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Surely everyone knows the Harry Potter series, am not an avid reader but today I will write an
impression of The Goblet of Fire - writes British writer JK Rowling. This is the most dramatic
and most series I've read. The story begins with a young wizard Harry Potter having a nightmare
in which a muggle guardian is murdered after hearing the plots of Lord Voldemort, Peter
Pettigrew, and another man. At Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore has announced that the school
has a Triwizard Tournament, and students under the age of 17 are not eligible to participate. And
the Goblet of Fire then picked champion Harry, causing a lot of misunderstandings. Many
students think Harry cheated and avoided him. For the first mission, the Champion must recover
one by crossing a dragon. Professor Moody advises Harry that he can use the wand to summon
his broom and Harry ends up with his eggs. At Christmas, the school organizes a Christmas ball.
Cedric advises Harry to use the sheriff's bathroom to get clues on the second quest using the egg.
For the second mission, the champions must save someone their precious from the Black Lake,
Harry must save Cedric must save Cho, and Viktor must save Hermione and must save his sister.
Neville Longbottom gives gill grass to Harry to breathe underwater. Cedric finished first and
Harry got the spot after saving not only Ron but also Fleur's sister after Fleur got pulled out of
the mission. So it can be seen that Harry Potter and the Fire can passionately fascinate me with
the story because director Newell cut out many unique character details that writer Rowling
wrote. However, the content is still logical and touching.

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