans- current toxicity data for these metals are rather lim-
planted and native samples. When correlations ited, a conservative approach was adopted in estab-
between Pt and Ir, and Rh and Ir were calculated, low lishing the acceptable permitted daily exposure (PDE)
correlation factors were obtained, suggesting that a and concentration limits for the four-metal group. In
common local source of emission (e.g. vehicle traffic) fact, for the listed metals, the oral PDE should not
did not exist. The presence of Ir in this uncontami- exceed 100 μg/day and a concentration limit of 10 mg/
nated environment, where the impact of anthropo- kg, while the parenteral PDE and concentration limit
genic activities is very low, could be ascribed to the should not exceed the 10 μg/day and 1 ppm values,
influence of air mass movement that results in the respectively.
long-range atmospheric transport of metals to remote Bocca et al. (2007) investigated the content of 13
areas (Moldovan et al., 2007; Barbante et al., 2001). metals in 11 types of moisturizing cream available
This is further confirmed by the comparable Ir lev- on the Italian market to provide a basis for assess-
els detected in plants collected in highly urbanized ing their safety for consumers. The maximum (±SD)
areas, 0.3-0.4 ng/g (Djingova et al., 2003b), and those Ir level detected was 0.20 ± 0.03 ng/g, but for most of
found in Tierra del Fuego. However caution must be the samples concentrations were below the limit of
used when making a straight comparison of these quantification (0.003 ng/g) by the analytical method
results due to differences ascribable to the substrate employed.
40 Iridium 869

5  KINETICS AND METABOLISM contained almost all the metal deposited in the upper
respiratory tract. On the other hand, the metal parti-
5.1 Absorption cles accumulated in the pulmonary parenchyma had
a considerably slower clearance, with a half-life of
Ir can be taken into the body by eating food, drink- 22-24 days. The redistribution of Ir to other tissues of
ing water, or breathing air. Most of the studies on the the body was negligible. The translocation of ultrafine
toxicokinetics of Ir have been conducted in animal insoluble 192Ir particles from the lungs to extrapulmo-
models, principally with rats (Hamilton, 1951a,b). Gen- nary organs using different routes of administration
erally, the absorption of a metal seems to depend on its was assessed by Kreyling et al. (2002). Male WKY/
chemical form, its route of administration, and particu- NCrl BR rats exposed via aerosol to 15- and 80-nm
larly its solubility in aqueous media. The presence of sized ultrafine particles showed a deposited fraction
Ir in several secondary target organs after inhalation (±SD) in the lungs of 0.49 ± 0.12 and 0.28 ± 0.10, respec-
or endotracheal or intrapulmonary administration is a tively. Lung retention decreased very slowly for both
clear demonstration of the absorption capacity of this particles. A predominant part of the deposited particles
metal (Kreyling et al., 2002, 2009; Semmler et al., 2004; was cleared through the gastrointestinal tract; how-
Semmler-Behnke et al., 2007). ever, during the 7-day postexposure period, there was
There are conflicting data in the literature with also a small amount of translocation from the lungs to
regard to the oral route (Hamilton, 1951a,b; Kreyling the blood and to secondary target organs such as liver,
et al., 2002; Iavicoli et al., 2012a). Hamilton (1951a,b) spleen, kidneys, heart, brain, and carcass. Interestingly,
clearly demonstrated gastrointestinal absorption of Ir extrapulmonary translocation was significantly greater
in the chloride or oxychloride form. He estimated that for 15-nm particles than for 80-nm particles, suggest-
total overall absorption from the gastrointestinal tract ing inverse particle size-dependent transport into the
was about 10% of the administered dose. Subchronic blood. Similar results were determined after 192Ir ultra-
oral exposure to IrCl3 hydrate in rats induced a clear fine particle endotracheal instillation and also after
systemic absorption of the metal (Iavicoli et al., 2012a). intrapulmonary administration of a solution of soluble
On the other hand, another study found no detectable 192IrCl , while no detectable 192Ir in any rat organ or tis-
ultrafine insoluble 192Ir particles in any rat organ or sue was found following particle gavage. Long-term
tissue after oral gavage, suggesting that there was no retention data showed that no further accumulation
uptake and/or absorption from the gastrointestinal occurred, but net clearance from these target organs
tract (Kreyling et al., 2002). The diverse solubility of the was found with time (Semmler et al., 2004). In fact, male
metal forms administered and the different size of the WKY rats exposed via inhalation to 192Ir ultrafine 15- to
metallic particles with consequent variations in reactiv- 20-nm particles, showed a prominent decrease in the
