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Ingles I.

Kendall Sandi Soto.

Johan Andrey Sánchez Tenorio.
Alexander José Solano Carvajal.
Emmanuel Joshua Monge Mora.

Grupo #3

I Cuatrimestre, 2023. 

1) vecino 1: Johan
2)vecino 2: Kendall
3) Hermano: Emmanuel
4) Primo: Alexander

1. Hello
2. Hello, how are you?
1. I'm fine thank you, how about you?
2. I'm good thank you, so...who is he?
1. Oh! I'm sorry, he is my brother.
3. Hello
2. What’s your name?
3. My name is...
2. Nice to meet you
3. Nice to meet you too
1. What are you doing?
2. I'm waiting for my cousin, he come to visit our family...oh there he is.
4. Hey, y'all
1. Hi, what’s your name?
4. My name is....
1. Nice to meet you, I’m your cousin' neighbor, and he is my brother
4. Nice to meet you both
3. Nice to meet you too
1. You come from far
4. No, i don't. I live in the NY City.
2. How is the weather there?
4. It's been raining a lot lately. I always have an umbrella.
3. That's true, when I went to NY to visit my uncle, I had to take an umbrella
4. Crazy weather we've been having, Well. We’re leaving now, we have to go
pick up my pet.
2. Oh, do you have a pet? Which one?
4. I have a cat.
1. Oh that’s cool, I have 2 cats.
4. Cool, well, let’s go bro, we have to go to the vet to pick it up.
3. Bye guys, see you later.
2. See you later.

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