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The article "Matrix Management: Not a Structure, a Frame of Mind" discusses how

matrix management is not just a physical structure but also a mindset and approach to
work. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration, communication, and flexibility in a
matrix organization.

On the other hand, "The Chicken-Egg Problem with Organizational Change" discusses
the difficulty of implementing change in organizations. It highlights the interdependence
between structure and behavior and argues that changing behavior is often more
challenging than changing structures. While the two articles may seem to contradict
each other, they actually address different aspects of organizational management.
Matrix management is a way to structure work and encourage collaboration, while
organizational change is about altering behavior and attitudes within an organization.
Both approaches are important for creating a successful and adaptable organization,
and they are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, the two articles complement each other by highlighting different aspects of
organizational management. Effective matrix management requires a supportive
organizational culture that is open to change, while successful organizational change
often relies on a flexible structure that can adapt to new approaches.Therefore, it can be
argued that both articles are important and necessary for understanding how to manage
and lead organizations effectively.

Although the two articles might appear to be at odds with one another, they each focus
on a distinct component of organisational management. Organizational change is the
process of changing the behaviour and attitudes inside an organisation, whereas matrix
management is a means to organise work and promote cooperation. The two strategies
are complementary and both are crucial for building an effective organisation that can
change as needed.
The two articles really support one another by focusing on various facets of
organisational administration. While successful organisational transformation frequently
depends on a flexible structure that can adapt to new techniques, effective matrix
management need an encouraging company culture that is receptive to change.

There is a case to be made that both pieces are crucial to comprehending how to
manage and lead enterprises successfully.

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