ity in biological fluids may explain these discrepancies. particle fraction retained in the lungs at all three time
points of sacrifice (3 weeks, 2 months, and 6 months),
i.e. 26, 15, and 6%, respectively. Interestingly, the same
5.2 Distribution
group (Semmler-Behnke et al., 2007) demonstrated
Hamilton (1951a,b) demonstrated that 2 h after a that 3 weeks after inhalation, 80% of the retained 192Ir
single intravenous administration of Ir chloride or ultrafine particles was translocated into the intersti-
oxychloride in rats the metal was found principally in tium, and that from this site particles underwent alveo-
liver and blood, although measurable amounts were lar macrophage-mediated long-term clearance to the
detected in other soft tissues such as the spleen and larynx. Moreover, Kreyling et al. (2009) showed that
the kidneys (Hamilton, 1951a,b). This finding was con- nanoparticle characteristics such as the material and
firmed by Kreyling et al. (2002), who demonstrated size of the chain-type aggregate determined transloca-
that the main fraction of intravenously administered tion and accumulation in secondary target organs and
192Ir ultrafine particles remained in the liver and the the skeleton after an inhalation exposure. In fact, 24 h
spleen of treated rats. after exposure, a small fraction of the 192Ir ultrafine par-
When metallic-Ir aqueous aerosols were inhaled, ticles administered was found in liver, spleen, kidneys,
the metal was deposited in the upper respiratory tract heart, brain, and carcass. Interestingly, the fractions
and the pulmonary parenchymal regions of treated of 192Ir carried with the carbon nanoparticles retained
animals (Casarett et al., 1960). Ir deposited at bron- in secondary target organs, the skeleton, and soft tis-
chial and bronchiole level in an amount exceeding 95% sues were significantly lower than with particles made
of the administered dose was subsequently rapidly from pure Ir. Furthermore, there was significantly less
eliminated by lungs, with a half-life of approximately translocation and accumulation with 80-nm than with
2-4 h. The first fecal samples after 24 h from inhalation 20-nm nanoparticle aggregates of Ir.
870 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

The presence of small but detectable quantities of dissolution estimated from urinary excretion appeared
Ir that had entered by the oral route was found after to be very low (Kreyling et al., 2002). Comparable
7 days in the kidney, liver, lungs, and spleen. On the results were obtained with endotracheal instillation.
basis of animal studies, it has been suggested that 4% Intrapulmonary administration of soluble 192IrCl3 par-
of the Ir that reaches the blood after administration is ticles resulted in greater excretion through the renal
deposited in the kidney (Peterson et al., 2007). After system, while a smaller amount was excreted via feces,
treating female Wistar rats with increasing concentra- possibly due to their greater solubility (Kreyling et al.,
tions of IrCl3 hydrate (0-1 mg/L) in drinking water, 2002).
Iavicoli et al. (2012a) demonstrated a significant dose- There are conflicting results in the literature con-
dependent increase in Ir levels in serum and in several cerning Ir excretion after administration by the oral
analyzed organs. The greatest amount was found in route (Kreyling et al., 2002; Iavicoli et al., 2012a).
kidney and spleen, but high levels of the metal were Kreyling et al. (2002) reported that almost all of
also observed in the liver, lung, and brain. The high the esophageal administered 192Ir suspension was
kidney uptake might explain the renal tubule dysfunc- found in fecal excretion within 2–3 days. 192Ir was
tion observed in a previous study (Iavicoli et al., 2011) not observed in urine at any day of observation. A
and calls for further study to ascertain whether the dose-dependent urinary excretion of Ir was detected
kidney is the critical organ of toxicological Ir action. in rats subchronically administered increasing doses
of the metal (0-1 mg/L) as IrCl3 hydrate via the oral
route (Iavicoli et al., 2011). In a subsequent work, the
5.3 Excretion
same authors confirmed these findings and also dem-
After a single intravenous administration of Ir chlo- onstrated gastrointestinal elimination of the metal,
ride or oxychloride in rats, the metal was principally assessed by the increase in fecal Ir concentration
excreted through the renal system (Hamilton, 1951a,b). in accordance with a dose-dependent relationship
Significant amounts of the metal were determined in (Iavicoli et al., 2012a). However, these results cannot
the urine at short intervals after injection. Although be compared with other findings owing to the differ-
the urinary content decreased markedly after 24 h, ent solution administered, the route of treatment, and
detectable levels of Ir were present for 33 days follow- time points assessed.
