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o~ 4] Choose appropriate verbs to complete the sentences. Use passive infinitives (to be + past participle) or gerunds. ‘Some verbs are formed by adding -en or -n to a noun or adjective. These verbs mean “to make more of something.” Noun Verb ‘Adjective Verb length + lengthen loosen (rake something longer) 1. This jacket is too short. 4, This faucet is too tight. It needs to be lengthene on Itneeds : Ip needs lengthening 5. These pants are too long. 2. The screws on these glasses are too loose. They need They need _____ 6, This street is too narrow. 3. The blades on these scissors are too dull ennai Seiseicst en sonenae eneraouee They need What's wrong with it? = 33 ca Complete the conversation. Use keep, keeps, need, or needs with passive infinitives or gerunds of the verbs given. Tim: Guess what? Someone broke into my car last night! Jan: Oh, no. What did they take? Tim: Nothing! But they did a lot of damage. The lock needs to be repaired . (repair) And thewindow ______________. (replace) Jan: It was probably some young kids having “fun: Tim: Yeah, some fun. | think they had a party in my car! UI i ee Jan: How annoying. Does the car drive OK? Tim: No, it feels strange.The gears === stick), aiey a brakes (check) right away. Jan: Well, | guess you're lucky they didn't steal it Tim: Yeah, lucky me. Write about something you bought that had something wrong with it. In the first paragraph, describe the problem. In the second paragraph, explain what you did about it Recently, I bought an espresso machine. While T was unpacking it, | Tcould see it was already damaged. The glass carafe was chipped and needed to be replaced. And to make matters worse, the machine leaked! | T took it back to the store, I was worried because the machine had been on sale, and I had lost my receipt. Luckily, the clerk didn't ask me. for it. She said a lot of customers had recently had the same problem, and she gave me a better machine at the same price. 7 anguage weal 34= Unité Jack will fix it! A Match each problem with the repair needed. 1 B write a sentence describing each problem. Then add a sentence describing the action needed to fix it. Use passive infinitives or gerunds. 1, The dishwasher doesn't work, The motor needs to be checked. on ‘The motor needs checking, C Think of three items you owm that are damaged (or were damaged) in some way. Write a sentence describing each problem. Then write another sentence describing the action needed to fix it. 1 What's wrong with it? = 35 ea Complete the crossword puzzle. Across 1 My new glasses already havea ____ on one of the lenses. How did that happen? 5 Your computer screen is so dirty. It needs to be 7 Something is wrong with your TV screen. It keeps —__ It's time to get a new one, 10 |hate this printer. it keeps ___. The copies won't come out. 11 Be careful - your cup is ___.| don’t want you to cut yourself. Down 1 The buttons on this remote control keep — Do you have something to clean it with? 2 Doyou realize your jeans are ____ in the back? 3 Your bathroom faucet keeps __ . Do you want me to try and fix it? 4 This cell phone is driving me crazy! My calls keep 6 There is a small on the side of my car, but I don't think I'll bother fixing it a 7 Did your laptop again? | find that so annoying. 8 This old scanner doesn't work at all anymore. It needs to be 9 The Lattery in my cell phone keeps ___ | should buy a new one. 36 = Unit 6

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