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English Definition Spanish Portuguese Indonesian Russian

Abandon (1) Plugging and abandoning of a well in Abandonar Abandonar Meninggalkan Ликвидировать
compliance with all applicable regulations, and
the cleaning up of the wellsite.
(2) To cease efforts to find or produce from a
well or field.
(3) To plug a well completion and salvage
material and equipment.

Abandonment Final plugging of well, and/or permanent Abandono Abandono Penutupan akhir Ликвидация
dismantling, etc. of a production platform or
other installation.
Abatement Reducción Redução Penurunan меры по борьбе с
Abnormal Pressure exceeding or falling below the normal Presión anormal Pressão anormal Tekanan abnormal Аномальное давление
pressure pressure to be expected at a given depth.

Abrasion Damage on pipe resulting from friction. Abrasión Abrasão Abrasi Истирание
Absolute Measure of the ability of a fluid to flow through a Permeabilidad absoluta Permeabilidade absoluta Permeabilitas absolut Абсолютная
permeability rock sample when the sample is saturated with проницаемость
that fluid.

Absolute porosity Percentage of the total bulk volume of a rock Porosidad absoluta Porosidade absoluta Porositas mutlak Абсолютная пористость
sample that is composed of pore spaces or
Absolute pressure Pressure above zero pressure; the sum of the Presión absoluta Pressão absoluta Tekanan mutlak Абсолютное давление
gauge and atmospheric pressures.
Absolute Scale of temperature in which zero degrees is Escala de temperatura Escala de temperatura Skala temperatur mutlak Абсолютная
temperature scale absolute zero.  On the Rankine absolute absoluta absoluta температура
temperature scale, water freezes at 273
degrees and boils at 373 degrees.

Absolute volume Volume per unit mass, reciprocal of absolute Volumen absoluto Volume absoluto Volume mutlak Абсолютный объем
Absorb Absorber Absorver Menyerap Абсорбировать
Absorbent Absorbente Absorvente Absorben Абсорбент
Absorption Entrance of molecules or ions of one or more Absorción Absorção Penyerapan/absorpsi Абсорбция
substances into the interior of a solid or liquid.

Accelerated Additional field development for the purpose of Recuperación acelerada Recuperação acelerada Perolehan terakselerasi Ускоренная добыча
recovery faster recovery.
Accelerator Additive that speeds the setting time of cement. Acelerador Acelerador Akselerator Ускоритель схватывания

Accessory Accesorio Acessório Aksesori Вспомогательное

Account Cuenta Conta Rekening Учет, расчет, доклад (в
зависимости от

Accounting Procedimiento contable Procedimento contábil Prosedur akutansi Процедура учета


BJ Master Glossary 083102

Accumulation Quantity of oil (gas) found in the reservoir rock. Acumulación Acumulação Akumulasi Месторождение

Accumulator Acumulador Acumulador Akumulator Накопитель

Acetic acid Organic acid sometimes used to acidize Ácido acético Ácido acético Asam asetat Уксусная кислота
Acid Compound containing hydrogen capable of Ácido Ácido Asam Кислота
being replaced by positive elements or radicals
to form salts.

Acid cargo tank Tank used to transport acid. Tanque para transporte de Tanque para transporte de Tangki kargo asam Грузовой танк для
ácido ácido кислоты
Acid frac Process of opening cracks in reservoir rock by Fractura ácida Fraturamento Ácido Frac asam Кислотный разрыв
using acid under high pressure.
Acid fracture See acid frac Fractura ácida Fraturamento Ácido Fracture asam Кислотный разрыв
Acid fracturing See acid frac Fractura ácida Fraturamento Ácido Fracturing asam Кислотный разрыв
Acid gas Gas that forms an acid when mixed with water. Gas ácido Gás ácido Gas asam Кислотный газ

Acid pump Bomba para ácido Bomba para ácido Pompa asam Насос для кислоты
Acid residue Residuo ácido Resíduo ácido Residu asam Кислотный остаток
Acid resistance Ability of a hardened cement slurry to withstand Resistencia al ácido Resistência ao ácido Resistansi asam Кислотостойкость
the softening and corrosive effects of acids.

Acid spill Derramamiento de ácido Derramamento de ácido Tumpahan asam Разлив кислоты

Acid stimulation Stimulation method using acid. Estimulación con ácido Estimulaçao ácida Stimulasi asam Кислотное возбуждение

Acid strength Concentración de ácido Concentração de ácido Kekuatan asam Сила кислоты
Acid titration Scientific analytical method used to determine Titulación ácida Titulação ácida Titrasi asam титрование клислотой
total (or titratable) acidity. A strong base (such
as sodium hydroxide) is added to the sample. If
an chemical indicator (such as phenolphthalein)
has been added to a sample of the liquid being
tested, then a color change will occur at the
point when all of the available hydrogen ions in
the acid have been neutralized by the base.

Acid transport Truck used to transport acid. Camión para transporte Transporte de ácido Pengangkutan/Alat Транспортировка
de ácido o cisterna para pengangkut asam кислоты
Acid treatment Job performed in the Tratamiento con ácido Tratamento com ácido Pengolahan asam Кислотная обработка
Acid wash Acid treatment in which acid is circulated in the Lavado con ácido Lavagem com ácido Pencucian asam Промывка кислым
well to clean it. раствором
Acidity Amount of free carbon dioxide, mineral acids Acidez Acidez Keasaman Кислотность
and salts which hydrolyze to give hydrogen ions
in water. It is measure by its pH.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Acidize Treat formations with acid for the purpose of Acidificar Acidificar Mengasamkan Обрабатывать кислотой
increasing production.
Acidizing See acidize Acidificación Acidificação Pengasaman Кислотная обработка
Acidizing Trabajo de acidificación Operação de acidificação Operasi pengasaman Кислотная обработка
Acoustic (sonic) Measurement of porosity done by comparing Registro acústico (sónico) Perfil sônico Well logging akustik Акустический каротаж
well logging the time it takes for a sonic impulse to travel (suara)
through a given length of formation.

Acoustic Impedancia acústica Impendância acústica Impedansi akustik Акустический импеданс

Acoustic log Well-logging method in which sound impulses Registro acústico Registro acústico Log akustik Акустический каротаж
are generated and transmitted into the
formations opposite the wellbore.  The time it
takes for the sound impulses to travel through
the rock is measured and recorded.

Acoustic survey See acoustic log Registro acústico Registro acústico Survei akustik Акустический каротаж

Actuator Mechanism used to operate remotely or Accionador Acionador Aktuator Исполнительный

automatically a valve or choke by pressure or элемент
Adapter Device to provide connection between two other Adaptador Adaptador Adapter Переходник
parts that have different nominal sizes.

Additive Chemicals that may be added to products to Aditivo Aditivo Aditif/bahan aditif Присадка
improve their characteristics.
Additive delivery Entrega de aditivo Entrega de aditivo Pengiriman aditif Подача присадок
Adjustable choke A choke in which the position of a conical Estrangulador ajustable Choke ajustável Choke (pencekik) mampu Регулируемый штуцер
needle in a seat can be used to vary the rate of setel
flow through the choke.
Adsorption Accumulation of a thin layer of molecules of gas Adsorción Adsorção Penyerapan Адсорбция
or liquid on a solid surface.
Aerate Add air into a liquid fluid by agitation. Airear Areação Aerasi Аэрировать
Aerated mud The principle of drilling with aerated mud is to Lodo aireado Lama Areada Lumpur teraerasi Аэрированный буровой
inject water or mud and compressed air in such раствор
a way as to obtain in the annulus an emulsion,
such that the new pressure exerted at the loss
zone is in balance with the formation pressure

Aerator pad Colchón de aireación Colchão aerado Bantalan aerator аэрированная жидкость
AFE Approved Fixed Expenditure Autorización de Gasto Autorização para
(AFE, Authorization for Desembolso (AFE,
Expenditure) Authorization for

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Affiliate Company controlled by the other or both of Afiliada Afiliada Afiliasi Родственная компания
them controlled by the same person or
Aging (cement) Natural or artificial curing of cement, cement Curado del cemento Cura do cimento Penuaan (semen) Выдерживание цемента
slurries, and hardened cement paste during
which various physico-chemical changes take

Agreement Written understanding of the rights, liabilities, Acuerdo Acordo Perjanjian/persetujuan Соглашение
and obligations of the parties to the agreement.

Air compressor Compresor de aire Compressor de ar Kompresor udara Воздушный компрессор

Air lift Lifting of liquids by injection, directly into the Extracción por aire Jet lift Air lift (pengangkatan Подъем закачкой
well, of air or gas. udara) воздуха
Air lines Líneas de aire Linhas de ar Pipa udara Воздухопроводы
Air wand Lanza de aire
AIT Array induction tool AIT AIT AIT (perkakas induksi Прибор матричного
array) индукционного каротажа

Alarm Alarma Alarme Alarm (tanda bahaya) Сигнализация

Alcohol Alcohol Álcool Alkohol Спирт
Alemite pump Bomba Alemite Bomba Alemite Pompa alemit Насос типа Alemite
Alkali Any compound having marked basic properties; Álcali Alcalino Alkalin Щелочь
opposite of acid.
Alkalinity The combining power of a base measured by Alcalinidad Alcalinidade Alkalinitas Щелочность
the maximum number of equivalents of an acid
with which it can react to form a salt.

Allen wrench Llave Allen Chave Allen Kunci Allen Универсальный гаечный
Allowable Permisible Admissível Diperbolehkan/diizinkan Допустимый
Allowable working Presión de trabajo Pressão de trabalho Tekanan kerja yang Допустимое рабочее
pressure permisible admissível diizinkan давление

Alloy A composition of two or more metals. Aleación Liga Aloi Сплав

Ambient Temperature of the air surrounding the Temperatura ambiente Temperatura ambiente Temperatur sekitar Температура
temperature equipment. окружающего воздуха
American Instituto Americano del Instituto Americano de Institut Petroleum Amerika Американский нефтяной
Petroleum Institute Petróleo Petróleo институт

Anaerobic Refers to life or processes that occur in the Anaeróbico Anaeróbico Anaerob Анаэробный
absence of oxygen.
Analysis Quantitative determination of the constituent Análisis Análise Analisis Анализ
Angle of dip Angle that a formation has compared to an Angulo de buzamiento. Ângulo de inclinação Sudut pencelupan Угол падения пласта
horizontal line.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Anhydrite A mineral consisting of anhydrous calcium Anhidrita Anidrita Anhidrit Ангидрит
sulfate. It is gypsum without its water of
Anhydrous Without water in chemical combination. Anhidro Anidro Anhidrat Безводный
Anisotropy Variation of a physical property depending on Anisotropía Anisotropia Anisotrofi Анизотропия
the direction in which it is measured.
Annular Anular Anular Annular Кольцевой
Annular flow Flujo anular Fluxo anular Aliran annular Кольцевой поток
Annular packer Tool that seals off annular pressure. Empacador para espacio Packer anular Annular packer Кольцевой уплотнитель
Annular preventer A device which can seal around any object in Preventor Preventivo Annular preventer Кольцевой превентор
the borehole or upon itself.
Annular space Space around a pipe in a wellbore, the outer Espacio anular Espaço anular Ruang annular межкольцевое
wall of which may be the wall of either the пространство
borehole or the casing; sometimes termed the

Annular velocity Velocity of a fluid moving in the annulus. Velocidad anular Velocidade anular Kelajuan annular Скорость в кольцевом
Annular Volume Volumen Anular Volume anular Volume Anulus Объем кольцевого
Annulus See annular space Anular Anular Anulus Кольцевой зазор
Annulus Back Presión Aplicada al Anular Contra pressão anular Tekanan Balik Anulus Противодавление в
Pressure кольцевом зазоре
ANSI American National Standards Institute ANSI ANSI ANSI Американский
национальный институт
Anticlinal trap Hydrocarbon trap in which petroleum Trampa anticlinal Falha anticlinal / Trapa Perangkap antiklinal Антиклинальная
accumulates in the top of an anticline. articlinal ловушка
Anticline Structural fold generally concave downward. If Anticlinal Anticlinal Antiklin Антиклиналь
covered by an impermeable layer of rock the
anticline would make a potential oil or gas

Antifoam Substance to prevent foam formation by greatly Antiespumante Antiespumante Antifoam (Antibusa) Противовспениватель
decreasing the surface tension.
AOF Absolute open flow. Maximum flow rate at which AOF Abertura plena AOF (aliran terbuka Максимально
a well can flow when the pressure on the face of absolut) возможный дебит
the reservoir is zero.
AOPF Absolute Open Flow Potential Potencial máximo Potencial em abertura AOPF (Potensi Aliran Потенциальный
plena Terbuka Absolut) максимально возможный
API American Petroleum Institute API API Institut Petroleum Amerika Американский нефтяной
институт (АНИ)

API fluid loss Volume of mud filtrate loss measured from the Perdida de fluido API Filtrado API Kehilangan fluida API Поглощение бурового
filter press test. раствора по методике

BJ Master Glossary 083102

API gravity An arbitrary scale expressing the density of Densidad API Densidade API Gravitasi API Плотность в градусах
liquid (gravity) petroleum products devised Американского
jointly by the American Petroleum Institute and нефтяного института
the National Bureau of Standards. Oil with the
least specific gravity has the highest API gravity.
The measuring scale is calibrated in terms of
degrees API. API Gravity is the industry
standard for expressing the specific gravity of
crude oils. A high API gravity means lower
specific gravity and lighter oils.
Degrees API Gravity = (141.5/Specific Gravity
at 60 Deg. F) – 131.5

API Schedule Programa API Programa API Jadwal API Регламент

нефтяного института
API shake-out Agitación API Agitação API API shake-out Взбалтывание образца
(для определения
содержания твердого
осадка и воды) по
методике АНИ

API specification Especificación de API Especificação API Spesifikasi API Технические условия
нефтяного института

Appraisal well A well drilled to further confirm and evaluate Pozo de evaluación Poço de avaliação Sumur penilaian оценочная скважина
(size/quality - commercial potential) the
presence of hydrocarbons in a reservoir that
has been found by a wildcat well.

AQL Acceptable Quality Level

Aquifer Underground permeable rock that contains Acuífero Aqüífero Aquifier водоносный пласт
Artificial drives Any means of lifting liquid from a well other than Empujes artificiales Extração artificial Penggerak (drive) artifisial искусственное
natural flow, such as gas lift and submersible вытеснение
Artificial lift See artificial drive Bombeo artificial Bombeio artificial Pengangkat artifisial механизированная
Artificial lift Equipo para bombeo Equipamento para Peralatan pengangkat Оборудование для
equipment artificial bombeamento artificial artifisial механизированной
ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASME ASME ASME (Komunitas Американский институт
Insinyur Mesin Amerika) инженеров-механиков

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Asphalt A mixture of bitumen and mineral aggregate as Asfalto Asfalto Aspal асфальт
prepared for the construction of roads or in
other paving uses.