ing administration. Studies after systemic injection of
ultrafine 192Ir particles showed that negligible fractions
passed through glomerular filters of the kidneys into
the urine (Kreyling et al., 2002). This may indicate that
injected particles were either (1) rapidly and tightly
Biological monitoring plays a key role in determin-
bound to proteins or other structures in blood or (2)
ing individual human exposure to Ir and in evaluating
agglomerated to larger aggregates that were not able
the health risks associated with this exposure.
to penetrate the kidneys toward the bladder. No Ir was
found in feces (Kreyling et al., 2002).
When metallic-Ir aqueous aerosols were inhaled, the 6.1  General Population
major route of excretion was by the feces, amounting
6.1.1  Blood and Serum
to a total of about 96% of the excreted dose (Casarett
et al., 1960). Only a small amount (4%) appeared in the Minoia et al. (1990) measured Ir levels in the blood
urine. In this study, the quantities of Ir redistributed to samples of 22 nonexposed healthy Italian volunteers
organs and excreted in the urine were much smaller living in the province of Varese in the Lombard region
than those observed by Hamilton (1951a,b) after intra- of Italy. Elemental concentration ranged from 0.2 to
venous injection and oral administration of Ir chloride, 35 ng/L, with a mean level of 7.4 ± 4 ng/L. When the
probably due to the greater insolubility of the metal- serum samples of eight volunteers were investigated
lic form of Ir administered in this study compared to for Ir content, the latter ranged from 0.2 to 40 ng/L,
the chloride or oxychloride form used in the previous with a mean value of 5 ± 1 ng/L. These values were
work. Studies performed with 192Ir ultrafine particles clearly higher than those found by Begerow et al.
demonstrated that Ir clearance occurred through the (1997) in blood samples from seven healthy German
gastrointestinal tract. From 1 day to 1 week after inha- volunteers with no known exposure to precious met-
lation, 192Ir ultrafine particles were cleared predomi- als. In this group, Ir concentrations ranged from 0.1 to
nantly from the peripheral lung via thoracic airways 0.4 ng/L, with an average value of 0.3 ng/L.
to the larynx into the gastrointestinal tract and feces, As assessed by Rodushkin et al. (2000), Ir contamina-
regardless of their size (Kreyling et al., 2002). Particle tion owing to leaching from glass collection tubes was
40 Iridium 871

negligible for this element. In fact, Ir values assessed lifestyles. These aspects are frequently disregarded or
by SF-ICP-MS were comparable in glass and plastic only partially explored (Bocca et al., 2010a).
tubes, with mean values (±SD) of 0.0002 ± 0.0001 and
< 0.0002 ng/mL, respectively. Interestingly, the Ir con- 6.1.2 Urine
tent in three pooled human blood samples analyzed
Urine samples collected from the aforementioned
by ICP-MS confirmed the previous results by reveal-
Italian volunteers were analyzed for Ir content. Find-
ing Ir concentrations lower than the detection limit of
ings ranged from 0.7 to 70 ng/L, with an average con-
0.0002 ng/mL. In 2004, the same group found Ir con-
centration (±SD) of 18 ± 9 ng/L (Minoia et al., 1990).
centrations ranging from 0.16 to 0.24 ng/L in serum
In 1998, the German Environmental Survey analyzed
samples collected from adults living in different parts
Ir concentrations in 1080 urine samples of subjects
of Sweden (Rodushkin et al., 2004).
randomly selected from the German National Health
Twenty years after the data from the Lombard
Survey bank and representative of the total national
region (Minoia et al., 1990), Bocca et al. (2010a) quan-
population. Mean Ir concentration related to volume
tified Ir concentrations in serum collected from non-
of urine and amount of creatinine was 0.24 ng/L and
occupationally exposed subjects living in two Italian
0.19 ng/g creatinine, respectively (Becker et al., 2003).
