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How exercising Affects your appetite.

With so many experts suggesting that exercising has a way of shaping one's appetite and eating

habits, it is unclear to most people how this happens. You must have observed a change in your

appetite when you start working and stop. It Is debatable whether exercise influences appetite;

however, its impact on people differs due to other underlying factors. We look at the possibility

of physical activity affecting an individual's exercise.

A recent study found that people considered physically active, i.e., weight trainers and those

involved in consistent workouts, did not overeat during a buffet. However, they did not show a

lesser appetite either. Eating is subject to other more significant factors that might override

working out.

Caloric compensation.

Different people experience hunger differently, regardless of whether they work out. Working

out leads to shedding some weight. An interesting observation by experts suggests that those

who work out drop as many pounds as the calories they burn. However, nobody ever crosses to

underweight as they burn calories. This is because the body is wired to hold on to some fats as a

precaution against future starvation. What happens when you stop shedding any more weight but

continue burning more calories is what is known as caloric compensation and may cause a slight

difference in the appetite. However, because caloric compensation spreads over time, it is

impossible to attribute the change in appetite to an immediate workout session.

Strenuous Exercise

However, some studies present contradictory findings. A recent study reveals that strenuous

exercise can impact the appetite by flattening it. These experts have recorded a difficult and

prolonged activity to blunt the individual's appetite for between hours to a few days. Workout
trains the body about endurance to physical deprivation. The body can interpret that to include

food consumption and utilize the fat stored for energy needs. However, some groups of people

report a different scenario. Some people tend to feel hungrier during workouts and will urgently

need to eat to replace the calories lost in the physical activity.

While the impacts of exercise on appetite are not a clear-cut scenario. Many other underlying

physiological conditions might influence appetite more than exercise does.

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