Assemble Armar Montar Merakit собирать

Assembly Conjunto Conjunto Asembli/rakitan сборка
Asset Activo Ativo Aset актив
asset impairments pérdidas por deterioro de Perdas por degradação do
activos ativo
Assisted recovery Set of Techniques for increasing a field’s Recuperación asistida Recuperação secundaria Perolehan terbantu стимулированная
productivity. добыча
ASTM American Society for Testing Material, ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM
has established many of the technical standards
used in the oil industry.

Atmospheric Barometric reading of pressure exerted by the Presión atmosférica Pressão atmostérica Tekanan atmosfer атмосферное давление
pressure atmosphere. At sea level 14.7 lb per sq in. Or
29.92 in. of mercury.
Attachment Anexo Anexo Lampiran крепление
Audit Auditoria, auditar Auditoria, auditar Audit аудит
Autoclave Autoclave Autoclave Autoklaf автоклав
Auxiliary Equipo auxiliar Equipamento auxiliar Peralatan bantu (auxiliary) вспомогательное
equipment оборудование
Average shut-in Average temperature at the surface during the Temperatura promedio de Temperatura média de Temperatur penutupan средняя температура
temperature stabilization period. cierre fechamento (shut-in) rata-rata закрытой скважины
Award Adjudicar Concessão/conceder Penghargaan награда
B/D Barrels per day B/d Barris por dia (b/d) B/d баррелей в день
Back off To unscrew a joint of drillpipe. Desenroscar Quebrar Melepas развиничвание
Back pressure Pressure resulting from restricting flow. Contrapresiona Contrapressão Tekanan balik Противодавление
Back up Hold one section of an object such as pipe while Sostener Suportar, sustentar Menahan удерживать
another section is being screwed into or out of

Backup Equipment on stand-by should the main Equipo de reserva Equipamento reserva Cadangan удерживание
equipment fail.
Backup element Sealing ring on either side of the center packing Elemento de respaldo Elemento de apoio Elemen penahan (backup) удерживающий элемент
element to limit its extrusion
Baffles Plates which change the direction of flow of Deflector Defletor Baffle (pengalih aliran) дефлектор
Bail To recover wellbore fluids, samples, or drill Achicar Barrilete Bail оттартывать
cuttings by lowering a cylindrical vessel, called
a bailer, to the wellbore bottomhole, filling it, and
retrieving it.

balance sheet balance Balanço

Ball injector Inyector de bolas Injetora de bolas Ball injector Устройства подачи

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Ball Sealer Inyector de bolas sellantes

Ball sealers Balls made of nylon, hard rubber, or both and Bolas sellantes Bolas selantes Ball sealer уплотняющие шарики
used to shut off perforations .
Ball valve Type of valve with a spherical core. Válvula de esfera Válvula de esfera Ball valve шаровой клапан
Ballast For mobile offshore drilling rigs, weight added to Lastre Lastro Balas балласт
make the rig more seaworthy, increase its draft,
or sink it to the seafloor.
Ball-out To plug open perforations by using ball sealers. Taponar las perforaciones Entrada limitada Ball-out Закрывать отверстия

Barge A vessel used normally ion lakes and rivers. Barcaza o Gabarra Barcaça Tongkang баржа

Barite Barium Sulfate, a mineral used to increase the Barita Barita Barit барит
weight of drilling fluid.
Barite plug Tapón de barita Tampa de barita Plug barit баритовая пробка
Barium sulfate BaSO4. SEE: Barite. Sulfato de bario Sulfato de bário Barium sulfat сульфат бария
Barrel 42 US Gallons (approximately 159 liters). The Barril Barril Barel баррель
traditional unit of measure of oil volume.

Barrel oil Gas volume that is expressed in terms of its Barril de petróleo Barril de petróleo Ekuvalen barel minyak нефтяной эквивалент в
equivalent energy equivalent in barrels of oil. equivalente equivalente баррелях
Barrels per day A unit of measurement used in the industry for Barriles por día Barris por dia Barel per hari баррелей в день
the production rates of oil fields, pipelines, and
Barrier Barrera Barreira Penghalang барьер
Base Substance capable of reacting with an acid to Base Base Basa основание
form a salt.
Base fluid Fluido base Fluido base Fluida dasar основная жидкость
Base slurry Lechada base Pasta base Slurry dasar основная суспензия
Basin Large area with a thick accumulation of Cuenca sedimentaria Bacia sedimentar Basin бассейн
sedimentary rocks into which the sediments that
can form oil and natural gas are deposited.

Basket Device employed to catch debris from drillable Canasta Cesta Keranjang сетка-фильтр
tools, perforators, and so on
Batch A definite amount of oil, mud, acid, or other Lote Batelada Batch партия
liquid in a tank or pipe.
Batch cementing Cementación por lote Cimentação por batelada Penyemenan batch цементирование по
Batch mixed Mezclado por baches Mistura em bateladas Batch mixed приготовление замеса

Batch mixer Mezclador de baches Misturador de bateladas Batch mixer смеситель


BJ Master Glossary 083102

Batch mixer Batch mixer Batch mixer Batch mixer смеситель
Bauxite Bauxita Bauxita Bauksit боксит
BBL Barrel BBL BBL Bbl баррель
BBTU Billion BTU's. BBTU BBTU BBTUBBTU млрд британских
тепловых едениц
BCF Billion cubic feet. 1 bcf = 0.83 million tons of oil BPC BPC BCF млрд куб. футов
Beam Moving beam of a pumping unit. Balancín Balança Beam (tiang sorong) опора
Beam well A well using a pumping unit and rods to lift fluid. Pozo con unidad de Poço com unidade de Beam well насосная скважина со
bombeo mecánico bombeamento mecânico штанговым

Bearing Cojinete Rolamento Bearing подшипник

Bent sub A short cylindrical device installed in the drill Sub ponderado Bent sub (sub torto) Sub bengkok кривой переходник
stem between the bottom-most drill collar and a
downhole motor.   Its purpose is to deflect the
downhole motor off vertical to drill a directional

Bentonite A colloidal clay composed of the mineral Bentonita Bentonita Bentonit бентонит
montmorillinite and having the property of
swelling when wet.

Benzene An aromatic hydrocarbon present to a minor Benceno Benzeno Benzena бензол

degree in most crude oils.
Benzoic acid Ácido benzoico Ácido benzóico Asam bensoat бензойная кислота
Best fit Ajuste optimo Ajuste ótimo Paling pas оптимальная
BHA Bottomhole assembly BHA BHA BHA (Asembli lubang оборудование низа
dasar) бурильной колонны
BHC Borehole compensated BHC BHC BHC с компенсацией влияния
BHFP Bottom Hole Frac Pressure BHFP BHFP BHFP (Tekanan Frac забойное
Lubang Dasar) гидродинамическое
BHP Bottom hole pressure BHP BHP BHP (Tekanan lubang забойное давление
BHT Bottomhole Temperature. BHT BHT BHT (Temperatur lubang забойная температура
Bicarbonate Bicarbonato Bicarbonato Bikarbonat бикарбонат
Bid Licitación Licitação/Oferta Tawaran заявка на подряд
bid licitación Licitação, concorrência
bid request solicitud de oferta Solicitação de
concorrência / Licitação

bid requirements requisitos de licitación Requisitos da licitação

Bidding Pliego de condiciones Especificações da Spesifikasi penawaran технические требования
specifications Licitação/Oferta к заявке

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Big bore Gran diámetro Grande diâmetro Lubang-bor besar скважина (труба)
большого внутреннего

Bill of lading Conocimiento de Conhecimento de Konosemen (surat коносамент

embarque embarque keterangan barang
Biodcide Biocida Biocida Biosida пестицид, пестицидная
Bit Tool used to drill a well. Broca Broca Bit (mata bor) буровая коронка
BJ BJ BJ BJ компания BJ Services
BJ equipment Equipo BJ Equipamento BJ Peralatan BJ оборудование BJ
BJ iron manual Manual de líneas de Manual BJ de linhas de BJ Iron Manual (Manual Руководство компании
tratamiento BJ alta pressão Pipa Besi BJ) BJ Services по трубам

BJ or BJS BJ Services
BJ Services BJ Services BJ Services BJ Services компания BJ Services
Blank casing Casing without perforations Revestimiento no Revestimento não Casing polos обсадные трубы без
perforado perfurado перфораций
Blank liner Liner without perforations. Liner no perforado Liner não perfurado Liner polos неперфорированная
нижняя труба обсадной
Bleed To drain off (slowly) liquid or gas. Liberar Liberar Merembeskan (bleed) сочиться
Bleed line A pipe through which pressure is bled. Línea de purga Linha de alívio Pipa perembesan (bleed протекающая труба
Bleed off Purgar Aliviar Perembesan (bleed off) сброс давления
Bleed off line Línea de purga Linha de alívio Pipa perembesan (bleed выпускной трубопровод
off line)
Bleed off or bleed Reduce pressure by letting oil or gas escape at Liberar Aliviar Perembesan tekanan сбрасывать давление
down a low rate.
Bleed off the Liberar la presión Liberar a pressão Merembeskan-keluar сбрасывать давление
pressure tekanan
Bleed off valve Válvula de purga Válvula de alívio Bleed off valve спускной клапан
Bleeder Valve or pipe through which bleeding is done. Válvula de purga Válvula de alívio Perembes (bleeder) спускной клапан

Bleed-off line Línea de purga Linha de purga Pipa perembesan спускная труба
Blend Mezclar Misturar Mencampur/campuran смесь
Blend sample Muestra de la mezcla Amostra da mistura Sampel campuran образец смеси
Blended cement Cemento mezclado Cimento misturado Semen tercampur цемент с добавками
Blended products Productos mezclados Produtos misturados Produk tercampur смешанные продукты

Blender Unit used to blend slurries or gels in a frac Blender Blender/misturador Blender (pencampur) смеситель
Blender In Bulk Plant Silo de Mezcla Blender/misturador Blender смеситель
Blender hopper Cubeta del blender Funil misturador Hoper Blender бункер смесителя

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Blender manifold Manifold del blender Manifold do misturador Manifold Blender смесительный коллектор

Blending Mezclar Misturar Pencampuran компаундирование

Blending Equipo de mezcla Equipamento de mistura Peralatan pencampuran оборудование для
equipment компаундирования
Blind ram A ram whose end is not intended to fit drill pipe, Compuerta ciega Gaveta cega Blind ram глухая плашка
but to seal against another and shut off
completely the space below.
Blind shear ram Blind ram with a built in cutting edge that will Compuerta ciega de corte Gaveta cega de corte Blind shear ram глухая срезающая
shear tubulars that may be in the wellbore, thus плашка
allowing the blind rams to seal the wellbore.
Used primarily in subsea systems.

Block An acreage sub-division measuring Bloque Bloco Blok блок

approximately 10 x 20 kms, forming part of a
quadrant. e.g. Block 9/13 is the 13th block in
Quadrant 9.

Block In mechanics, one or more pulleys or sheaves Bloque Bloco Blok

mounted to rotate on a common axis; any
assembly of pulleys on a common framework.

Blower Soplador Soprador Blower (kipas) фонтанная скважина

Blowout Uncontrolled or uncontrollable release of Reventón Erupção Letupan фонтан
downhole pressure upward through the well-
bore or casing.
Blowout preventer Several valves installed at the wellhead to Preventor de reventones BOP Blowout preventer противовыбросовый
prevent the escape of pressure either in the (pencegah letupan) превентор
annular space between the casing and drill pipe
or in open hole during drilling and completion

Blowout preventer Closing and sealing components of a preventer, Compuerta del preventor Gavetas do BOP Blowout preventer ram плашка
rams like the gate in a gate valve. de reventones противовыбросового

Blowout preventer The assembly of well control equipment Conjunto de preventor de Conjunto BOP Blowout preventer stack узел
stack including preventers, spools, valves, and reventones противовыбросового
nipples connected to the top of the casing head. превентора

Boiling point Temperature at which a liquid boils at a Temperatura de ebullición Temperatura de ebulição Titik didih температура кипения
standard pressure of 760 mm Hg (1
BOL Bill of Lading
BOM Bill of Materials
Bond In cementing, adherence from cement and Adherencia Aderência Ikatan сцепление
casing or formation

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Boom (1) A member hinged to the revolving Barra de extensión Barra de extensão Boom стрела, трубчатый
upperstructure and used for supporting the hoist поглотитель
tackle.(2) A long beam supported by a derrick to
hoist loads. (3) A tubular shaped absorbent
material utilized in spill containment.

Boost pump Bomba sobrealimentadora Bomba Intensificadora Pompa boost бустерный насос

Booster Sobrealimentadora Intensificador de pressão Booster бустерный насос

BOP See Blowout preventer BOP BOP BOP противовыбросовый

BOP accumulator Acumulador del BOP Acumulador do BOP Akumulator BOP накопитель
BOP stack Assembly of blowout preventers installed on a BOP BOP BOP узел
well противовыбросового
BOPD Barrels of oil per day. BOPD BOPD (Barris de petróleo BOPD баррелей нефти в день
por dia)
Bore Agujero Buraco Bor скважина
Borehole Physical hole created by boring or drilling. Agujero Buraco Lubang-bor скважина
Bottleneck Area of reduced diameter in pipe. Cuello de botella Restrição Bottleneck (hambatan) сужение
Bottom Fondo de pozo Fundo do poço Dasar дно
Bottom plug Plug used in cementing operations. Tapón inferior Tampão de fundo Bottom plug пробка на забое
Bottomhole Fondo de pozo Fundo do poço Dasar lubang забой
Bottomhole An assembly composed of the bit, stabilizers, Conjunto de fondo de Coluna de fundo Asembli lubang dasar забойная компоновка
assembly reamers, drill collars, subs, etc., used at the pozo
bottom of the drill string. Commonly abbreviated

Bottomhole choke Estrangulador de fondo Entrangulador de fundo Choke lubang dasar забойный штуцер

Bottomhole Reservoir pressure at the bottom of the well. Presión de fondo de pozo Pressão de fundo Tekanan lubang dasar забойное давление
Bottomhole Device to measure bottomhole pressure. Registrador de fondo de Registrador de fundo Gauge tekanan lubang забойный манометр
pressure gauge pozo dasar
Bottomhole Test measuring the reservoir pressure of the Prueba de presión de Teste de pressão de Uji tekanan lubang dasar измерение забойного
pressure test well, obtained at a specific depth or at the fondo de pozo fundo de poço давления
midpoint of the producing zone.
Bottomhole Temperature measurement recorded at a point Temperatura de fondo Temperatura de fundo Temperatur lubang dasar статическая
temperature within a wellbore, usually at the wellbore температура на забое
Bottoms up A complete trip from the bottom of the wellbore Circulación de abajo a Circular o volume do poço Bottom up (dari dasar ke расстояние от забоя до
to the top arriba puncak) верха скважины
Boundary Refers to the limit of a reservoir Limite Borda Batas граница

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Bourdon tube A pressure-sensing element consisting of a Tubo Bourdon Tubo Bourdon Tuba Bourdon пружинный манометр
twisted or curved rube of non-circular cross
section, which tends to straighten when
pressure is applied internally.