regions: Calabria and Umbria. Comparable results
A mean Ir concentration of 0.6 ng/L was detected in
were found from the two regions; in fact, mean concen-
samples collected from 19 male and female nonsmok-
trations (±SD) of 3.20 ± 0.14 and 3.76 ± 0.12 ng/L were
ing, nonoccupationally exposed healthy subjects living
determined in 283 Umbrian and 218 Calabrian valid
in Sweden (Rodushkin and Odman, 2001). In another
samples, with values ranging from 0.50 to 11.7 ng/L
set of 30 samples obtained from Swedish nonoccupa-
and from 0.63 to 10.8 ng/L, respectively. Subsequently,
tionally exposed subjects, Ir levels ranged from 0.04
a mean blood Ir concentration of 10.2 ng/L was mea-
to 0.05 ng/L (Rodushkin et al., 2004). Moreover, in the
sured on a population of 1423 healthy Italian subjects
same study, a set of pooled urine samples supplied for
composed of 953 males and 470 females (Alimonti et al.,
a round-robin study was also investigated for Ir con-
2011). Male Ir blood concentrations were significantly
tent. Samples were analyzed both in 2001 and in 2004,
higher (mean, 10.7 ng/L) than female levels (mean,
with results (±SD) of 1.05 ± 0.04 and 0.35 ± 0.04 ng/L, in
9.18 ng/L). When analyzed in serum, the mean Ir con-
the first and second measurement, respectively, with a
centration in a total population of 1344 subjects was
mean value (±SD) of 0.75 ± 0.42 ng/L (Rodushkin et al.,
3.08 ng/L. Significantly higher levels were observed
in the youngest group in comparison with the older
groups. In fact, mean levels in subjects aged 18-35,
36-50, and 51-65 years were 3.15, 3.17, and 2.80 ng/L, 6.2  Occupationally Exposed Population
respectively. Serum Ir levels were higher in alcohol
6.2.1  Blood and Serum
abstainers (mean, 3.35 ng/L) than in alcohol drinkers
(mean, 2.90 ng/L). The large number of subjects evalu- With regard to the occupationally exposed popu-
ated in this study could provide a basis for establishing lation, biological samples of blood and serum were
reference values in adults exposed to an urban envi- collected from three subjects employed in the differ-
ronment. However, it is not clear to what extent the ent production sectors (SSD, CD, CCD, and RD; see
experimentally determined range of values for Ir is Section 4.2 for definitions) of an industrial PGE plant
representative of “normal values,” and how an upper (Petrucci et al., 2004), from three subjects in the AS, and
limit can be set above which the onset of metabolic 10 control subjects not employed in the plant. SF-ICP-
alterations or pathological states might be expected. MS revealed blood Ir concentrations of 0.02, 2.05, 0.03,
This difficult topic can be influenced by a number of 0.15, 0.04, and 0.001 μg/L in the SSD, CD, CCD, RD,
factors such as the interrelationships between differ- and AS subjects, and in controls, respectively. In the
ent elements, analytical inconsistencies due to prob- same departments, serum Ir levels were 0.02, 0.74, 0.03,
lems of sensitivity and inaccuracy, and the selection 0.16, 0.02, and 0.001 μg/L, respectively. Albeit interest-
criteria of the population investigated, which should ing, the Ir values reported in this study cannot be used
attempt to avoid physiological anomalies, pathologi- for establishing reliable reference values on account of
cal states, or exceptional exposure conditions (Minoia the limited number of subjects involved in the investi-
et al., 1990). Moreover, other crucial factors depend on gation. In a subsequent work (Cristaudo et al., 2007),
biological variability that can affect the concentrations the same group enrolled 122 subjects employed in the
to be evaluated: these include the route of absorption, production sectors of the factory, 16 employed in the
the presence of sources of environmental pollution in AS as internal controls, and 25 unexposed subjects for
certain residential areas, physiological variables, and biomonitoring evaluation. Ir concentrations in blood
872 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

were 0.02 ± 0.001, 0.21 ± 0.015, 0.03 ± 0.002, 0.16 ± 0.01, in hair. Values of 0.0044, 0.204, 0.0005, 0.0042, 0.0005,
0.05 ± 0.003, 0.04 ± 0.002, and 0.001 ± 0.0008μg/L in the and 0.0002 μg/g were detected by Petrucci et al. (2004)
SSD, CD, CCD, RD, quality control (QC) department, in workers in the SSD, CD, CCD, RD, AD, and con-
and AS, and controls, respectively. The highest mean Ir trols, respectively. Comparable results were deter-
level was found in workers in the CD, while the lowest mined by Cristaudo et al. (2007), with levels (±SD) of
was detected in the samples taken in the SSD. Unfortu- 0.0044 ± 0.0011, 0.20 ± 0.011, 0.0009 ± 0.001, 0.0001 ± .001,
nately, these data did not confirm the environmental Ir 0.004 ± 0.0001, 0.0005 ± 0.0001, and 0.0002 ± 0.0001 μg/g
levels previously described. in workers in the SSD, CD, CCD, RD, QC, AD, and con-
trols, respectively. On the whole, workers employed in
the CD had the highest body load of Ir. However this
6.3 Urine
finding was not in agreement with data obtained with
Only limited data are available regarding Ir expo- area samplers that revealed higher airborne Ir con-
sure in the occupationally exposed population. Urine centrations in the SSD (Petrucci et al., 2004; Cristaudo
samples collected during one work week from 15 et al., 2007).
