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LIFE: Mammals
Mammals are found in every habitat except for the deep ocean. They are unique among animals in the care they lavish on their young. Each year, a war among leviathans wages beneath the waves of the South Pacific. As many as 40 male humpback whales converge near the island of Tonga to swim a brutal high-speed gauntlet, slamming their 40ton (36-metric-ton) bodies against one another in pursuit of their prize: a single female whale in heat. This becomes an annual mating ritual amongst these monstrous creatures. While it may look like little more than a long-nosed mouse, the rufous sengi is nothing short of nature's road warrior. Amid the grasses of east Africa's plains, savannahs and forest floors, each sengi maintains an elaborate road network. They keep it clear of debris and learn every twist, turn and escape route by heart. With blinding speed, they patrol their paths for ants, termites and worms. And when predators arrive on the scene, they lead them on a high-speed chase. These complex and intriguing organisms make up the group of animals known to us as mammals, many of them share similar traits with us, but many are very different. Answer the following questions while watching. Be sure to give descriptive and complete answers. 1. Name 4 characteristics common to all mammals.

2. The aye aye is a primate that has survived because the woodpeckers never made

it to the already biodiverse island of Madagascar. What two hunting techniques do the two species share that would make it impossible for them both to survive?

3. Elephant shrews need to eat way more than the similar-sized reptiles that prey on

them. What are 2 ways that the elephant shrew uses to hunt in order to satisfy its oversized appetite?

4. Describe at least 3 things a mother seal does for her pup helping him to able to

survive the hostile environment of the Arctic year round.

5. Polar bears are the largest land predators on Earth. What hunting techniques do

they use to catch their prey?

6. What is special about the social behavior of the Straw-colored fruit bat?

The Arctic Tundra has an abundance of reindeer. These are the only type of deer that migrate even though their bodies adapt to the changing seasons.
7. How do their hooves change from summer to winter?

8. What is the main reason that they must move around in the spring?

9. Which lion in the pride does all of the hunting?

10. Lions live in prides of 10-20 while in contrast the spotted hyena lives in clans of 50-

100. Describe how the hunting technique of the spotted hyenas gives them a chance over the pride of lions.

11. What are some of the social class members of a family of Meerkats?

12. How is the social structure of elephants designed, in other words who leads the


Female humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to warmer waters to mate; this mating ritual is called a heat run.
13. Describe the process in which a female alerts the male humpback that she is ready

to mate.

14. Which male is likely to win over the female?

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