Bowl Device into which fit the slips or wedges which Tazón Cunha Bowl конусный вкладыш
support tubing.
Box Female section of a connection. Hembra Fêmea Box гнездо
BPD Barrels per day BPD BPD (barris por dia) BPD (Barel per hari) баррелей в день
BPM Barrels per minute BPM BPM (barris por minuto) BPM (Barel per menit) баррелей в минуту
Brackish water Water that contains relatively low concentrations Agua salobre Água salobra Air payau жесткая вода
of soluble salts. 
Bradenhead Process by which hydraulic pressure is applied Forzar fluidos a través de Forçar os fluidos através Bradenhead squeeze задавливание цемента
squeeze to fluids in the wellbore. la cabeza del da cabeça do через устьевую головку
revestimiento revestimento с сальниковым

Break circulation Start movement of the drilling fluid after it has Iniciar circulación Iniciar circulação Sirkulasi break возобновлять
been quiescent in the wellbore. циркуляцию бурового

Break out Loosen a tight joint or to unscrew one section of Desenroscar o Desenroscar ou Break out (melepas) ослаблять
pipe from another section. desconectar desconectar
Break time Tiempo de ruptura Tempo de ruptura Waktu istirahat время наступления
Breakdown Avería Avaria Breakdown разрыв пласта
Breaker test Prueba de separación Teste de quebra Uji Breaker испытания на снижение
Breaker Quebrador Quebrador Additive that breaks a gel
in a frac tretament.
Breaking down Unscrewing the drill stem into single joints and Desconectar la tubería Deitar Membongkar развинчивание
placing them on the pipe rack.
Breaking out pipe See Breaking down Desconectar la tubería Desconectar a tubulação Melepas pipa развиничвание трубы

Breakout cathead Device attached to the catshaft of the Cathead Guincho auxiliar Breakout cathead шпилевая катушка для
drawworks that is used as a power source for свинчивания бурильных
unscrewing drill pipe. труб
Bridge Obstruction of the wellbore caused by collapse Taponamiento Desmoronamento Penghalang осыпь породы
of the borehole walls.
Bridge plug A down hole tool used in a well to seal off or Tapón mecánico Tampão mecãnico Sumbat penghalang пробка-мост
isolate a particular formation for testing,
acidizing, cementing, etc. also a type of plug
used to seal off a well temporarily while the
wellhead is removed.

Bridging material Fibrous, flaky, or granular material added to a Material sellante Material de vedação Material penghalang материал для борьбы с
cement slurry or drilling fluid to aid in sealing поглощением
formations with potential lost circulation.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Brine Water that has large quantity of salt (saturated), Salmuera Salmoura Air garam рассол
especially sodium chloride, dissolved in it, salt
Bring in a well Complete a well and put it on producing status. Completar e inducir un Completar e induzir um Menyelesaikan dan сдавать скважину
pozo a producir poço a produzir memproduksi sumur
BTU British Thermal Unit. The quantity of heat BTU BTU BTU (Unit Panas Inggris) британская тепловая
required to raise the temperature of one pound единица
of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
Bubble point The state of a liquid phase system when it is in Punto de burbuja Ponto de ebulição Titik gelembung температура начала
equilibrium with an infinitesimal amount of vapor кипения

Bubble point The pressure at reservoir temperature at which Presión de punto de Pressão do ponto de Tekanan titik gelembung давление начала
pressure gas in solution in crude oil comes out of solution burbuja ebulição газовыделения
as free gas.
Bucket Balde o lata Balde ou lata Ember желонка
Buckling stress Esfuerzo de pandeo Esforço de empenamento Stres buckling критическое напряжение

Buddy system Sistema de compañero Sistema de duplas Sistem pasangan kerja система-дублер
Buffer Buffer Buffer Buffer буфер
Buildup (pressure) Incremento de presión Aumento de pressão Pengumpulan (tekanan) восстановление
Buildup test Test in which a well is shut in for a period of Prueba de incremento de Teste de aumento de Uji pengumpulan / испытание на
time, after which the bottomhole pressure presión pressão kenaikan tekanan восстановление
measured. давления

Bulk A granel A granel Besar (bulk) рассыпной

Bulk cement Cemento a granel Cimento a granel Semen bulk рассыпной цемент
Bulk cement Almacenamiento de Armazenagem de cimento Penyimpanan bulk semen цементохранилище
storage cemento a granel a granel
Bulk density Mass per unit volume of an object or material Densidad a granel Densidade bulk Bulk Densitas объемная плотность
divided by its volume, including the volume of its
pore spaces.
Bulk material Materiales a granel Materiais a granel Bulk Material сыпучий материал
Bulk plant Planta de materiales a Planta de materiais a Bulk Plant Установка для
granel granel приготовления сухих
тампонажных смесей

Bulk plant Operador de planta e Operador da planta de Operator bulk plant Оператор установки для
operator materiales a granel materiais a granel приготовления сухих
тампонажныъ смесей

Bulk tank Silo Silo Tangki besar Silo наливная емкость

Bulk truck Truck used for the transport of bulk material Camión bulk Caminhão para transporte Bulk truck грузовик-цистерна
de materiais a granel

Bulk volume Total volume of a rock including the pore Volumen a granel Volume bulk Bulk Volume общий объем
Bull plug A threaded nipple with a rounded, closed end. Tapón ciego Tampão cego Bull plug коническая пробка

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Buoyancy Apparent loss of weight of an object immersed Flotación Flutuação Pengapungan плавучесть
in a fluid.
Burner A device for the introduction of fuel and air into Quemador Queimador Burner (pembakar) горелка
a furnace at the desired velocities, turbulence
and concentration.

Burner boom Extensor del quemador Suporte do queimador Burner boom факельная стрела
Burst pressure Internal pressure required to rupture a given Presión de ruptura Pressão de ruptura Tekanan pecah давление разрыва
tubular product.
Bushing 1. a pipe fitting on which the external thread is Buje Redutor Bushing переводной фитинг,
larger than the internal thread to allow two pipes вкладыш
of different sizes to be connected.
2. a removable lining or sleeve inserted or
screwed into an opening to limit its size, resist
wear or corrosion, or serve as a guide. 

Butane A paraffin hydrocarbon, a gas in atmospheric Butano Butano Butan бутан

conditions but is easily liquefied under pressure.

Butterfly valve Type of valve whose orifice is opened and Válvula de mariposa Válvula borboleta Butterfly valve дроссельный клапан
closed by a disk that pivots on a shaft in the
throat of the valve.
Buttress Special threaded connection Buttress Buttress Buttress резьба API Buttress
By-pass A passage for a fluid, permitting a portion of the By-pass Desvio, by-pass By-pass обвод
fluid to flow around its normal pass flow
Bypass valve Válvula de by-pass Válvula by-pass Bypass valve перепускной клапан
C&F Cost and Freight C&F C&F (Custo e Frete) C&F себестоимость и плата
за провоз
Cake Layer of drilling fluid solids which coats the wall Revoque Reboco Cake ('kue pelapis') корка на стенках
of the borehole after the drilling fluid filtrate is скважины
forced into the rocks surrounding the borehole.

Cake thickness Thickness of drilling mud filter cake Espesor del revoque Espessura do reboco Ketebalan cake толщина корки
Calcium Calcio Cálcio Kalsium кальций
Calcium carbonate Carbonato de calcio Carbonato de cálcio Kalsium karbonat карбонат кальция

Calcium chloride Cloruro de calcio Cloreto de cálcio Kalsium klorida хлорид кальция
Calcium hydroxide Hidróxido de calcio Hidróxido de cálcio Kalsium hidroksida гидроксид кальция

Calcium sulfate Sulfato de calcio Sulfato de cálcio Kalsium sulfat сульфат кальция
Caliper A tool for checking casing in a well for Cáliper Caliper Kaliber калибр
deformation before e.g. running drilling tools,
which might become stuck, or packers which
might leak.

Calibrate Calibrar Calibrar Kalibrasi калибровать

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Caliper log Record of the diameter of the borehole or the Registro clíper Caliper Caliper log (catatan кавернограмма
internal diameter of tubular goods. lingkaran)
Call for bids Llamar a concurso Abrir uma concorrência Undangan penawaran запрос на заявки
Cam shaft Árbol de levas Eixo de comando Cam shaft кулачковый вал
Cap Tapa (in the case of a tank Tampa Kap колпак
o cement head)
Cap rock Capa rocosa Rocha de cobertura Batuan kap (cap rock) покрывающая порода
Capability Capacidad Capacidade Kemampuan/kapabilitas способность
Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Kapasitor конденсатор
capital gastos de capital Gastos de capital
Carbon dioxide Bióxido de carbono Dióxido de carbono Karbon dioksida диоксид углерода
Carbon monoxide Monóxido de carbono Monóxido de carbono Karbon monoksida моноксид углерода

Carbonate Carbonato Carbonato Karbonat карбонат

Carboxymethyl Carboximetilo de celulosa Carboximetilcelulose Selulosa karboksimetil карбоксиметилцеллюлоз
cellulose а
carrying amount valor en libros Valor nos livros
carrying costs costos de propiedad Custos pendentes
Cased hole Wellbore in which casing has been run. Pozo entubado Poço revestido Lubang ber-casing обсаженный ствол
Casing Steel pipe that is cemented into a well to Tubería de revestimiento Revestimento Casing обсадка
prevent the well bore wall from caving in, to stop
drilling fluids from losing circulation and to
prevent water and other fluids from invading the
well bore.

Casing burst Pressure that, when applied inside a string of Presión de ruptura de la Pressão de ruptura do Tekanan pecah casing давление разрыва
pressure casing, causes the wall of the casing to fail. tubería de revestimiento revestimento обсадной колонны

Casing centralizer Device secured around the casing at the regular Centralizador de tubería Centralizador Centralizer (penengah) центратор обсадной
intervals to center it in the hole. de revestimiento casing колонны
Casing collar Logging tool used to locate casing collars and Localizador de uniones de Localizador de uniões de Lokator casing collar локатор муфт обсадной
locator other features of downhole hardware. revestimiento. revestimento колонны
Casing coupling Cupla de revestimiento Junta Kopling casing муфта обсадной
Casing flange Flange affixed at the top of the casing string Brida de revestimiento Flange Flensa casing фланец обсадной
used to attach production equipment; i.e., колонны
Christmas tree.
Casing hanger Mechanism used to support a casing string in a Colgador de revestimiento Suspensor Casing hanger подвеска обсадной
casinghead by gripping the pipe with wedge колонны
type members.

Casing head Cabezal de tubería de Cabeça da tubulação de Casing head головка обсадной
revestimiento revestimento колонны
Casing ID Diámetro Interno del Diâmetro interno do ID (Diameter-Dalam) внутренний диаметр
Revestimiento revestimento casing обсадной колонны
Casing OD Diámetro Externo del Diâmetro externo do OD (Diameter-Luar) внешний диаметр
Revestimiento revestimento casing обсадной колонны

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Casing point Depth of the lower end of a string of casing. Profundidad de Profundidade do Casing point глубина установки
revestimiento revestimento обсадной колонны
Casing scraper Blade tool used to scrape away junk or debris Raspa tubos Raspador Casing scraper скребок для чистки
from inside casing; run on pipe or tubing. (pembersih casing) обсадных труб

Casing setting Colocación de la tubería Colocação da tubulação Seting casing спуск обсадной колонны
de revestimiento de revestimento

Casing shoe Reinforced section of casing run into a well at Zapata de revestimiento Sapata de revestimento Casing shoe башмак обсадной
the lower end of a string, to protect against колонны
bucking or deformation.
Casing string See casing. Sarta de revestimiento Coluna de revestimento Casing string обсадная колонна
Casing swedge Reducción para tubería de Redutor de tubos de Casing swedge оправка для ремонта
revestimiento revestimento обсадных труб
Casing Weight Peso del Revestimiento Peso do revestimento Berat Casing масса обсадных труб
Catalyst Substance that aids or promotes a chemical Catalizador Catalizador Katalis катализатор
reaction between other substances, but does
not, itself, enter into the reaction.

Catline Hoisting or pulling line operated from a cathead. Cabrestante auxiliar Catline Catline канат для работ со
шпилевой катушкой
Cave in See caving Derrumbe Desmoronamento Membuat rongga ke обрушение
Caving Collapsing of the walls of the wellbore.  Also Derrumbe Desmoronamento Runtuh обрушение
called sloughing.
Cavitation A condition affecting an operating pump Cavitación Cavitação Kavitasi кавитация
whereby the pump space is not fully charged
with fluid being pumped. Pump cavitation may
result from inadequate or restricted supply or
from the introduction of air or gas into the fluid
stream. The effect of cavitation depends on the
type of pump. However, in most cases, it is an
undesirable condition that causes a reduction in
pump efficiency and excessive wear or damage
to pump components.

CBL Cement bond long. CBL CBL Cbl акустический

cc Cubic centimeter cc cc Cc (sentimeter kubik) куб. см.
CCL casing collar log CCL Registro colar do Ccl диаграмма локатора
revestimento (CCL) муфт
Cellar Hole dug, usually before drilling of a well, to Sótano Porão Ruang bawah tanah устьевая шахта
allow working space for the casinghead

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Cement Cement is used to "set" a casing in the well bore Cemento Cimento Semen цемент
and seal off formations and apertures.
Cementing is the injection of cement into the
annulus (space) between the casing and the
well wall to consolidate and isolate formations.

Cement blend Mezcla de cemento Mistura de cimento Campuran semen цементная смесь
Cement dump Cuchara vertedora de Dump Bailer Dump bailer semen цементировочная
bailer cemento желонка
Cement Excess Exceso de Cemento Excesso de cimento Kelebihan Semen избыток цемента
Cement float collar Collar de flotación para Colar flutuante Float collar semen цементировочная муфта
Cement guide Zapata guía para Sapata guia Guide shoe semen направляющий
shoe cementar цементировочный
Cement job Trabajo de cementación Operação de cimentação Pekerjaan semen цементирование

Cement manifold Manifold used in connection with cement, Manifold de cementación Manifold de cimentação Manifold semen цементный манифольд
usually contains plug valves.
Cement plug A portion of cement placed at some point in the Tapón de cementación Tampão de cimento Plug penyemenan цементная пробка
wellbore to affect a sealing action.
Cement plug Cabeza de cementación Cabeça de cimentação Kontainer Plug головка для
container Penyemenan сбрасывания

Cement retainer Tool set temporarily in the casing or well to Retenedor de cemento Retentor de cimento Cement Retainer цементировочный пакер
prevent the passage of cement, thereby forcing с обратным клапаном
it to follow another designated path.  It is used in
squeeze cementing and other remedial
cementing jobs.