Finnish workers engaged in the refining of noble
metals, manufacturing of catalysts, and repairing of
car exhaust systems were analyzed by Kiilunen et al. 7  EFFECTS AND DOSE-RESPONSE
(2004). A tentative Ir reference value for urine in non- RELATIONSHIPS
exposed Finns was set at 1 nmol/L. The highest mean
urinary metal concentrations (2.3  nmol Ir/L) were 7.1  In Vitro Studies
measured in the manufacturing of car catalysts. Ir con- Iavicoli et al. (2012b) demonstrated that IrCl3 hydrate
centrations increased during the work shift. had cytotoxic effects on RAT-1 rat embryo fibroblasts
Ir levels measured in three urine samples collected exposed for 48 h, with a concentration inhibiting the
from subjects employed in the previously described growth of fibroblasts by 50% of 0.5 mM. A dose- and
industrial production and recycling PGE plant were time-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation was
0.015, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, and 0.001 μg/L in the SSD, CD, determined after 48 and 72 h of exposure to 0.1 and
CCD, RD, AD, and nonexposed controls, respectively 0.3 mM Ir, and a significant increase in apoptotic cells
(Petrucci et al., 2004). Comparable results were obtained was detected after a 72-h treatment. Inhibition of cell
in a larger group of workers from the same plant by growth was mainly associated with a reduction in
Cristaudo et al. (2007), who found concentrations (±SD) the percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell
of 0.015 ± 0.002, 0.005 ± 0.001, 0.005 ± 0.001, 0.01 ± 0.001, cycle and an accumulation of cells in the S and G2/M
0.008 ± 0.002, 0.001 ± 0.0004, and 0.001 ± 0.0004 μg/L in phases. These findings suggest that Ir may have a toxic
the SSD, CD, CCD, RD, QC, AD, and nonoccupation- effect that is probably linked to an inhibition of the
ally exposed controls, respectively. The lowest Ir values DNA synthesis process or to alterations in the S-G2/M
were detected in the CD and CCD and, as assessed for transition due to a block in cell division activities. The
blood samples, the urine findings did not confirm the authors found that the Ir salt was able to induce oxida-
environmental monitoring scenario. tive stress, with accumulation of intracellular radical
Urinary Ir content was measured in another occupa- oxygen species and DNA fragmentation as assessed by
tionally exposed population when urine samples were Comet test.
collected in November 2005 from 64 tram drivers oper-
ating in the city of Rome (Iavicoli et al., 2008). Mean
7.2  Ex Vivo Studies
Ir values (±SD) were 13.8 ± 15.7 and 13.4 ± 10.8 ng/L in
tram drivers and controls, respectively, indicating no In an ex vivo study (Meiring et al., 2005), lungs
significant differences between the two groups. Inter- isolated from Wistar-Kyoto rats were ventilated with
estingly, these results suggest that tram drivers who 120-min aerosols of ultrafine 17-20-nm sized 192Ir par-
are occupationally exposed to vehicular traffic, are not ticles to achieve a lung burden of 100-200 μg. Inhalation
more exposed to Ir than the general population living exposure was performed with and without prior lumi-
in an urban environment. nal instillation of H2O2 or histamine in the perfusate.
