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Defining success may be most imp decision we make

1. Common Path
2. Numerical growth
3. Others evaluate in the growth of Physical expansion
4. Many measure the success in the form of financial. When the gods people make define choice success in
the form of this outputs, such as
Church growth ministry expansion, it sends the church or ministry down a predictable part. This part can
be described 5 characteristics
1. Production driven leadership
2. Expansion focused strategies
3. Earthly oriented metrics
4. Result based management
5. Utilitarian view of resource

1. Production driven leadership

Leaders are recruited employed valued and rewarded by their ability to lead an organization through a
continual process of expansion
They are valued for perusing congregative metrics and deliver early
To leader in a production-oriented fashion
2. Expansion focused strategies
The production driven leaders devise expansion focused strategies
These strategies deployed human and financial resources to accomplish the desire levels of growth
3. Earthly oriented metrices`
Organizations that measure success in the terms develop measurements and metrics associated with
their expansions focused strategies. This metrics are temporal in nature and counted in three primary
areas: people facilities and finances
4. Result based managements
Every evaluation based on results
5. Utilitarian view of resource
Production driven leaders often regard the human and financial resource available to them as assets
2. Kingdom Path
success is defining in terms of our obedience to the teaching for which he premises the eternal reward
on the Kingdome path as we are Christ followers, we less concern about the result that we cannot control
because our primary concern is obedience
1. Steward leadership
2. Faithfulness focused strategies
3. Eternity oriented metrices
4. Relationship based management
5. Stewardship view of resources
Faithfulness focused strategies: the steward leaders motivated by obedience adopt faithfulness focused
Like Jesus our desire to share like father says to do
Discerning power and doing gods will is a primary will.

Stewardship of resources
They always related to the
The temptation we face:
Lust of Flesh
Lust of Eyes
Pride of life
. Christian organization and the kingdom of God.
. God is in the process of establishing his kingdom among and through the humans
. our sovereign God reigns over his Creation, Satan brought rebellion and created problem to the
administration of the cosmos. How ever Christ has paid by crushing his head on cross of Calvary
. In the current scenario, he divided authority into 4 realms
1. civil Government
2. Homes
3. church
4. Organization

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