Cement sample Muestra de cemento Amostra de cimento Sampel semen проба цемента
Cement Slurry Lechada de Cemento Pasta de Cimento Slurry Bubur Semen цементный раствор
Cement slurry Weight per unit volume of the cement slurry Densidad de la lechada Densidade da pasta de Densitas slurry bubur плотность цементного
density used in the primary cementing job. Usually cimento semen раствора
expressed in ppg
Cement slurry The sum of the absolute volumes of solids and Volumen de la lechada Volume da pasta de Volume slurry bubur объем цементного
volume liquids that constitute a slurry. cimento semen раствора
Cement slurry The volume of cement slurry in cubic feet that is Rendimiento de la lechada Rendimento da pasta de Perolehan slurry bubur выход цементного
yield obtained from a sack of cement. cimento semen раствора
Cement Top Tope de Cemento Topo de cimento Bagian Atas Semen верх цементной колонны

Cementer Cementador Cimentador Penyemen цементировочное

Cementing Pumping cement into the space between the Cementación Cimentação Penyemenan цементирование
casing and the well bore wall in order to hold the
casing in place.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Cementing basket Canasta de cementación Cesta de cimentação Basket penyemenan заливочная манжета для
Cementing Canalización del cemento Canalização do cimento Penyemenan berongga образование каналов в
channeling цементе
Cementing collar Collar de cementación Colar de cimentação Collar penyemenan цементировочная муфта

Cementing head Accessory attached to the top of the casing to Cabeza de cementación Cabeça de cimentação Head penyemenan цементировочная
facilitate cementing of the casing. головка
Cementing plug Tapón de cementación Tampão de cimentação Plug penyemenan цементировочная пробка

Cementing shoe Zapata de cementación Sapata de cimentação Shoe penyemenan башмачная насадка для
Cementing unit Unidad de cementación Unidade de cimentação Alat penyemenan установка для
Centipoise Centipoise Centipoise Centipoise сантипуаз
Centralizer Guides which are attached to casing and which Centralizador Centralizador Centralizer (penengah) центратор
serve to keep it centered in the borehole.

Centralizer Fabricante del Fabricante do Perusahaan Pembuat производитель

Manufacturer Centralizador Centralizador Centralizer центратора
Centralizer Espaciamiento de los Espaçamento dos Penentuan Jarak расстановка
Spacing Centralizadores Centralizadores Centralizer центраторов по длине
обсадной колонны

Centrifugal Tending to move away from the center, as in Centrifuga Centrífuga Sentrifugal центробежный
centrifuge which is used to separate parts of
different density in a mixture.
Centrifugal pump Bomba centrifuga Bomba centrífuga Pompa sentrifugal центробежный насос
Certificate of origin Certificado de origen Certificado de origem Sertifikat Asal-usul сертификат
Certs Certifications
Chain tongs Tool used in assembling or disassembling pipe Llave de cadena Chaves de corrente Tong Kunci rantai цепной ключ для труб
or pipe fittings.
Channeling Ordinarily refers to bypassing of reservoir oil by Canalización Canalização do cimento Penyaluran berongga просачивание,
gas or water. Also refers to bypassing of mud by образование каналов
cement during cementing operations.

Cheater Length of pipe used to increase torque Extensión Extensão Cheater (Pipa отрезок трубы, надетый
penyambung) на ручку ключа

Check list Lista de verificación Check list Daftar periksa контрольная таблица
Check valve Valve that permits flow in one direction only. Válvula de retención Check valve Check valve обратный клапап

Chiksan Flexible coupling used in high-pressure lines. Chiksan Chiksan Chicksan гибкое соединение типа
Chisel Cincel Formão Pahat долото
Chloride Cloruro Cloreto Klorida хлорид

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Chlorite Clorita Clorita Klorit хлорит
Choke Aperture restricting flow in a well or flowline. Estrangulador Choke Choke штуцер

Choke manifold Assembly of valves, chokes, gauges, and lines Manifold de Manifold de chokes Choke manifold штуцерный манифольд
used to control the rate of flow. estrangulamiento
Christmas tree Assembly of valves and fittings located at the Árbol de navidad Árvore de natal Christmas tree фонтанная арматура
head of a well to control flow of oil and gas.

CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight fro shipping CIF CIF CIF стоимость, страхование
products. и фрахт
Circulating BHT Temperatura de BHCT BHT Sirkulasi температура
Circulación de Fondo циркулирующего
бурового раствора
Circulating head Accessory attached o the top of the drill pipe or Cabeza de circulación Cabeça de circulação Head sirkulasi промывочная головка
tubing to permit circulation of fluids.
Circulating Pressure generated by the mud pumps and Presión de circulación Pressão de circulação Tekanan sirkulasi давление циркуляции
pressure exerted on the drill stem
Circulating rate Volume flow rate of circulating drilling fluid Caudal de circulación Vazão de circulação Kecepatan aliran sirkulasi циркуляционный расход
expressed in gallons or barrels per minute
Clamp Abrazadera Abraçadeira Klem стыковый хомут
Clay Arcilla Argila Tanah liat глина
Clay stabilizer Estabilizador de arcilla Estabilizador de argila Stabilisator tanah liat антикоагулянт глин
Cleanout Nozzle jet de limpieza Jato de limpeza
Clearance Tolerancia Tolerância Celah просвет
Clog Obstrucción Obstrução Clog (penyumbat) закупорка
Clutch Embrague Embreagem Clutch муфта
Coarse Grueso Grosso Kasar путь миграции нефти
Coating Recubrimiento Camada/revestimento Pelapis (coating) покрытие
Co-driver Conductor auxiliar Motorista auxiliar Pembantu pengemudi Ведущий шкив-дублер
Coefficient of Coeficiente de elasticidad Coeficiente de Koefisien elastisitas модуль упругости
elasticity elasticidade
Coefficient of Coeficiente de dilatación Coeficiente de dilatação Koefisien pemuaian коэффициент
expansion lineal linear расширения
Coiled tubing Small-diameter tubulars in rolls used in Tubería flexible Flexitubo Coiled tubing Непрерывная колонна
stimulation, workover and drilling operations. (насосно-
компрессорных) труб
Coiled tubing reel Bobina de tubería flexible Carretel do flexitubo Coiled tubing reel бухта труб
coiledspoolers bobinadora de tubería bobinadoras de flexitubo
cold end cold end cold end
Collapse Colapso Colapso Kolaps смятие
Collar Device used to join two lengths of pipe. Collar Colar Collar переходная муфта
Combination Hand tool Llave combinada Chave combinada Kunci kombinasi комбинированный ключ

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Commercial field An oil and/or gas field judged to be capable of Campo comercial Campo comercial Lapangan komersial месторождение
producing enough net income to make it worth промышленного
developing. значения
Commercial Oil and gas production of sufficient quantity to Producción comercial Produção comercial Produksi komersial промышленная добыча
production justify keeping a well in production.

Commercial well A well capable of producing profitably. Pozo comercial Poço comercial Sumur komersial рентабельная скважина

Commingling Mezclar Misturar Commingling извлечение нефти или

(pencampuran bersama) газа из двух
интервалов через одну

Complete a well Finish work on a well and bring it to productive Terminar un pozo Completar um poço Menyelesaikan sumur заканчивать скважину
Completion Term referring to all activities necessary to put a Terminación Completação Penyelesaian заканчивание
well on production after it has been drilled to
casing point.
Completion fluid Low-solids fluid or drilling mud used when a well Fluido de terminación Fluido de completação Fluida penyelesaian раствор для
is being completed.  it is selected not only for its заканчивания скважины
ability to control formation pressure, but also for
the properties that minimize formation damage.

Completion string Tubería de producción Coluna de completação String penyelesaian колонна для
заканчивания скважины

Compression set Empacador de fijación con Packer de compressão Set packer kompresi уплотнитель остаточным
packer peso сжатием
Compressive The degree of resistance of a material to force Resistencia a la Resistência à compressão Kekuatan pemadatan предел прочности на
strength acting along one of the axis in a manner tending compresión сжатие
to crush it.
Conductivity A measure of the quantity of electricity Conductividad Condutividade Konduktivitas проводимость
transferred across a unit area per unit potential
gradient per unit time. It is the reciprocal of

Conductor Conductor Condutor Konduktor проводник

Confined spaces Espacios confinados
Coning Reduction in reservoir pressure may tend to Conificación Conificação Coning образование конуса
draw up underlying water towards the well in a обводнения
cone like shape when an oil well is produced at
excessive rates.

Consistency A rheological property of matter which is related Consistencia Consistência Konsistensi консистенция
to the cohesion of the individual particles of a
given material, its ability to deform, and its
resistance to flow.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Consistometer A tester having a stirring apparatus to measure Consistómetro Consistômetro Konsistometer консистометр
the thickening time of cement slurries under
predetermined temperatures and pressures.

Contact Time Tiempo de Contacto Tempo de Contato Waktu Kontak время контакта
Container Recipiente Recipiente Kontainer контейнер
Control room Cabina de control Sala de controle Ruang kontrol диспетчерская
controller controller Controller
Conveyor Transportador mecánico Transportador mecânico Konveyor конвейер

Convoy Caravana Comboio Konvoi конвой

Coolant Refrigerante Fluido de refrigeração Pendingin хладагент
Copyright Derecho de autor Direitos autorais Hak Cipta авторское право
Core A rock sample extracted from the borehole by Núcleo Núcleo Inti керн
various coring methods.
Core analysis Laboratory work performed on core samples to Análisis de núcleo Análise de núcleo Analisis inti анализ кернов
determine the physical characteristics and/or
fluid content of the samples.

Core barrel Tubular device run at the bottom of the drill pipe Saca núcleos Barrilete Barel inti керноотборник
in place of a bit and used to cut a core sample.

Coring Activity of extracting a core. Recuperación de núcleos Testemunhagem Coring (pengambilan inti) отбор кернов

Corrosion Loss of metal due to chemical or Corrosión Corrosão Korosi

electrochemical reactions.
Corrosion coupon Testigo de corrosión Corpo de prova de Kupon korosi образец для
corrosão коррозионных

Corrosion fatigue Fatiga del metal causada Fadiga do metal causada Kelelahan korosi коррозионная усталость
por la corrosión pela corrosão

Corrosion inhibitor Additive that minimizes or prevents corrosion in Inhibidor para corrosión Inibidor de corrosão Inhibitor korosi ингибитор коррозии
metal equipment.
Corrosion test Prueba de corrosión Teste de corrosão Uji korosi испытания на
коррозионную стойкость

Coupling Acoplamiento, acople Conexão Kopling соединение

Crankshaft Cigüeñal Virabrequim Crankshaft (poros engkol) коленчатый вал

credit facilities instrumentos de créditos Facilidades de crédito

Crew Workers on a drilling or workover rig, including Cuadrilla de trabajadores Equipe Kru бригада
the driller, derrickman, and rotary helpers

Critical flow Flujo critico Vazão crítica Aliran kritis критический расход

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Critical pressure Presión crítica Pressão crítica Tekanan kritis критическое давление

Critical Temperature above which a particular Temperatura crítica Temperatura crítica Temperatur kritis критическая
temperature substance exists only as a gas no matter what температура
the pressure.
Critical velocity Velocidad critica Velocidade crítica Kelajuan kritis критическая скорость
Crosslink Reticular Reticular Crosslink загущение сшитым
Crosslinker Reticulador Reticulador Crosslinker химическое соединение,
сшивающее линейные

Crossover Piece of equipment use to connect pipes of Reducción Reduções Crossover переходник
different sizes or threads. Also called X-over

Crossover Sub Sub de Reducciones Sub de redução

Cross-section Sección transversal Corte/Seção transversal Potongan melintang поперечное сечение

Crown Corona Coroa Crown буровая коронка

Crown block Sheaves (pulley wheels) and supporting beams Bloque de corona Bloco de coroamento Crown block кронблок
on top of a derrick.
Crude Petróleo crudo Petróleo cru Mentah нефть
Cryogenic Criogénico Criogênico Kriogenik криогенный
cryogenic gate válvula de compuerta
valves criogénica
Cryogenic plant Planta criogénica Planta criogênica Instalasi kriogenik криогенная станция
cryogenic relief válvula de alivio
valve criogénica
CSG Casing Revestimiento Revestimento CSG (casing) обсадная колонна
CT Coiled tubing CT CT (Flexitubo) CT (coiled tubing) трубы в бухтах
CT coil manutenção da serpentina
maintenance do flexitubo
CT yard equipamento de pátio
equipment para flexitubo
CT Yard Spooler Manual de Bobinadora de
& Work Reel Pátio & Bobinas de
Manual Serviço de Flexitubo
Curable Refers to special class of gravel. Curable Curável Dapat dikeringkan отверждающийся
Curing Aging of cement specimens under specified Fragüe Cura Pengeringan схватывание
Cushion Water, drilling fluid, or nonflammable gas placed Colchón Colchão Bantalan подушка
inside of the drill pipe or tubing to control both
annular and formation pressure.

Customer Cliente Cliente Klien заказчик

Customer rep Representante del cliente Representante do cliente Perwakilan klien представитель заказчика

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Customs Aduana Alfândega Bea cukai таможня
Customs agent Agente aduanal Agente alfandegário Badan bea cukai таможенный
Customs duties Derechos de aduana Direitos alfandegários Kewajiban bea cukai таможенные пошлины
Cutting Pieces of rock resulting from the chipping and/or Recortes Cascalhos Potongan буровой шлам
crushing action of the drill bit
Cycle Ciclo Ciclo Siklus оборот
cycle count inventario rotativo Inventário rotativo
Damage Daño Dano Kerusakan повреждение
Darcy Unit of measurement of rock permeability. Darcy Darcy Darcy дарси
Date updated Fecha de actualización Data de atualização Tanggal diperbarui дата обновления
Deadline Plazo limite Data limite Tenggat waktu срок
Deadlock Llegar a un punto muerto Paralização completa/ Kebuntuan полное прекращение
chegar a um ponto morto. работы

Deaerator Desaereador Desareador Deaerator деаэратор

Debris Escombros Escombros, entulho Pengotor обломки породы
Deck engine Motor de plataforma Motor de plataforma Mesin dek Палубный двигатель
Deep water Agua profunda
Defoamer Additive used to reduce or eliminate foam Antiespumante Antiespumante Defoamer пеногаситель
Degasser Device used to remove unwanted gas from a Desgasificador Desgasificador, Degasser дегазатор
liquid, especially from drilling fluid. desgaseificador
Dehumidify Deshumedecer Desumidificador Membuang kelembaban осушать
Dehydrate Remove water from a substance. Deshidratar Desidratar Dehidrat обезвоживать
Delineation well Appraisal well, usually one drilled specifically to Pozo de evaluación Poço de delimitação Sumur delineasi оконтуривающая
determine the boundary of a discovered скважина
Demulsification Demulsificacion Desemulsificação Demulsifikasi деэмульгирование
Demulsifier A chemical used to break down crude oil/water Desmulsificador Desemulsificante Demulsifier деэмульгатор
emulsions so the water may be removed from
the oil.
Densitometer An electronic device used to determine the Densitómetro Densitômetro Densitometer денситометр
density of a liquid.
Density Ratio of the mass of a given volume of a Densidad Densidade Densitas плотность
substance to the mass of an equivalent volume
of water.
Density log A well log which records formation density. Registro de densidad Perfil de densidade Log densitas диаграмма плотностного

Departure Desviación Partida, saída Pemberangkatan отклонение

Depleted reservoir Yacimiento agotado Reservatório depletado Reservoir yang telah habis истощенный пласт

Depletion Agotamiento Depletação Penghabisan истощение

Derrick The steel tower with four legs that sits on the Torre de perforación Torre Derrick буровая вышка
drill floor of a drilling rig.
Derrick man Encuellador Torrista Personil derric верховой рабочий
Design Diseño Projeto Desain проектирование

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Design pressure Presión de diseño Pressão de projeto Tekanan desain расчетное давление
Desilter Centrifugal device for removing very fine Eliminador de sólidos Centrífuga de lama Desilter ситогидроциклонный
particles. илоотделитель
Detachable Desmontable Destacável Mampu lepas съемный
Development The phase in which newly discovered or proven Desarrollo Desenvolvimento Pembangunan разработка
oil or gas fields are put into production by drilling
and completing production wells.

