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28/02/23, 11:08 Mary I and Elizabeth I

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Mary I and Elizabeth I

Appunto che descrive il contesto storico dei primi del 500 in
Inghilterra, e riguarda quindi la dinastia dei Tudor.
di Giorgjo 2' di lettu
(1248 punti) 3,5/5

Mary I
Mary I was born in 1516: she was a girl and so a disappointment to her fathe
Henry VIII. Rejection by her father and the cruel treatment of her mother
influenced her life. While her father broke with Rome she didn’t abandon he
traditional faith and when she became queen in 1553 she tried to be the
agent of a Counter-Reformation. The burning of Protestants earned her the
nickname “Bloody Mary”. Mary’s end was tragic: she was deserted by her
husband and her country was still divided over religion.

Elizabeth I
In 1558 Elizabeth became queen of a divided nation. She was 25 and had a
strong personality, a great intelligence and an excellent education. She was
political genius of the first order. She faced the problems of marriage and
succession, religious division and domestic discontent. She was unmarried 1/2
28/02/23, 11:08 Mary I and Elizabeth I

and she used to repeat that “the Queen was married to her people”. She
wore magnificent clothes adorned with rich jewels, she had numerous
portraits painted and a lot of copies were distributed.
She recognized Spain as her main trade rival and enemy. She strenghtened
English naval power and then she secretly encouraged sea captains like
Francis Drake in their piracy against Spanish ships. In 1588 Spanish decided
to invade England and sent a great armada of 130 galleons to the English
channel. The faster and armed English ships were able to defeat the slow an
heavy Spanish ships. England’s successful resistance showed that Spain was
not invincible. Since it wasn’t considered safe for Elizabeth to travel around
the country, she decided to use portraits to show herself to her people. The
way the queen was painted changed over the course of her reign. Portraitist
used to paint her with a pale face, with dark brown eyes and with freckles.

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