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Bishop socrates

How can my teachers be holy?

How can we be saints? When a lawyer makes a mistake, the mistake goes to jail

When a doctor makes a mistake the mistake goes to the cemetery; but when a teacher in a catholic
school makes a mistake the mistake goes to hell and it is a serious responsibility to the cemetery; but
when a teacher in a catholic school makes a mistake the mistake goes to hell and it is a serious

We, teachers are the example of Christ for our students.

Who is the teacher of a catholic school?

The teacher of a catholic school is a teacher of Christ. It means your authority comes from Christ, you
were chosen by Christ, and were sent by Christ and it is Christ who helps you become a good teacher.
The authority to teach does not come from our diplomas, board exams, certificates, the authority to
teach comes from the one teacher who is Christ. So we, teachers, are teachers of Christ. We came from
Christ, sent by Christ. It is our duty to remember that our first responsibility as teachers is not to teach
but to be pupils of Christ.

When we forget our need to be taught, we are just concern about the power of teaching then our
pupils are at risk because we are all teachers of Christ, our authority comes from him, and we must
never allow ourselves to be separated from him.

Every pupil is Christ for us. If we want to go to heaven, we will go to heaven through our children
because every pupil is Christ waiting to be taught. The lord told us whatever you do with the least of my
brothers and sisters you do it to me. And whatever we do with our pupils we do to Christ. We are
teachers of Christ, in the sense that we are all invited to look for the face of Christ in every pupil,
students entrusted to us because our road to heaven is through the young people. They are all images of
Christ for us.

Thank our students because through them we were able to see Christ, teach Christ. Because every
young person is an image of Christ for us.

We are teachers and our only lesson is Christ. Some are teachers of physics, math grammar but all of us
are teachers of Christ because our expertise in subject matter is Christ. When we teach physics, science,
math and languages, we must make sure that Christ is there because language without god, math
without god, science without god will be harmful from humanity. Anything that is detached from god
becomes harmful.

Everything attached to god no matter how painful, heavy, dark, difficult becomes opportunity of grace
because our only lesson is Christ.

Our young people are looking for Christ. Let us not disappoint them, let us give them Christ. In the words
of mother Teresa, give them Jesus, only Jesus, always Jesus.

Nurture your gift and mission to teach by prayer. Through the Eucharist and receiving communion.
Pray at home. A good teacher is a praying teacher. If a good teacher who does not pray then you
detached yourself from the Lord, then it only career it is no longer a vocation.

Put much love into every lesson we impart to our students

The mark of a good teacher is the ability to multiply ourselves. Hope we will be able to inspire our
students to become teachers, evangelizers, teachers of Christ.

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