Development well Well drilled in proven territory in a field to Pozo de desarrollo Poço de desenvolvimento Sumur pembangunan эксплуатационная
complete a pattern of production.  [разработочная]
Deviation Departure of the axis of a wellbore path from Desviación Inclinação Deviasi отклонение
Device Dispositivo Dispositivo Piranti устройство
Dew point Temperature at which condensation starts. Punto de rocío Ponto de orvalho Titik pengembunan точка росы
Diatomaceous An infusorial earth composed of siliceous Tierra diatomácea Terra diatomácea Tanah diatomae диатомовая земля
earth skeletons of diatoms used for combating lost
circulation, additive to cement and additive to
drilling fluids.

Differential fill-up Collar diferencial de Colar diferencial Fill-up collar diferensial муфта, применяемая
collar llenado при постановке колонны
обсадных труб

Differential The action of a differential pressure holding the Aprisionamiento por Prisão por pressão Sticking diferensial прихват за счет разности
sticking drillstem against the wall of the borehole. presión diferencial diferencial (plester diferensial) давлений

Dilution water Agua de dilución Água de diluição Air pengencer разбавляющая вода
Dip The angle that a refractor or reflector makes Buzamiento Inclinação Sudut pencelupan падение пласта
with the horizontal. Also, the angle of inclination
of a geologic layer or sedimentary bed.

Directional drilling Technique of drilling at an angle from the Perforación direccional Perfuração direcional Pengeboran berarah направленное бурение
vertical by deflecting the drill bit.
Discharge lines Líneas de descarga Linhas de descarga Pipa pengeluaran нагнетательный
Disclaimer Exención de Termo de isenção de Pernyataan penolakan юридические
responsabilidad responsabilidade tanggung jawab примечания

Disengage Desengranar Desengrenar / desengatar Melepas расцеплять

Dispatch sheet Hoja de despacho Planilha de carregamento Lembar dispatch технологическая карта
Dispersant Additive that chemically wets the cement Dispersante Dispersante Dispersan диспергатор
particles in the slurry, allowing the slurry to flow
easily without much water.

Displacement Desplazamiento Deslocamento Displacement замещение


BJ Master Glossary 083102

Displacement fluid Fluido de desplazamiento Fluido de deslocamento Fluida displacement замещающая жидкость

Displacement Caudal de Vazão de deslocamento Displacement rate скорость замещения

Rate Desplazamiento
Displacement Volumen de Volume de deslocamento Volume displacement замещенный объем
Volume Desplazamiento
disposition eliminación Disposição
District Distrito Distrito Distrik район
District engineer Ingeniero de distrito Engenheiro de distrito Insinyur Distrik инженер района
District lab Laboratorio de distrito Laboratório de distrito Lab distrik лаборатория района
District manager Gerente de distrito Gerente de distrito Manajer Distrik управляющий района
District trainers Instructores de distrito
Diverter valve Válvula de desvío Válvula divergente Valve pengalih aliran перепускной клапан
Dock Muelle de carga Doca Dok эстакада
Dog house Caseta Cabine Dog house бытовка
DOI Days of Inventory Días de Inventario Dias de inventário DOI DOI
Dolomite Sedimentary rock similar to limestone but Dolomita Dolomita, dolomia Dolomit доломит
containing more than 50 percent magnesium
Dome Geologic structure resembling an inverted bowl; Domo Domo Dome (Kubah) купол
a short anticline that plunges on all sides.

Dome lids Tapas en forma de domo Cúpula Penutup kubah крыша купола

Dope Grease used on threads of pipe or tubing to Grasa para rosca Graxa de rosca Pernis смазка
lubricate and prevent leakage.
double barrier check valve de barreira
check valve dupla
Double Dart Válvula de Retención de Check valve de agulha
Check Valve Doble Dardo dupla
Double Flapper Válvula de Retención Tipo
Check Valve Charnela Doble
Double Flapper Válvula de Retención Tipo
Check Valve with Charnela Doble con
BDK Cartridge Cartucho BDK

Downhole A term to describe tools, equipment and Fondo del pozo Fundo do poço Dalam lubang скважинный
instruments used in the well bore.
Downhole Debris Filtro de Fondo para
Filter Escombros
Downhole Filter Sub de Filtro de Fondo de Sub de filtro de fundo de
Sub Pozo poço
Downhole motor A power source located just above the bit to Turbina de fondo Motor de fundo Motor dalam lubang забойный двигатель
rotate the bit. Usually refers to the turbodrill or
the Dyna Drill.
Downhole test Sarta de prueba en fondo Coluna de teste String pengujian dalam скважинная колонна
string de pozo lubang

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Downhole testing Pruebas en fondo de pozo Testes no fundo do poço Pengujian dalam lubang скважинное измерение

Downhole tools Herramientas de fondo de Ferramentas de fundo Perkakas dalam lubang скважинное
pozo оборудование
Downstream Aguas abajo Jusante Hilir переработка и продажа
нефти и нефтепродуктов

Down-time It refers to the time in which nothing can be tiempo muerto

done, possibly until another activity is finalized

Drain Drenaje Drenagem Saluran pembuangan слив

Drainage area Area from which one well can produce the Área de drenaje Área de drenagem Area pembuangan площадь сбора
hydrocarbons contained in the reservoir rock.

Draw works Malacate Guincho de perfuração Draw work буровая лебедка

Drawdown The difference in shut in and flowing bottomhole Abatimiento Diferencial Drawdown депрессия
pressures, at a constant rate of fluid production.

Dress To repair items of equipment in order to make Acondicionar Revestir Perbaikan заправлять,
them ready for reuse; e.g., drill bits; tools; ремонтировать
sucker rod pumps.

Drift Desviación Gabarito Drift отклонение скважины

Drill bit Barrena de perforación Broca Drill bit буровая коронка
Drill collar Heavy-walled sections of pipe placed at the Collar de perforación Colar Drill collar утяжеленная бурильная
bottom of the drill string to apply weight to the труба
drill bit during drilling.

Drill cuttings Chips and small fragments of drilled rock that Recortes Cascalho de perfuração Potongan bor буровой шлам
are brought to the surface by the flow of the
drilling mud as it is circulated.
Drill pipe Heavy, thick walled, hollow steel pipe used in Tubería de perforación Tubo de perfuração Pipa bor бурильная труба
rotary drilling to turn the drill bit and to provide a
conduit for the drilling mud.
The outside diameter is usually between
3.5"and 5"r. Normally is supplied in "joints" of
around 33 ft./10m. in length. To save time, drill
pipe in use but not in the well is stacked in

Drill ship Barco de perforación Navio sonda Drill ship буровое судно
Drill stem All components in a rotary drilling assembly Sarta de perforación Coluna de perfuração Drill stem бурильная колонна
from the swivel to the bit.
Drill stem test See DST Prueba de formación Teste de formação (DST) Pengujian drill stem проверка бурильной
Drill string Column of drill bit, drill collars and many lengths Sarta de perforación Coluna de perfuração Drill string бурильная колонна
of drill pipe that is turned by the rotary table and
cuts through the rock.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Driller Employee in charge of a drilling rig and crew. Perforador Sondador Driller (tukang bor) бурильщик
Operation of the drilling and hoisting equipment
constitute his main duties.
Driller's report A record kept on the rig for each tour to show Reporte del perforador Relatório do sondador Laporan Driller рапорт бурильщика
the footage drilled, drilling fluid tests, bit record,
and all important occurrences during that tour.

Drilling The act of boring into the earth. Perforación Perfuração Pengeboran бурение
Drilling barge Gabarra de perforación Balsa de perfuração Tongkang pengeboran буровая баржа
Drilling bit Barrena Broca Drilling bit буровое долото
Drilling crew A driller, a derrickman, and two or more helpers Cuadrilla de perforación Grupo / equipe de Kru pengeboran буровая бригада
who operate a drilling or workover rig perfuração

Drilling fluid A fluid circulated through the borehole to Lodo de perforación Lama de perfuração Fluida pengeboran буровой раствор
remove rock cuttings made by the drill. Drilling
fluid also helps to cool the bit, prevent the sides
of the borehole from caving, and control flow of
rock fluids into the borehole.

Drilling mud Lodo de perforación буровой раствор

Drilling platform An offshore platform used to drill exploration Plataforma de perforación Plataforma de perfuração Platform pengeboran буровая платформа
and development wells but lacking the
processing facilities of a production platform.

Drilling rate Velocidad de penetración Avanço Rate pengeboran скорость бурения

Drilling report Describes the drilling rig activities. Reporte de perforación Relatório da perfuração Laporan pengeboran рапорт о выполненных
буровых работах

Drilling rig Equipment and machinery assembled primarily Equipo de perforación Sonda de perfuração Rig pengeboran буровая установка
for the purpose of drilling.
Drilling The person responsible for the proper execution Superintendente de Superintendente de Superintenden начальник буровой
superintendent of well-drilling operations. perforación perfuração pengeboran
Drive Type of mechanism (action) pushing out oil from Empuje Mecanismo de Penggerak двигатель
reservoir reservatório
drive chain cadena propulsora (en
Drive mechanism Mecanismo acionador
Drop the plug Lanzar el tapón Lançar o tampão Menjatuhkan plug устанавливать пробку

Drum Tambor Tambor Drum бочка

Dry hole Pozo seco Poço seco Lubang kering сухая скважина
DST Drill Stem Test Prueba de formación Teste de formação (DST) DST (UKL - Uji Kandung исследование пласта
Lapisan) пластоиспытателем,
спускаемым на
бурильных трубах

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Dual Circulation Sub de Circulación Dual Sub de circulação dupla
Dual completion A well completed to produce from two separate Terminación doble Completação dupla Penyelesaian ganda скважина для
reservoirs. использования двух
Dual skid Skid doble Skid duplo Skid ganda сдвоенный скид
Dump bailer Bailing device with a release valve used to Cuchara vertedora Caçamba Dump bailer цементировочная
place, or spot material (such as cement slurry) желонка
at the bottom of the well.
DV tool Generic term, originally a trademark name, Collar de etapa Colar de etapa (DV) Perkakas DV (DV Tool) инструмент для
used to describe a stage tool, used in selective цементирования с
zone primary cementing. дифференциальным

Dynamic Automatically keeps a ship at a determined Posicionamiento dinámico Posicionamento dinâmico Pemosisian dinamis динамическое
positioning position using its own propulsion system. Can позиционирование
be used in conjunction with GPS
Early Resistencia temprana (a Resistência inicial (à Kekuatan awal начальная прочность
(compresive) la compresión) compressão)
ECD Equivalent circulating density. Densidad Equivalente de Densidde Equivalente de ECD эквивалентная
Circulación Circulação (ECD) плотность
бурового раствора

ECN Engineering Change Notice

ECR Engineering Change Request
Effective Measure of the ability of a single fluid to flow Permeabilidad efectiva Permeabilidade efetiva Permeabilitas efektif эффективная
permeability through a rock when another fluid is also проницаемость
present in the pore spaces.
Effective porosity Percentage of the bulk volume of a rock sample Porosidad efectiva Porosidade efetiva Porositas efektif эффективная
that is composed of interconnected pore spaces пористость
that allow the passage of fluids through the

Elastomer An elastic synthetic rubber or plastic material, Elastómero Elastômero Elastomer эластомер
often the main component of packing material in
downhole packers.
Electric log An electrical survey made on uncased holes. Registro eléctrico Registro elétrico Log kelistrikan (eletric log) диаграмма
электрического каротажа

Embedded Embutido Embutido Embedded (dimasukkan) залегающий среди

Emergency Respuesta de Emergencia
Emergency Apagado de emergencia Parada de emergência Pematian Darurat аварийное выключение
Ending Depth Profundidad Final Profundidade final Kedalaman akhir конечная глубина
Energize Energizar Energizar Mengalirkan energi подавать питание
Engine Motor Motor Mesin двигатель

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Engine oil Aceite de motor Óleo do motor Oli mesin моторное масло
Engineering Engineering Handbook Engineering Handbook Engineering Handbook технический справочник
Handbook (manual da engenharia) (Buku Pedoman Teknik)
Engineer's Manual del ingeniero Manual do engenheiro Engineer's handbook справочник инженера
handbook (Buku Pedoman Insinyur)

Enhanced oil A process whereby oil is recovered other than Recuperación mejorada Recuperação secundária Perolehan minyak добыча нефти с
recovery by the natural pressure in a reservoir. tambahan искусственным
поддержанием энергий

entertaiment gastos de representación

Entrained Drawn in and transported by the flow of a fluid. Entrapado Arrastado Entrained (terhanyut) увлеченный

Entrapment Entrapamiento Enredo Pemerangkapan / улавливание

Environmental Evaluación ambiental Avaliação ambiental Penilaian lingkungan экологическая оценка
EO OE (operador de equipo) OE (Operador de
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Recuperación mejorada Recuperação melhorada Eor добыча нефти с
(EOR) искусственным
поддержанием энергий

equity method método de participación Método de participação

ESD Emergency shut down Apagado de emergencia Parada de emergência Esd аварийное выключение

EVR Equipment Evaluation Report

Exhaust Tubo de escape Tubo de escape Pembuangan выхлоп
Expansion joint Device used to connect long lines of pipe to Junta de dilatación Junta de expansão / Sambungan ekspansi сильфонный
allow the pipe joints to expand or contract as the dilatação компенсатор
temperature rises or falls.

