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HOWTO check step-by-step a Layer 4 LVS-NAT setup for problems Q.1 Can the real server ping client?

rs# ping -n client A.1 Yes => good A.2 No => bad Some settings for the director: Linux 2.2/2.4: ipchains -A forward -s RIP -j MASQ Linux 2.4: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s RIP -j MASQUERADE Q.2 Traceroute to client goes through LVS box and reaches the client? traceroute -n -s RIP CLIENT_IP A.1 Yes => good A.2 No => bad same ipchains command as in Q.1 For client and server on same physical media use these in the director: echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/send_redirects echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/<DEV>/send_redirects Q.3 Is the traffic forwarded from the LVS box, in both directions? For all interfaces on director: tcpdump -ln host CLIENT_IP The right sequence, i.e. the IP addresses and ports on each step (the reversed for the in->out direction are not shown): CLIENT CIP:CPORT -> VIP:VPORT out \/ in \/ CIP:CPORT -> VIP:VPORT LVS box CIP:CPORT -> RIP:RPORT \/ CIP:CPORT -> RIP:RPORT + REAL SERVER A.1 Yes, in both directions => good (for Layer 4, probably not for L7) A.2 The packets from the real server are dropped => bad: - rp_filter protection on the incoming interface, probably

hit from local client - firewall rules drop the replies A.3 The packets from the real servers leave the director unchanged - missing -j MASQ ipchains rule in the LVS box For client and server on same physical media: The packets simply does not reach the director. The real server is ICMP redirected to the client. In director: echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/send_redirects echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/<DEV>/send_redirects A.4 All packets from the client are dropped - the requests are received on wrong interface with rp_filter protection - firewall rules drop the requests A.5 The client connections are refused or are served from service in the LVS box - client and LVS are on same host => not valid - the packets are not marked from the firewall and don't hit firewall mark based virtual service Q.4 Is the traffic replied from the real server? For the outgoing interface on real server: tcpdump -ln host CLIENT_IP A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 Yes, SYN+ACK => good TCP RST => bad, No listening real service ICMP message => bad, Blocked from Firewall/No listening service The same request packet leaves the real server => missing accept rules or RIP is not defined A.5 No reply => real server problem: - the rp_filter protection drops the packets - the firewall drops the request packets - the firewall drops the replies A.6 Replies goes through another device or don't go to the LVS box =? bad - the route to the client is direct and so don't pass the LVS box, for example: - client on the LAN - client and real server on same host - wrong route to the LVS box is used => use another Check the route: rs# ip route get CLIENT_IP from RIP

The result: start the following tests rs# tcpdump -ln host CIP rs# traceroute -n -s RIP CIP lvs# tcpdump -ln host CIP client# tcpdump -ln host CIP For more deep problems use tcpdump -len, i.e. sometimes the link layer addresses help a bit. For FTP: LVS-NAT in Linux 2.2 requires: - modprobe ip_masq_ftp (before 2.2.19) - modprobe ip_masq_ftp in_ports=21 (2.2.19+) LVS-NAT in Linux 2.4 requires: - ip_vs_ftp LVS-DR/TUN require persistent flag FTP reports with debug mode enabled are useful: # ftp ftp> debug ftp> open my.virtual.ftp.service ftp> ... ftp> dir ftp> passive ftp> dir There are reports that sometimes the status strings reported from the FTP real servers are not matched with the string constants encoded in the kernel FTP support. For example, Linux 2.2.19 matches "227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,ppp,ppp)" Julian Anastasov

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