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BIO on Jack the Ripper Eduardo Echeverria

Who: in a Jack the Ripper was an unidentified serial killer active in the largely
impoverished areas.

What: Attacks ascribed to Jack the Ripper typically involved female prostitutes
who lived and worked in the slums of the East End of London. Their throats were
cut prior to abdominal mutilations

Where: Most of the cases of Jack the Ripper were in and around the Whitechapel
district of London.

When: Jack the Ripper intensified his murders in September and October 1888.

Why: The large number of attacks against women in the East End during this time
adds uncertainty to how many victims were murdered by the same individual.
Eleven separate murders, stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891, were
included in a London Metropolitan Police Service investigation and were known
collectively in the police docket as the "Whitechapel murders". Opinions vary as
to whether these murders should be linked to the same culprit, but five of the
eleven Whitechapel murders, known as the "canonical five", are widely believed
to be the work of the Ripper.

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