Expiration Vencimiento Vencimento Expiration исчерпание

Exploration well A well drilled in search of an undiscovered Pozo exploratorio Poço exploratório Sumur eksplorasi разведочная скважина
reservoir or to greatly extend the limits of a
known reservoir.
exposures riesgos Riscos
External upset Revestimiento con Revestimento com External upset casing обсадная труба с
casing Resalto Externo ressalto externo наружной высадкой
F.R. # Field receipt # Recibo de campo Recibo de campo (FR#) F.R.# А.П.Р. №
Facility Instalación Instalação Fasilitas производство
Fail safe A prueba de falla À prova de falhas Gagal aman (fail safe) отказоустойчивый
Failure Falla Falha Kegagalan fungsi отказ
fair value valor justo Valor teórico
False set An abnormal early thickening of cement. Fraguado instantáneo Pega falsa Pengerasan dini ложное схватывание
Fann reading Lectura fann Leitura viscosímetro Pembacaan fann вязкость по Фанну

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Fault A fracture or zone of fractures along which there Falla Falha Kegagalan (fault) сброс
has been displacement of the sides relative to
one another parallel to the fracture.

Female a pipe or rod coupling with the threads on the Conexión hembra Conexão fêmea Sambungan betina вставное соединение
connection inside.
Field 1. Area consisting of a single reservoir or Campo Campo Lapangan месторождение
multiple reservoirs all grouped on or related to,
the same individual geological structural feature
and/or stratigraphic condition.
2. Term that designates a reservoir.
3. Place of work outside of an office, e.g. In the

Field blend Mezcla de campo Mistura de campo Campuran lapangan смесь месторождения

Field iron Líneas de tratamiento Linhas de tratamento Pipa Besi lapangan трубы
Field receipt Recibo de campo Recibo de campo Tanda terima lapangan Акт приемки работ
Fill lines Líneas de llenado Linhas de enchimento Pipa pengisian наливные линии
Filter cake 1. compacted solid or semisolid material Revoque Reboco Filter cake фильтровальная
remaining on a filter after pressure filtration of лепешка;
mud with a standard filter press.  Thickness of фильтрационная корка
the cake is reported in thirty-seconds of an inch
or in millimeters.
2. the layer of concentrated solids from the
drilling mud or cement slurry that forms on the
walls of the borehole opposite permeable
formations; also call wall cake or mud cake. 

Filter loss Amount of fluid that can be delivered through a Perdida de filtrado Perda de filtrado Kehilangan dalam filter фильтрация
permeable filter medium after being subjected to
a set differential pressure for a set length of

Filter press Device for determining the fluid loss of a drilling Prensa de filtrado Filtro prensa Pres filter фильтр-пресс
fluid or cement system having specifications in
accordance with API Spec 10 or RP 13B.

Filter screen Malla para filtro Tela para filtro Filter screen сито фильтра
Filtrate The liquid that is forced through a porous Filtrado Filtrado Filtrat фильтрат
medium during the filtration process.
Filtrate (drilling The liquid component of the drilling fluid with the Filtrado Filtrado Filtrat (lumpur фильтрат (бурового
mud) solids removed or filtered out. pengeboran) раствора)
Fineness The particle size to which a cement clinker is Fineza Finura Kehalusan тонина помола

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Fingering Phenomenon that often occurs in an injection Digitación Caminhos preferenciais Fingering образование языков
project in which the fluid being injected does not
contact the entire reservoir but bypasses
sections of the reservoir fluids in a finger-like

Fire box Caja de fuego Fornalha Kotak pemadam пожарный ящик

Fire extinguisher Extinguidor de incendio Extintor de incêndios Alat pemadam api огнетушитель
Fire fighting Equipo contra incendio Equipamento contra Peralatan противопожарное
equipment incêndios penanggulangan оборудование
Fire flood Combustión In Situ Fire flood внутрипластовое
First-aid kit Botiquín de primeros Caixa de primeiros Perlengkapan Pertolongan аптечка первой помощи
auxilios socorros Pertama
Fittings Pipes and valves that are used to make up a Conexiones Conexões, acessórios Fiting фитинги
system of piping.
Flange Flanges are a method of connecting two pieces Brida Flange Flensa фланец
of equipment together. For instance two pipes
with flanged ends could be connected together
by bolting.

Flapper valve Hinged closure mechanism operating in a pivot Válvula tipo charnela Válvula flapper Flapper valve откидной клапан
Flapper valve Válvula flapper Flapper valve откидной клапан
Flare Quemador de campo Queimador Flare (penembak api) факел
Flash cement set Abnormal early thickening or setting of cement Fraguado instantáneo Pega instantânea Flash cement set мгновенное схватывание
slurry wherein the cement slurry becomes (pengerasan kilat semen) цемента
Flash point Lowest temperature at which, under specified Punto de ignición Ponto de ignição Titik nyala температура вспышки
conditions, fuel oil gives off enough vapor to
flash into a momentary flame when ignited.

Flash Report Informe Tempo (Flash) Relatório Resumo

Flat screwdriver Hand tool Destornillador plano Chave de fenda plana Obeng datar отвертка с плоским
Flat truck Camión playo Prancha Truk datar (flat truck) автомобильная
Float collar A collar inserted one or two joints above the Collar flotador Colar flutuante Float collar (collar apung / муфта обсадной трубы с
bottom of the casing string, and which contains sok apung / Float Collar) обратным клапаном
a check valve that permits fluid to pass
downward through the casing but prevents it
from passing upward.

Float equipment Check valves that permit fluid to pass Equipo de flotación Equipamento flutuante Peralatan pengapung обратные клапаны
downward, but not upward through the casing. (float equipment)

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Float shoe A short, heavy, cylindrical steel section with a Zapato flotador Sapata flutuante Shoe pengapung (float башмак обсадной
rounded bottom and attached to the bottom of shoe) колонны с обратным
the casing string.  It contains a check valve and клапаном
functions similarly to the float collar but also
serves as a guide shoe in the casing.

Flood To drive oil from a reservoir into a well by Inundación Injeção Banjir заводнять
injecting water under pressure into the reservoir
Flow Flujo Fluxo Aliran дебит
Flow chart Chart made by a recording meter which shows Diagrama de flujo Diagrama de fluxo / Diagram alir карта дебитомера
rate of production. fluxograma
Flow rate Volume of fluid per unit time. Caudal del flujo Vazão Rate (kecepatan) aliran дебит
Flow regime Régimen de flujo Regime de fluxo Flow regime /bentuk aliran режим течения

Flowhead Cabeza de flujo, de Cabeça de fluxo, de Head aliran фонтанное

control controle оборудование
Flowing bottom Bottom hole pressure measured at a given flow Presión de circulación en Pressão de escoamento Tekanan aliran didasar давление в скважине
hole pressure rate. fondo no fundo lubang при постоянном дебите

Flowing pressure Presión fluyente Pressão de escoamento Tekanan aliran давление при
постоянном дебите
Flowmeter Tool used to measure the rate of flow. Caudalímetro, Flujómetro Medidor de vazão Meter aliran дебитомер

Fluid-Actuated Herramienta de Jet de

Circulating Circulación para Sub/Tubo
Sub/Riser Jetting de Subida Accionada
Tool Hidráulicamente

Fluid end The portion of a fluid pump that contains the Fluid end Fluid end Fluid end напорная часть
parts involved in moving the fluid.
Fluid loss Unwanted migration of the liquid part of the Perdida de fluido Filtrado Kehilangan fluida поглощение бурового
drilling mud or cement slurry into a formation, раствора
often minimized or prevented by the blending of
additives with the mud or cement.

Fluid loss agents Aditivo para la perdida de Agentes para controle de Agen pencegah понизители фильтрации
fluido filtrado kehilangan fluida
Fluid-loss additive Aditivo para la perdida de Aditivos para controle de Aditif pencegah понизители фильтрации
fluido filtrado kehilangan fluida
Flush joint Junta lisa Conexão especial Sambungan polos (flush гладкопроходное
joint) соединение
Fly ash Fly ash Fly ash Abu terbang зольная пыль
Foam Two-phase system, similar to an emulsion, in Espuma Espuma Busa пена
which the dispersed phase is a gas or air.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Foam cement Cemento espumado Cimento espumado Semen busa/Foam пенобетон
Foam Density Densidad de la Espuma Densidade da Espuma Densitas busa плотность пены
Foam Rate Caudal Espuma Vazão de espuma Rate busa степень вспенивания
Foamed Espumado Espumado Berbusa вспененный
Foamer Agente espumante Agente espumante Foamer (pembentuk busa) вспениватель

Foaming agent Agente espumante Agente espumante Foaming agent (agen вспенивающий агент
pembentuk busa)
FOB Free On Board LAB FOB (Preço na origem) FOB FOB
Fold Plegamiento Dobra Lipatan складка
Footage Profundidad en pies Profundidade em pés Footage глубина, пробуренная за
единицу времени
Foreman Capataz Capataz / chefe Foreman бригадир
Form Formulario Formulário Formulir / Bentuk форма
Formation Rock deposit or structure of homogeneous Formación Formação Formasi формация
origin and appearance.
Formation Reduction of permeability in a reservoir rock Daño en formación Dano de formação Kerusakan formasi повреждение
damage arising from the invasion of drilling and treating продуктивного пласта
fluid filtrate.
Formation density The density (mass per unit volume) of rocks, Densidad de formación Densidade da formação Densitas formasi плотность породы
measured in the subsurface usually during пласта
logging operations, pertaining to a particular

Formation fracture Pressure at which a formation will crack from Presión de fractura de Pressão de fraturamento Tekanan perekahan давление
pressure pressure in the wellbore. formación da formação (fracture) formasi гидравлического
разрыва пласта
Formation testing Gathering of pressure data and fluid samples Prueba de formación Teste de formação Pengujian formasi опробование пластов
from a formation to determine its production
potential before choosing a completion method. 

Frac Fracturing is the process of cracking open the Fracturamiento Fraturamento Frac (perekahan) гидроразрыв
rock formation around a well bore to increase
Frac fluid Fluido de fracturamiento Fluido de fraturamento Fluida frac (fluida жидкость для
perekahan) гидроразрыва
Frac fluid blending Programa de mezcla para Programa de mistura de Jadwal pencampuran график смешивания
schedule fracturamiento fraturamento fluida frac жидкости для
Fracture acidizing Procedure by which acid is forced into a Fracturamiento con ácido Fraturamento ácido Pengasaman fracture нагнетание кислоты под
formation under pressure high enough to cause (rekahan) давлением в пласт до
the formation to crack. его разрыва
Free Water Agua Libre Água livre Air bebas вода, добываемая с
Freezing point Punto de congelación Ponto de congelação / Titik beku температура замерзания
Fresh water Agua dulce Água doce Air tawar / air bersih пресная вода

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Ft Foot Pie Pé Kaki фут
Fuel Combustible Combustível Bahan bakar топливо
Fuel filter Filtro para combustible Filtro para combustível Filter bahan bakar топливный фильтр
Fuel gage Indicador de nivel de Indicador do nível de Gage bahan bakar топливомер
combustible combustível
Fuel injector Inyector del combustible Injetor de combustível Injektor bahan bakar топливный инжектор

Full bore De pleno caudal Abertura total Lubang tanpa hambatan свободное проходное
Funnel time Tiempo de embudo Tempo de funil Waktu funnel вязкость по Маршу
Funnel viscosity Viscosity as measured by the Marsh funnel, Viscosidad de embudo Viscosidade de funil Viskositas funnel вязкость по Маршу
based on the number of second it takes for
1,000 cubic centimeters of drilling fluid to flow
through the funnel.

Gas cap Free-gas phase overlying an oil zone and Casquete de gas Capa de gás Kap gas газовая шапка
occurring within the same producing formation
as the oil.
Gas cap drive The drive energy supplied naturally by the Empuje por gas libre Impulso por gás livre Jebakan gas sebagai режим газовой шапки
expansion of gas in a cap overlying the oil in a penggerak
Gas cutting Process in which gas becomes entrained in a Corte con gas Corte com gás Pelarutan gas захват газа
Gas drive Expansion of gas within a reservoir to force Empuje por gas en Impulso por gás Penggerakan gas режим газовой шапки
liquid hydrocarbons to the wellbores of solución
producing wells.

Gas injection Gas injected into a formation to maintain or Inyección de gas Injeção de gás Injeksi gas инжекция газа
restore reservoir pressure to enhance ultimate
recovery of hydrocarbons.
Gas kick Increase of down hole pressure above that Manifestación de gas gas kick Tendangan gas выброс газа
exerted by the column of drilling fluid in a well,
allowing gas to escape to the surface. If not
controlled this could develop into a blowout.

Gas lift A method of mechanical lifting of oil in which the Bombeo neumático Gas lift Pengangkatan газлифт
energy of compressed gas is used as the manggunakan gas
source of power for bringing the well fluid to the

Gas Ratio Relación de Gas Taxa de gás Rasio gas газосодержание

Gas scrubber Depurador de gas Depurador de gás Scrubber gas газоочиститель
Gas Volume Volumen de Gas Volume do gás Volume gas объем газа
Gas/oil ratio The proportional amount of gas to oil liquid Relación gas-petróleo Relação gás/óleo (GOR) Rasio gas/minyak (GOR) газовый фактор
(GOR) occurring in production from a reservoir, usually
expressed as cubic feet per barrel.
Gasket Any material (i.e., paper, cork, asbestos, or Empaquetadura Junta de vedação Gasket уплотнитель
rubber) used to seal two essentially stationary

Gate valve Válvula de compuerta Valvula de gaveta

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Gauge An instrument for measuring or testing volumes, Manómetro Manômetro Gauge (alat pengukur) измерительный прибор
pressures, sizes, or quantities.
Gauge pressure The pressure above atmospheric pressure. Presión manométrica Pressão manométrica Tekanan gauge давление сверх
Gauge ring Cylindrical metal ring used to guide, and Anillo de calibración Anel de calibragem Cincin gauge калиброванное кольцо
centralize, packers or tools inside casing.
Gauge tank Tanque de medición Tanque de medição Tangki gauge мерный резервуар
Gauging Medição de calibre
Gear Engranaje Engrenagem Gear (gir) зубчатая передача
Gear box Caja de cambios Caixa de câmbio Gear box (kotak gir) коробка передач
Gel A semisolid, jelly-like state assumed by some Gelatina Gel Gel гель
colloidal dispersions at rest.  When agitated, the
gel converts to a fluid state.   Also a nickname
for bentonite.

Gel strength Measure of the ability of a colloidal dispersion to Esfuerzo gel Força gel Kekuatan gel прочность геля
develop and retain a gel form, based on its
resistance to shear. 

Gellant Gelificante Gelificante Gellant (pembentuk gel) гелеобразователь

Gelled Gelificada Gelificada Gel (digelkan) огеленный

Gelled acid Ácido gelificado Ácido gelificado Asam gel огеленная кислота
Gelled oil Aceite gelificado Óleo gelificado Oli gel загущенная нефть
Gelled water Agua gelificada Água gelificada Air gel загущенная вода
general ledger libro mayor general Razão geral
Gilsonite Gilsonita Gilsonita Gilsonit гильсонит
Go-devil A scraper with self adjusting spring blades, Diablo Raspa-tubos Go-devil скребок для чистки
inserted in a pipeline and carried forward by the трубопроводов
fluid pressure, clearing away accumulations,
particularly paraffin, from the walls of the pipe.