No particle translocation, as assessed by radioactivity
in the perfusate, was found in the group treated only
6.4  Other Matrices
with 192Ir, while there was an increase in 192Ir particles
A further matrix was investigated in an occupa- in the perfusate in lungs pretreated with histamine
tionally exposed population when Petrucci et al., on the endothelial side (1 μM) or H2O2 in the alveolar
(2004) and Cristaudo et al. (2007) determined Ir levels lumen (0.5 mM). These findings support the idea that
40 Iridium 873

particle translocation is influenced by increased lung (OVA)-sensitized and nonsensitized female BALB/c
and endothelial permeability induced by H2O2 oxi- mice were exposed for 1 h to ultrafine Ir particles
dative stress and histamine vasoactive action, respec- radiolabeled with 192Ir at a concentration of 0.2 mg/
tively. These alterations could explain 192Ir particle m3 at two different time points, either before or after
passage into the interstitium via lung epithelium and allergen (OVA) challenge. Other sensitized and non-
through the endothelium into the perfusate. sensitized mice were exposed to ultrafine Ir without
allergen challenge. Three days after Ir inhalation, a 21%
increase in the total ultrafine Ir deposited fraction was
7.3  In Vivo Studies
observed in OVA-sensitized mice compared to nonsen-
Casarett et al. (1960) were the first to evaluate the sitized mice. Surprisingly, no differences in total and
toxic effects of Ir exposure on animal models when they regional deposition were detected in the two groups
treated 30 male rats with an 192Ir aerosol at a mean con- during the elicitation phase of the allergic response.
centration of 1.2410−4 μg/L. Only the respiratory tract This suggested that allergen sensitization alone can
was affected by exposure to 192Ir. In fact, the lungs of affect ultrafine particle deposition in the lungs. Fur-
two animals, sacrificed at 1 and 6 days postexposure, ther research is needed to establish whether higher
respectively, exhibited foci of chronic bronchitis, bron- ultrafine particle deposition in sensitized individuals
chiectasias, and pneumonia. Chronic ulcerative bron- compared to nonsensitized individuals or other fac-
chitis was observed in the major bronchi of an animal tors such as alterations in long-term clearance kinetics
sacrificed 6 days after inhalation. No other significant make a substantial contribution to the susceptibility of
pathological effects were observed during a 6-month allergic individuals to particle exposure.
follow-up period.
Since Ir compounds had previously been shown to
cause immune sensitization in humans, the effects of 7.4 Humans
Ir subchronic exposure on the animal immune system 7.4.1  Nonoccupationally Exposed Subjects
were investigated by Iavicoli et al. (2010). Increasing
doses of IrCl3 hydrate ranging from 0 to 1 mg/L were  Hypersensitivity and Allergic Reactions
administered to adult female Wistar rats via drink- In 1955, a case report indicated a Pt alloy with a 10%
ing water for 90 days. Quantitative serum alterations Ir metal content as a possible cause of contact derma-
in the levels of two Th1 cytokines [interleukin-2 (IL-2 titis (Sheard, 1955; Iavicoli et al., 2008). Ir can be recov-
and interferon gamma (IFN-γ)] and one Th2 cytokine ered in currently used dental amalgams as well as in
(IL-4) were evaluated. Interestingly, Ir exposure dose- white gold onto which porcelain is fused for dental
dependently decreased the IL-2 and IFN-γ serum lev- crowns and/or bridges (Marcusson et al., 1998). Only
els, while increasing those of the IL-4. This finding a few studies (Marcusson, 1996; ­Marcusson et al., 1998)
demonstrates that Ir exposure was able to induce an have focused on the role of Ir metal salts in dental
immunological imbalance with a skewing toward a restoration materials that might lead to a hypersen-
Th2 bias, a known risk factor for asthma onset. More- sitivity mechanism causing local mucosal reactiv-
over, using the same methodology, Iavicoli et al. (2011) ity and systemic side effects. A short communication
also demonstrated nephrotoxic Ir effects evaluated by (Marcusson et al., 1998) reported positive reactions
alterations in the levels of a series of urinary proteins. to IrCl3 in three Swedish subjects sporadically patch
In fact, albumin levels increased in a dose-dependent tested for suspected hypersensitivity to dental mate-
manner. In low-molecular-weight proteins, a signifi- rials during the period 1990-1995. One patient was
cant dose-related increase was detected in retinol- positive to all three test concentrations utilized: 0.1%,
binding protein (RBP), while no alteration compared 0.32%, and 1% IrCl3. Another patient had positive
to controls was reported for β2-microglobulin. These reactions to the two higher concentrations tested and
data demonstrate that renal tubule function is affected the third had a positive reaction only to the high-
by Ir exposure and also suggest that the metal may est IrCl3 concentration. No reactions were obtained
have an effect on renal glomerular filtration capacity. with ammonium hexachloroiridate. Interestingly, the
