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What is the strongest emotion you had while reading Patrick

Henry’s speech? What words or phrases in this work made you

feel that way? Give at least 3 examples and explain why they
made you feel that way. /4 I felt anger and frustration while reading
this speech. Patrick Henry wrote this speech to encourage Virginia
citizens into taking action against British rule. He displayed several
points that stood out to me. Firstly, he asks rhetorical questions, by
questioning the public on whether or not this is the right way to seek
independence, “is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and
arduous struggle for liberty?”. Another example that shows frustration
is the way Henry persists for independence. He hints that they’ve
attempted to make the British leave, so they could gain their liberty.
However, he states it in a way that shows British rejection, “we have held
the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in
vain.” Lastly, another feeling of frustration and anger is how Henry
keeps repeating and exaggerating his plea, “We have petitioned; we have
remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before
the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical
hands of the ministry and Parliament.”

Loyalists (those loyal to the King of England) would respond

negatively to this speech. What parts of this speech could
persuade them to turn against the crown? What parts of this
speech could make them feel angry? /4 The parts that could
persuade them to turn against the crown would be when Henry talks
about the Parliament neglecting and ignoring the demands of the
colonies. This could provoke an uproar with the loyalists because they
would see how the Parliament is disregarding them. The Parliament
commits themselves to corrupt and biased activities, which could result
in serious consequences for America and Great Britain. It could also
ruin the British military, government popularity, and the wealthy
economy. “I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the
God of Hosts is all that is left us!” Because now, the Americans are
gaining their confidence to establish troops that would go against the
British military.
Fill in the blanks with quotes from their work that use the 3
different types of persuasions. The table will expand as you

Chart = /12 Ethos Logos Pathos

Henry’s Words “I repeat it, sir, we
"Our petitions “I know not what
(Give a short quote that must fight! An have been course others may
exemplifies the type of
appeal to arms slighted; our take; but as for
and to the God of remonstrance me, give me
Hosts is all that is
have produced liberty or give me
left us!” additional violence death!”
insult; our
supplications have
been disregarded;
and we have been
spurned, with
contempt, from
the foot of the
throne…There is
no longer any
room for hope."
Your Explanation This shows Henrys Henry is telling us This shows the
(Explain how this quote character and who that the British lengths that Henry
is an example of that
he is; a patriot have been is willing to go
type of persuasion.)
who doesn’t stand unresponsive to through because
down and anything but he feels so much
continues to speak armed resistance. passion for what
up, fight, and He also said the he is fighting for
motivate others to British had no and how he is in
do the same. interest in this until death.
with the citizens.
Total Points: /20

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