Goggles Anteojos de seguridad Óculos de segurança Kaca mata (goggles) защитные очки
goodwill renombre comercial Ativo intangível,
goose neck cuello de ganso
GOR Gas/Oil Ratio Relación gas / petróleo Relação gás/óleo (GOR) GOR (Rasio Gas/Minyak) газовый фактор

GPM gallons per minute GPM GPM GPM (galon per menit) галлонов в минуту
GPS Gallons per sack GPS GPS GR (Sinar Gamma) гамма-лучи
Gravel Grava Areia Gravel (Kerakal) гравий
Gravel mesh size The mesh size of the gravel used in the packing Tamaño de grava Granulometria da areia Ukuran mesh gravel крупность гравия в
operation. мешах
Gravel pack A completion technique used to control Empaque de arena Gravel pack (contenção Gravel pack (pemadatan гравийный фильтр
production of sand from loosely consolidated de areia) dengan kerakal)

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Gravity - API The specific gravity or density of oil expressed Gravedad Especifica API Gravidade Específica API Gravitasi - API плотность в градусах
in terms of a scale devised by the American Американского
Petroleum Institute.  The lighter the oil, the нефтяного института
greater the gravity; other factors being equal,
the higher the API gravity, the better price the oil
will bring.

Grease Grasa Graxa Grease (gemuk) консистентная смазка

Grease box Caja de grasa Caixa de graxa Kotak grease (kotak резервуар с
gemuk) консистентной смазкой

Grid Malla Grade Grid (kisi-kisi) сетка

Groove Ranura Ranhura Alur выемка
Guide shoe Zapato guía Sapata guia Guide shoe (sepatu направляющий башмак
Gun Tool used to open perforations on casing. Canon Canhão Gun (bedil) скважинный перфоратор

Gunk squeeze A bentonite and diesel oil mixture that is Tapón con bentonita Tampão diesel/bentonita Gunk squeeze смесь бентонитового
pumped down the drill pipe and into the annulus глинопорошка и
to mix with drilling mud.  дизельного топлива для
изоляции зон

Gypsum Crystalline form of calcium sulfate in which each Yeso Gesso Gips гипс
molecule of calcium sulfate is combined with
two molecules of water. 
Hacksaw Hand tool Segueta Arco de serra Gergaji besi ножовка
Hammer union Uniones martillo Hammer union Hammer union быстроразъемное
(sambungan yang соединение с накидной
dipasang dengan palu) крылчатой гайкой

Hanger Casing Hanger; Tubing Hanger. Colgador Suspensor Hanger (alat подвесной хомут для
penggantung) обсадной колонны
Hard hat Molded plastic hat worn in the field for Casco de seguridad Capacete de segurança Helm pengaman каска
Hardened steel Púas de acero endurecido
Hatch Opening into a tank, usually through the top Escotilla Escotilha, alçapão Hatch люк
Hauling Transporte Transporte Pengangkutan транспортировка
Hazardous Riesgoso Perigoso Berbahaya опасный
Hazzard Riesgo Risco Bahaya опасность
Hazzard Evaluación del riesgo Avaliação de risco Penilaian bahaya оценка опасности
Headcount Número de Empleados Número de empregados
Health safety & Seguridad, Salud y Medio Saúde, Segurança e Meio Kesehatan keselamatan & охрана здоровья и
environment Ambiente Ambiente lingkungan окружающей среды

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Hearing protection Protección auditiva Proteção auditiva Pelindung pendengaran защита органов слуха

Heave Oscilación vertical Oscilação vertical Heave вертикальная качка

Heave Compensación del Compensação do Kompensasi heave компенсация
compensation movimiento vertical movimento vertical вертикальной качки
Heavy duty Servicio pesado Serviço pesado Tugas berat тяжелый режим
Heavy-weight drill Tubería de perforación HW (Heavy weight) Pipa bor berat утяжеленная бурильная
pipe extrapesada труба
Hematite Hematita Hematita Hematit гематит
High pressure field Línea de tratamiento de Linha de tratamento de Besi lapangan tekanan трубы высокого
iron alta presión alta pressão tinggi давления
Hoist Arrangement of pulleys and wire rope or chain Cabestrante Guincho / Talha Hoist (alat pengangkat) лебедка
used for lifting heavy objects; a winch or similar
Hold-down tool Herramienta para retener Ferramenta para fixação Perkakas Penahan (Hold- скважинное
en el fondo no fundo down tool) оборудование
Hole Diameter Diámetro del Pozo Diâmetro do poço Diameter Lubang диаметр скважины
Home Recepción de clientes en Recepção de clientes em
entertainment of casa casa?????
Hopper Tolva Funil Hoper бункер
Horizontal drilling Directional drilling in which the hole is drilled Perforación horizontal Perfuração horizontal Pengeboran horisontal горизонтальное бурение
Horsepower Caballos de fuerza HP Horsepower (tenaga kuda) лошадиная сила

Hose Manguera Mangueira Slang шланг

HP Horsepower HP HP HP (tenaga kuda) л.с.
HPHT High Pressure High Temperature HPHT HPHT HPHT (Tekanan Tinggi высокое давление,
Temperatur Tinggi) высокая температура
Hr Hour Hr Hr (Hora) Jam час
HSE Health, Safety and Environment HSE HSE (Saúde, Segurança e HSE (Kesehatan, техника безопасности,
Meio Ambiente Keselamatan dan охрана здоровья и
Lingkungan) окружающей среды

Hydration test Test de hidratación Teste de hidratação Uji hidrasi испытания на

Hydraulic coupling Acople hidráulico Junta hidráulica Kopling hidrolik гидромуфта

Hydraulic See frac. Facturación hidráulica Fraturamento hidráulico Fracturing (perekahan) гидравлический разрыв
fracturing hidrolik
Hydraulic ram Compuerta hidráulica Gaveta hidráulica Ram hidrolik гидроцилиндр
ID Inside diameter ID Diâmetro interno (ID) ID (diameter-dalam) внутренний диаметр
Idle Marchar en vacío Ponto morto Idle простой
Impact wrench Llave de impacto Chave de impacto Kunci impact гаечный ключ ударного
income statement Informe de Pérdidas y Demonstração de lucros e
Ganancias perdas

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Income tax impuestos sobre la renta Imposto de renda

Inductance Inductancia Indutância Induktansi индуктивность

Industrial waster Desperdicios industriales Refugos industriais Limbah industri промышленные отходы

Inflow Curva de comportamiento Curva de desempenho Hubungan kinerja aliran характеристика притока
performance masuk
Inhibitor Additive used to retard undesirable chemical Inhibidor Inibidor Inhibitor (penghambat) ингибитор
action in a product.
Injectivity test A well test to determine the injection rate a Prueba de inyectividad TI (Teste de Injetividade) Uji Injektivitas испытание пласта на
given pressure. приемистость
Inlet Boca de entrada Boca de entrada Saluran masuk впуск
Inside diameter Diámetro interior Diâmetro interno Diameter dalam внутренний диаметр
intercompany interempresarial Entre subsidiárias
Intermediate Casing set in a well after the surface casing but Tubería de revestimiento Revestimento Casing string menengah промежуточная
casing string before production casing is set.  intermedia Intermediário обсадная колонна

Internal diameter Diámetro interior Diâmetro interno Diameter dalam внутренний диаметр
Internal flush tool Unión de diámetro interior União interna para Alat sambungan rata равнопроходной замок
joint a ras para tubería de tubulação de perfuração dalam

IPM Integrated Project Management IPM IPM (Gerência integrada IPM (Manajemen Proyek интегрированное
do projeto) Terpadu) управление проектами

IPR Inflow Performance Relationship IPR IPR (Relacionamento IPR (Hubungan Kinerja характеристика притока
desempenho de influxo) Aliran Masuk)

ISO International Standards Organization ISO ISO ISO (Organisasi Standar ISO
IT Information Technology IT IT IT IT
Jackup Mobile offshore drilling platform with retractable Plataforma autoelevadiza Jackup Jackup самоподъемное морское
legs, on which the platform rests on the seabed основание
when operational.

Jagged Dentado Denteado Jagged (bergerigi) зубчатый

Jam Atascamiento, atascarse Obstrução, obstruir Jam (kemacetan) стопор

Jam nut Contratuerca Contraporca Jam nut (mur pengunci) стопорная гайка

Jar Down hole tools inserted in the drill-string when Martillo Jar Jar (botol)/penyentak яс
fishing to jerk or jar the fish (object in well) free
by repeated sudden blows. They may also be
used while drilling to avoid the drill-string
becoming stuck.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Joint Single length (30 feet or 9 meters) of drill pipe, Junta Junta Sambungan (joint) звено
drill collar, casing, or tubing that has threaded
connections at both ends.   Several joints
screwed together constitute a stand of pipe.

Joint Strength Resistencia de la unión Resistência da junta Kekuatan Sambungan прочность соединения

joint venture empresa conjunta Joint venture

Junk Any unwanted object 'lost' down a well. Ripios metálicos Sucata Sampah "мусор"
Junk basket A fishing tool run into the wellbore when it is Canasta de recolección de Junk basket Keranjang sampah металлоуловитель
necessary to retrieve small parts or lost tools. chatarra

Kelly The heavy square or hexagonal steel member Vástago (cuadrado) Kelly Kelly ведущая бурильная
which is suspended from the swivel through the труба
rotary table and connected to the drill pipe to
turn the drillstring.

Kelly bushing Special device that, when fitted in to the master Buje de junta Kelly Bucha do kelly Kelly bushing вкладыш под ведущую
bushing, transmits torque to the kelly and бурильную трубу
simultaneously permits vertical movement of the
kelly to make hole. 

Key Chaveta Chaveta Kunci желоб

Key seat Cuñero Rasgo de chaveta Dudukan kunci желоб на стенке
Key seating A condition wherein the wall of the borehole is Ojo de llave Pendudukan kunci образование желобов на
abraded and enlarged sideways and with a стенках скважины
diameter smaller than the drill collars and the
bit. Usually caused by the tool joints on the drill

Kick An unintended entry of water, gas, oil, or other Surgencia Kick / Erupção / Influxo Kick (semburan) выброс
rock fluid into the borehole. A kick occurs
because the pressure exerted by the column of
fluid in the wellbore is not great enough to
overcome the pressure exerted by the fluids in
the rocks drilled. If prompt and proper action is
not taken, a blowout may occur.

Kickoff point The depth in a vertical wellbore at which some Punto de arranque del KOP / Ponto de desvio Titik belok точка изменения
type of directional drilling operations (e.g., desvío направления ствола
deviated or slant hole) begin. скважины
Kick-off tool Herramienta de desvío Ferramenta de desvio

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Kill (1) The act of bringing under control a well Matar Matar Kill (pematian) задавливать, заглушать
which is blowing out.(2) To stop a well from
producing so that surface connections may be
removed for well servicing or workover. This is
usually accomplished by circulating water or
mud to load the hole and render it incapable of

Kill line A high pressure line (pipe or hose) below the Línea para matar Linha pra matar Pipa pemati линия для глушения
blowout preventer, connecting the mud pump
and the wellbore through which heavy drilling
fluid can be pumped.

KOP KickOff Point Punto de arranque del KOP / Ponto de desvio KOP точка изменения
desvío направления ствола
Label Etiqueta Etiqueta Label метка
Laminar flow Fluid elements flowing along fixed streamlines Flujo laminar Fluxo laminar AliranLaminar ламинарный поток
which are parallel to the walls of the channel of
flow. In laminar flow, the fluid moves in plates or
sections with a differential velocity across the
front which varies from zero at the wall to a
maximum toward the center of flow.

Landing Collar Profundidad del Collar Profundidade do colar Kedalaman landing collar глубина спуска обсадной
Depth колонны
Landing string In DST, refers to the string that lands in the Sarta superior Landing string колонна для спуска
Subsea Tree.
LAS Liquid Additive System LAS LAS LAS (Sistem Aditif Cair) система ввода жидких
Latch Seguro (enganche) Tranca Latch (pengancing) защелка
Latch assembly Conjunto de seguro Conjunto de tranca Asembli latch (asembli узел защелки
Layer Estrato Camada Lapisan слой
LCM Lost Circulation Material. LCM LCM LCM (Material untuk пластозакупоривающий
menanggulangi hilangnya материал

Leak The accidental escape of liquid and/or gaseous Derrame Vazamento Kebocoran утечка
to atmosphere.
Leakoff test The pressure exerted on the wellbore bottom to Prueba de Admisión de Teste de absorção Uji испытание на утечку
determine the maximum pressure the reservoir Formación kebocoran/perembesan
can withstand without rupturing or fracturing.
The pressure is expressed in terms of a full
column of drilling fluid having a certain density
(hydrostatic head).

Lease name Campo Nome de Campo Nama lease (nama наименование

kontrak) арендатора

BJ Master Glossary 083102

LFC Liquid Fracturing Concentrate LFC LFC LFC (Konsentrat концентрат жидкости
Perekahan Cair) для разрыва пласта
Light crude Light Crude Oil has an API gravity higher than Crudo ligero Oleo leve Minyak mentah ringan нефть парафинового
33 degrees. The higher the API gravity, the основания
lighter the crude oil.
Limestone Sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium Caliza Calcáreo Batu kapur известняк
Liner Small diameter casing extending into the Liner Liner Liner (sulur selubung) хвостовик
producing layer from inside the bottom of the
final string of casing cemented in a well.

Liner hanger Colgador de liner Liner hanger Liner hanger подвеска обсадной
Liner Hanger Profundidad de Colgador Profundidade do liner Kedalaman liner hanger глубина подвески
Depth de Liner hanger хвостовика
Liquid additive Aditivo líquido Aditivo líquido Bahan aditif cair жидкая добавка
Load line línea de carga Linha de carga
Load sheet Hoja de carga Planilha de carregamento Lembar pengisian грузовая накладная

Location Place where a well is to be or has been drilled. Locación Locação Lokasi место заложения

Lock out System to specify that equipment is out of Sellado Lacre ou Bloqueio Penguncian (Lockout) опечатывание
service until locks or tags are removed by the
authorized person. Also referred to as tag out.

