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(TED 225)
TIME: 2:30hrs


Answer all the questions in section A and any four questions in section B.

Section A carries 30 marks, and all other questions carry 10 marks each.

Answers to ALL questions must be written in the Answer Booklet provided

Note: DO NOT answer more than the required number of questions. Clearly cross
out anything you do not wish to be marked.

Digital communication Page 1

Section A
Question One (1)

I. A sequence of characters is termed

a) Bit rate b) Information source c)digital waveform d) Textual message
II. The following are disadvantages of digital communication systems except
a) allocation a significant share of resources to the task of synchronization
b) nongraceful degradation.
c) more flexible implementation
d) signal-processing intensive
III. Calculate the normalized energy Ex in a square pulse x(t)=rect(t/T),where
rect(t/T) equals 1, for –T/2≤t≤T/2, and equals 0, elsewhere.
a) 1
b) 0
c) 1/T
d) T
IV. What two (2) requirements must be fulfilled in order to ensure
distortionless transmission through a linear system?
a) the overall system response must have a linear magnitude response
and its phase shift must be linear with frequency
b) the overall system response must have a constant magnitude
response and its phase shift must be constant with frequency
c) the overall system response must have a constant magnitude
response and its phase shift must be linear with frequency
d) the overall system response must have a linear magnitude response
and its phase shift must have a constant frequency
V. Which of the following noise cannot be completely removed from
communication systems
a) ISI
b) Thermal Noise
c) Aliasing
d) Black Noise

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VI. What does this formula Rx ( ) 
 Gx ( f ) mean?
a) Autocorrelation and energy spectral density form a Fourier transform
b) Correlation and power spectral density form a Fourier transform pair
c) Autocorrelation and power spectral density form a Fourier transform
d) Correlation and energy spectral density form a Fourier transform pair
VII. The following are methods of eliminating noise except
a) Filtering
b) Sampling
c) Shielding
d) The choice of modulation
VIII. When noise is termed “white”, what does it mean?
a) Energy spectral density is the same, for all frequencies of interest in
most communication systems
b) Power spectral density is the same, for all frequencies of interest in
most communication systems
c) power spectral density is zero, for all frequencies of interest in most
communication systems
d) Energy spectral density is zero, for all frequencies of interest in most
communication systems
IX. The process whereby data compression is done in addition to formatting is
a) M-ary modulation
b) Source coding
c) Quantization
d) Sampling
X. In impulse sampling, the periodic train used for sampling is
a) A pulse function
b) Dirac function
c) Envelope function
d) A train function

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Question Two (2)
Ghana Telecom University wants to build telecom system for the students of the
school. It intends to use a frequency-division multiplex system. Design a
modulation plan of 60 channels for their use. (10 marks)

Question Three (3)

Show that the bit rate of FDMA is equivalent to that of TDMA for M orthogonal
frequency bands and M orthogonal time slots respectively. Given that the
transmission rate of TDMA is R bits/s and M times faster than FDMA user for
(1/M)th the time. The average rate of both FDMA and TDMA is R/M bits/s. (10

Section B
Answer any four (4) questions in this section

Question Four (4)

Write short notes on any two sampling techniques. (10 marks)

Question Five (5)

a) Explain the following terms
i. Phase lock
ii. Symbol lock (5 marks)

b) In a communication link, synchronization occurs only at the receiver.

Discuss and give an example where due. (5 marks)

Question Six (6)

The information in an analog waveform, whose maximum frequency

fm=400Hz, is to be transmitted using a 16-level PAM system. The
quantization distortion must not exceed 1% of the peak-to-peak analog
i. What is the minimum number of bits per sample or bits per PCM
word that should be used in this PAM transmission system?
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ii. What is the minimum required sampling rate, and what is the
resulting bit rate?
iii. What is the 16-ary PAM symbol transmission rate?
(10 marks)

Question Seven (7)

a) Mention three ways to increase the throughput of a communication

resource. (6 marks)
b) Briefly explain how communication resources are distributed for each of
the following:
i. Time division
ii. Frequency division
iii. Space division
iv. Polarization division. (4 marks)

Question Eight (8)

a. Classify the following signals as energy signals or power signals. Find the
normalized energy or normalized power of each.


iii. (6 marks)
b. State the reasons why it is necessary to use a carrier for the radio
transmission of baseband signals? (4 marks)

Examiner: Kweku Arthur

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