Moreover, they provide evidence for the role of RBP patient positive to all three concentrations showed a
as a sensitive biological marker of Ir-induced renal concomitant allergy to Ni and Pd metals. In the same
damage. period (1992-1993), Marcusson (1996) used a standard
Alessandrini et al. (2008) analyzed the poten- patch test procedure to investigate the presence of a
tial effects of allergen sensitization and challenge on metal allergy in 397 patients who had reported sub-
total and regional deposition of 2-4-nm sized pri- jective symptoms related to dental restoration materi-
mary 192Ir ultrafine particles in the lung. Ovalbumin als. These ranged from oral symptoms (20-40% cases)
874 Ivo Iavicoli and Veruscka Leso

and muscle and joint disorders (52%) to pronounced

7.4.2  Occupationally Exposed Subjects
fatigue (62%). Only two patients (< 1% of the examined
population) tested positive to IrCl3. From 1995 to 1996, In the occupational setting, cases of sensitization to
in order to systematically investigate the presence of Ir are known but rare (IUPAC, 2004). A nonatopic male
metal hypersensitivity in subjects implanted with subject, employed in an electrochemical factory and
metallic dental materials, Marcusson et al. (1998) con- occupationally exposed for 3 years to IrCl3 aerosols,
secutively tested 0.32 and 1% concentrated IrCl3 solu- developed contact urticaria and respiratory symptoms
tions on 205 patients who had complained not only of such as rhinitis, a dry cough, and dyspnea (Bergman
oral mucosal reactions but also of the aforementioned et al., 1995). Clinical examination, chest X-ray, general
systemic symptoms (Marcusson, 1996). Two patients prick tests, and lung function and methacholine tests
had positive reactions to both IrCl3 concentrations, proved normal on all occasions. When four solutions
although only weak nonvesicular reactions were from the workplace were tested on the forearm in a
observed in one subject. The patient who manifested scratch test, two produced extensive weal and flare
an extremely strong edematous vesicular reaction was reactions within minutes. A congested nose, coughing,
also allergic to gold. and generalized urticaria were observed after 15 min.
Between March 2001 and September 2002, 720 This allergic reaction required prompt treatment with
eczematous patients were patch tested with 1% IrCl3 steroids, antihistamine, and epinephrine to recede.
(Stingeni et al., 2004). No positive or irritant reactions The two solutions that had produced the reaction were
were observed in the subjects examined. Similarly, found to contain Ir chloride (H2IrCl6); Ir was absent
no positive IrCl3 patch test reaction was detected in from the other two solutions. In order to investigate the
a set of 25 patients with oral lichenoid manifestations presence of a possible specific immediate-type reaction
(Ditrichova et al., 2007). to Ir, a H2IrCl6 prick test was performed. The patient
Unfortunately, since no analysis was performed to showed a positive reaction only to the highest concen-
investigate Ir content in dental alloys, a clear causal tration applied, corresponding to 5.0 × 10−4 g/mL. This
relationship could not be established between positive same concentration applied to the normal skin with-
patch test results and the metal recovered in dental out pricking caused follicular urtications and flare.
alloys, even if the onset of symptoms was temporally The patient did not react on testing with Pt, a common
related to the fixing of a variety of dental materials. impurity in solutions of all other PGMs, including Ir.
It should be noted that local symptoms such as cuta- One year after occupational exposure ceased, a prick
neous and mucosal alterations were not predominant test with H2IrCl6 solution of 5.8 × 10−4 g/mL gave a
in this subgroup. Delayed hypersensitivity seemed to weak positive reaction, while the scratch test produced
be related to the presence of sensitized lymphocytes. a positive reaction, and after 30 min the patient began
Hypothetically, the liberation of metallic material from coughing and developed itching and conjunctival red-
dental alloys might activate lymphocytes in vivo, ness. These results demonstrate that an Ir salt allergy
causing the release of cytokines that results in distant diminishes over time, but can persist for at least 1 year
effects (Marcusson, 1996). Forsell et al. (1996) have after exposure ceases. Prick tests applied to 14 out of
developed a method for establishing the qualitative the 16 persons who worked in the same factory as the
composition of dental alloys that will facilitate fur- patient were negative, indicating that Ir salts do not
ther studies of the possible side effects of these alloys. give a nonspecific positive reaction. This was the first
Meanwhile, IrCl3 should be added to dental screen- case report in which an individual simultaneously had
ing series (Marcusson et al., 1998). Another interesting a positive prick test reaction to Ir salts and a negative
point of discussion is the concomitant presence of mul- one to Pt salts.
