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Knocking the stairs to heaven

John Bonham was born on 1948 and died on 1980, his musican
nickname was ‘Bonzo’, he started playing drums when he was 5
years old, his mother gives him his first item for drumming
equipment when he was 10 years old, and he had a full drum kit
when he was 15 years old, some time pass and John joined a local
band called “the blue star trio” as their drummer, and he filled into
other local bands, he joined his first band in 1965 in the band Terry
Webb, when he was doing Terry Webb he met Robert Plant for his
first time, on 1965, John Bonham, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and
John Paul formed their rock band called Led Zeppelin, Robert
Plant recommend was who recommended John Bonham, Led
Zeppelin made 8 recorred albums on 1968.
John Bonham played hard rock, after his tour with Vanilla Fudge
he became friend with a drummer that introduced him Ludwig
drums, that drums where the only drums he used for all his career,
he used many kits during his time with Led Zeppelin, but now he
used only Ludwig drums.
He had a really unique stile of playing for his time he had 3 keys
attributes that are: Triplets, rim shots, and he followed the guitarist.
He had a really fast way to play the drums, and he always listen
into the guitar so he didn’t miss the rhythm.


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