tiple metal allergies. There may be a kind of propen- Conversely, in previous studies carried out on
sity to develop allergy to metals. The high prevalence workers in a platinum refinery, Murdoch and cowork-
of Ni allergy in the population (Marcusson 1996) may ers (Murdoch et al., 1986; Murdoch and Pepys, 1987)
be due to the overwhelming exposure in the environ- observed some positive prick test reactions to Ir
ment and could make individuals prone to develop- salts. However, all of these workers simultaneously
ing allergies to other metals such as PGEs when they responded positively to Pt salt, and the interpretation
are exposed (Marcusson, 1996). In conclusion, despite was that Pt and other metals could be cross-acting.
their low sensitization potential, Ir salts should prob- However, the case presented by Bergman et al. (1995)
ably be included in the screening series when subjects cannot be explained by cross-reactivity since the Ir salt
who work in the jewelry and precious metals indus- prick test was positive, while the Pt salt test was nega-
tries or who suffer from gingivostomatitis are patch tive. Interestingly, application of Ir salt to normal skin
tested (Stingeni et al., 2004). elicited contact urticaria and the scratch test caused
40 Iridium 875

anaphylactic reactions. These reactions had not previ- of exposure to this salt. No positive correlations were
ously been described for Ir salts but are well known for found in either study. It is not clear which hypersensi-
Pt salts. In this case, the patient may have been sensi- tivity mechanism leads to these allergic reactions. Sen-
tized through the airways, and the immediate strong sitization routes may pass through the airways (aerosol
hypersensitivity reaction may have been due to a type and dust) and minor skin lesions (Bergman et al. 1995).
1 allergy. Insufficient ventilation and poor enclosure of the
From March to May 1999, 153 subjects variably process equipment may have contributed to the spread-
exposed in a plant producing all PGMs from primary ing of aerosols into the operators’ work zone; therefore,
and secondary materials were patch and prick tested it is important to take these aspects into consideration
with IrCl3 1% (Santucci et al., 2000; Cristaudo et al., when evaluating a suspected case of occupational sen-
2005). Some of these patients suffered from rhinitis sitization and when programming primary prevention
(28%), asthma (9%), urticaria (5.8%), and dermatitis activity in plants.
(5.8%). As controls, 800 nonoccupationally exposed The role of smoking and atopy should also be inves-
subjects affected by different forms of eczema or urti- tigated to understand which factors may predispose
caria were consecutively enrolled and subjected to the some exposed workers to Ir hypersensitivity (Santucci
same analysis. Among exposed workers, positive prick et al., 2000). More attention should be given to the
tests were detected in two subjects affected by asthma possible effects of concomitant exposure to different
and urticaria and in a third worker with rhinitis and PGEs in occupational environments, since these are
asthma. No positive results were observed with the all present in the workplace, all belong to the transi-
15 μL IrCl3 patch examination. IrCl3 never elicited irri- tional metal group, and are all highly reactive ele-
tant or urticarial reactions in control subjects. All of the ments capable of causing inflammation and mediating
positive workers manifested concomitant reactions to immunological effects (Cristaudo et al., 2005). None of
hexachloroplatinic acid [H2(PtCl6)], and two had con- the reviewed studies have established a clear correla-
comitant positive results also for Rh chloride (RhCl3), tion between environmental levels of Ir exposure and
potassium tetrachloroplatinate [K2(PtCl4)], and RhCl3, sensitivity reactions. A careful evaluation needs to be
and for sodium hexachloroplatinate [Na2(PtCl6)], made of interactions between length of exposure, the
respectively. Comparable results were obtained in a characteristics of occupational tasks, the atopic con-
subsequent study (Cristaudo et al., 2007) in which the dition of workers and other influencing factors, and
authors performed prick and patch tests with 16 com- sensitivity to Ir salt. Furthermore, attention should be
mon inhalants and solutions of H2(PtCl6), IrCl3, RhCl3, given to the trend toward a continual increase in envi-
and Pd chloride (PdCl2) on 103 workers employed in a ronmental PGE emissions. If the average level of envi-
catalyst production and refining plant. Three subjects ronmental PGE emissions approaches those existing
were simultaneously positive to the skin prick tests in industrial settings, we will probably observe more
with IrCl3, H2(PtCl6), and RhCl3 and developed one or frequent health effects (Santucci et al., 2000).
more respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, cough-
ing, and shortness of breath. These results lend sup-
port to the theory that refinery workers are exposed to References
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