Lock washer Arandela de seguridad Arruela de pressão Lock washer стопорная шайба
Log Recording of data, such as mud log, electrical Registro Perfil Log (catatan data) запись результатов
well log, or radioactivity log. 
Logging Registrar Perfilando Logging (pencatatan data) каротаж

Long stroke Empacador de recorrido Packer de curso longo Long stroke pakcer длинноходовой трубный
packer (carrera) largo пакер

long-lived asset activo de larga duración Ativos duráveis

Lost circulation Loss of drilling fluid into the rocks surrounding Pérdida de circulación Perda de circulação Sirkulasi yang hilang поглощение бурового
the borehole during drilling operations. раствора

Lost circulation Materials added to control or prevent lost Aditivos para pérdida de Aditivos para perda de Aditif sikrulasi yang hilang добавка для борьбы с
additives circulation. circulación circulação поглощением
Lost return Pérdida de circulación Perda total de circulação Aliran kembali yang hilang потеря циркуляции
Lost time injury Accidente con perdida de Acidente com Lost time injury (cedera травма с временной
tiempo Afastamento penyebab hilang waktu) потерей
Low boy truck Remolque de plataforma Prancha baixa Truk low boy рузовик с низким
baja (полу)прицепом

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Low gear Engranaje de baja Marcha reduzida Gear rendah низшая передача
Lump-sum bid Propuesta llave en mano. Proposta à vista Penawaran dengan Harga заявка с твердой ценой
LWD Logging while Drilling LWD LWD LWD каротаж в процессе
M/D Martin Decker. Instrument to measure pressure M/D Martin Decker M/D измерительный прибор
or as weight indicator.  Martin-Decker is the фирмы Martin Decker
name of a company

Macaroni tubbing A string of tubing of very small diameter. Tubería macarrón Macarroni Macaroni tubing насосно-компрессорная
труба малого диаметра

Machine shop Taller mecánico Oficina mecânica Bengkel bubut остановка машины
Make a Attach a joint of drill pipe onto the drill stem. Enroscar un tubo Conectar (um tubo) Membuat sambungan соединять
Make up. To assemble/screw together the sections of Enroscar Enroscar / montar Merakit собирать
joints of a string of pipe.
Male connection Connection with the threads on the outside. Conexión macho Conexão macho Sambungan jantan соединение с наружной
Malfunction Fallo de funcionamiento Falha de funcionamento Malfungsi неисправность
Mandrel A shaft, line or piece of tubular goods on which Mandril Mandril Mandrel оправка
a working tool is mounted.
Manhole The opening in a tank or a pressure vessel of Agujero de inspección Boca de lobo Lubang masuk manusia смотровое отверстие
sufficient size to permit a man to enter.
Manifold Set of pipes and valves directing fluid. Manifold Manifold Manifold (manipol) манифольд
MAOP Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure MPOP Pressão máxima de MAOP (Tekanan Operasi максимально
trabalho Maksimum yang допустимое рабочее
Diizinkan) давление
Marine riser The pipework that is designed to close the fluid Conductor marino Riser Marine riser водоотделяющая
system loop between the subsea blowout колонна
preventer (BOP) and the fixed flowlines of a rig.

mark-up recargo Reavaliação / aumento

Marsh funnel A calibrated funnel commonly used in field tests Embudo Marsh Funil Marsh Marsh funnel вискозиметр Марша
to determine the viscosity of drilling mud.

Matrix acidizing Stimulation treatment with acid on the formation Acidificación matricial Acidificação Matricial Pengasaman matriks кислотная обработка
matrix. матрицы
Matrix treatment Tratamiento matricial
MBOE Million Barrels Oil Equivalent. MBOE MBOE (Equivalente a um MBOE (Ekuivalen Satu эквивалент в миллионах
milhão de barris de Juta Barel Minyak) баррелей нефти
MCF One thousand cubic feet. MCF MCF (Mil pés cúbicos) MCF (Seribu kaki kubik) тысяча куб. футов
MD Measured Depth. The depth of the well MD MD (Profundidade MD (kedalaman terukur) измеренная глубина
measured along the wellbore. medida)

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Mesh Measure of fineness of a material, screen, or Malla Malha Mesh меш
sieve; e.g., a 200-mesh sieve has 200 openings
per linear inch.
Micro-bubbles Lodo micro burbuja Lama com micro bolhas Lumpur bergelembung микровспененный
mud or bubble mikro atau lumpur буровой раствор
mud bergelembung
Microresistivity log Registro de micro Perfil de micriresistividade Log mikroresistivitas диаграмма
resistividad микрокаротажа
Mill Moler Corte Instalasi партия цемента
Milling Molienda Cortando Milling (penggilingan) помол
Milling tool the tool used in the operation of milling.  See Herramienta para Ferramenta de corte Perkakas Milling мельница
mill. molienda (perkakas penggilingan)
Mix water Water mixed with cement to produce slurry. Agua de mezcla Água de mistura

Mixing energy Energía de mezcla Energia de mistura Energi pencampuran энергия смешения
Mixing Rate Caudal de Mezcla vazão de mistura Kecepatan pencampuran соотношение смешения

MMCF One million cubic feet. MMCF MMCF (milhão de pés MMCF (Satu juta kaki миллион кубических
cúbicos) kubik) футов
Monkey board Platform on which the derrickman works during Plataforma del torrero Mesa do torrista Monkey board балкон верхового
the time a trip is being made. рабочего
Moonpool The opening in a drillship through which drilling Escotilla de perforación Moonpool Moonpool буровая шахта
operations are conducted.
Mooring lines Cables de anclaje Cabos de ancoragem Tali tambatan швартовы
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS MSDS MSDS / Lembar Data MSDS (not to be
Keamanan Bahan translated)
Mud Liquid circulated during rotary drilling and Lodo de perforación Lama de perfuração Lumpur буровой раствор
workover operations.   Its main functions are:
brings cuttings to the surface, cools and
lubricates the bit and drill stem, protects against
blowouts by holding back subsurface pressures,
and deposits a mud cake on the wall of the
borehole to prevent loss of fluids to the

Mud additive Material added to drilling fluid to change some Aditivo para el lodo Aditivo para lama Aditif lumpur добавка в буровой
of its characteristics or properties. раствор
Mud balance Beam balance consisting of a cup and a Balanza de Lodo Balança de lama Timbangan lumpur весы для определения
graduated arm carrying a sliding weight and плотности бурового
resting on a fulcrum.  It is used to determine the раствора
density or weight of drilling mud.

Mud cake Revoque Reboco Cake lumpur глинистая корка

Mud circulation Process of pumping mud downward to the bit Circulación de Lodo Circulação de lama Sirkulasi lumpur циркуляция бурового
and back up to the surface. раствора
Mud density Weight per unit volume of drilling fluid usually Densidad del Lodo Densidade de lama Densitas lumpur плотность бурового
expressed in pounds per gallon. раствора

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Mud engineer Employee in charge of testing and maintaining Ingeniero de Lodos Engenheiro de fluidos Insinyur lumpur инженер по буровым
the drilling mud properties that are specified by растворам
the operator.
Mud gun Inyector de lodo Injetora de lama Gun lumpur струйный
бурового раствора
Mud pit Open pit dug in the ground to hold drilling fluid Foso del Lodo Mud pit / Valeta de lama Pit (lubang) lumpur отстойник для бурового
or waste materials discarded after the treatment раствора
of drilling mud.  For some drilling operations,
mud pits are used for suction to the mud pumps,
settling of mud sediments, and storage of
reserve mud.   Steel tanks are much more
commonly used for these purposes now, but
they are still sometimes referred to as pits.

Mud pump Large, high-pressure reciprocating pump used Bomba del lodo Bomba de lama Pompa lumpur буровой насос
to circulate the mud on a drilling rig.
Multistage Herramienta de Ferramenta multiestágio Perkakas penyemenan инструмент для
cementing tool cementación múltiple de cimentação multi tahap многоступенчатого
Mutual solvent Solvente mutuo Solvente mútuo Solven mutual взаимный растворитель

MWD Measurement While Drilling. MWD MWD MWD (Peralatan Saat измерения в процессе
Pengeboran) бурения
MWP Maximum Working Pressure MWP MWP MWP (Tekanan Kerja максимальное рабочее
Maksimum) давление
Near accident Casi-accidente Quase acidente Near miss происшествие без
Near miss Casi-accidente Quase acidente Near miss происшествие без
Neat Puro Puro Rapi/murni гидравлический
Neat cement Cement with no additives other than water. Cemento Puro Cimento puro Semen murni гидравлический цемент

Needle valve Válvula de aguja Válvula de agulha Neddle valve (katup игольчатый вентиль
net income utilidad neta Receita líquida
net intercompany saldos netos Saldos líquidos entre
balances interempresariales subsidiárias

Net weight Peso neto Peso líquido Berat bersih масса нетто
Newtonian fluid Fluid in which the viscosity remains constant for Fluido Newtoniano Fluido Newtoniano Fluida Newton ньютоновская жидкость
all rates of shear if constant conditions of
temperature and pressure are maintained.

Nipple Short, threaded tubular coupling used for Niple Niple Nipple штуцер
making connections between pipe joints and
other tools.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Nitrogen cushion Colchón de nitrógeno Colchão de nitrogênio Bantalan Nitrogen азотная подушка
Notch Muesca Chanfro Takik фильтр-пробка
Nozzle Passageway through jet bits that causes the Boquilla Jato Nosel промывочная насадка
drilling fluid to be ejected from the bit at high
Nut lock Contratuerca Porca autotravante mur pengunci (nut lock) контргайка

O' ring O' ring O´ring O'ring кольцевая прокладка

OD Outside diameter OD Diâmetro externo OD (Diameter luar) внешний диаметр
OD (outside OD (Diámetro externo) DE (diâmetro externo)
Offshore Designates oil fields and production at sea, Costa-fuera Offshore Lepas pantai морское
opposite of onshore.
OH Open Hole Hueco abierto Poço aberto OH (lubang terbuka) необсаженный ствол
Oil base mud Lodo base petróleo Lama base óleo Lumpur berbasis minyak буровой раствор на
нефтяной основе
Oil based Fluidos de fracturamiento Fluido de fraturamento Fluida fracturing жидкости для
fracturing fluids base petróleo base óleo (perekahan) berbasis гидроразрыва на
minyak нефтяной основе
Oil recovery Recuperación del petróleo Recuperação de óleo Perolehan minyak нефтеотдача

Oil reservoir A reservoir that contains hydrocarbons Yacimiento Reservatório de petróleo Reservoir minyak нефтяной пласт
predominantly in a liquid (single phase) state.

Oil spill Accidental discharge of oil. Derrame de petróleo Derrame de óleo Tumpahan minyak разлив нефти
Oil-water contact Contacto petróleo-agua Contato água-óleo Kontak minyak-air водонефтяной контакт

oil wet mojada en petróleo

Oil-well cement Cemento para pozos Cimento para poços Semen sumur minyak скважинный цемент
on an imprest según el principio de Em base de provisão de
basis préstamo caixa
On the fly Al vuelo Durante o bombeio Berkelanjutan по ходу выполнения
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC OPEC OPEC (Organisasi ОПЕК
Pengekspor Minyak)

Open flow Producing a well without chokes or beans. Flujo abierto Fluxo aberto Aliran terbuka свободное
Unrestricted production normally for testing or фонтанирование
maintenance purposes
Open hole Section of a well in which casing has not been Agujero abierto Poço aberto Lubang terbuka необсаженный ствол
set. скважины
Open-hole Method of preparing a well for production in Terminación en agujero Completação em poço Penyelesaian lubang заканчивание скважины
completion which no production casing or liner is set. abierto. aberto terbuka с необсаженным

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Openhole logs Registros en agujero Registro em poço aberto Log lubang terbuka каротажные диаграммы
abierto необсаженной скважины

Operator's Planilla del Operador Planilha do Operador Lembar Kerja Operator рабочий бланк
Worksheet оператора
OR Electronic Purchase Request
OS&D Over, Short & Damaged Report
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA OSHA OSHA (Administrasi Комиссия по технике
Keselamatan dan безопасности и гигиене
Kesehatan Kerja) труда США

Outage Parada Parada Kekurangan / Keadaan простой

Outlet Salida Saída Saluran keluar выход
Outlet temperature Temperatura de salida Temperatura de saída Temperatur saluran keluar выходная температура

Output Volumen de producción Volume de produção Keluaran производительность

outriggers puntales (in a crane)
Overbalanced Perforación sobre Perfuração overbalance Pengeboran бурение с
drilling equilibrada keseimbangan lebih положительным
(overbalance) дифференциальным

Overburden Strata of rock that overlie the stratum of interest Sobrecarga Overburden Tanah penutup покрывающий слой
in drilling.
Overburden Presión de sobrecarga Pressão de overburden Tekanan tanah penutup горное давление
Overflush Colchón adicional Colchão posterior Overflush дополнительная закачка

overhead rate porcentaje de los gastos Taxa de custos indiretos

Overlap Superposición Overlap Overlap перекрытие
Overview Aspectos generales Aspectos gerais, visão Gambaran umum обзор
P&A Plugged and Abandoned. Taponar y Abandonar Tampão de abandono P&A затампонированная и
Packer Tool used to isolate a section of a well. Empacador Packer Packer пакер
Packing Material used in the stuffing box of a valve or Packing Gaxeta Paking (packing) сальниковая набивка
between flange joints to maintain a leakproof
Packing oil Aceite de empaques Óleo de lubrificação de Oli paking сальниковая смазка
Parts Piezas de equipo Peças do equipamento Komponen / bagian части
Pattern Configuración Configuração Pola схема
Pay Formation that are saturated with and produce Zona productiva Zona produtiva Pay продуктивный пласт
hydrocarbons in the well bore.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Pay sand the producing formation, often one that is not Arena productiva Areia produtiva Lapisan produksi продуктивный пласт
even sandstone.  Also called pay, pay zone, and
producing zone.
PBT utilidad antes de Benefícios antes dos
impuestos (PBT) impostos
PCT Pressure Control Tool Herramienta controlada a Ferramenta controlada a PCT (Alat Pengontrol инструмент контроля
presión pressão Tekanan) давления
PDC Polycrystalline diamond compact PDC PDC PDC составное
алмазное долото
Perforate To open holes through casing walls and cement Disparar Canhonear Memperforasi перфорировать
into a formation.
Perforated Agujereado Canhoneado Terperforasi перфорированный
Perforated Perforación con presión Canhoneio underbalance Terperforasi dibawah перфорированная с
underbalanced inversa keseimbangan отрицательным

Perforating Disparar Canhonear Memperforasi перфорация

Perforation Hole made in the casing, cement, and formation Perforación Perfuração Perforasi перформация
through which formation fluids enter a wellbore.

Perform work. Ejecutar un trabajo Executar trabalho Melaksanakan pekerjaan выполнять работу

Performance Desempeño Desempenho Kinerja эксплуатационыне

performance desempeño Desempenho
Performance Prueba de funcionamiento Teste de comportamento Uji kinerja эксплуатационные
testing испытания
Perfs Perforaciones Perfurações Perf. перфорация
petty cash caja chica Caixa pequeno
Phillips Hand tool Destornillador estrella Chave Phillips Obeng Phillips крестообразная отвертка
Phosphoric acid Ácido fosforico Ácido fosfórico Asam fosfor фосфорная кислота
PI Productivity Index Índice de productividad Índice de produtividade PI (Indeks Produktivitas) коэффициент
Pig Raspa tubos Pig Pig скребок
Pig launching trap Trampa de raspa tubos Lançador de pig Pig launching trap ловушка для скребков

Pill Small volume of fluid. Píldora

Pin As in pin and box, the pin is the male coupling Macho Pin, macho Pin вставная часть
end of a drillpipe. соединения труб
Pinch out The thinning out and disappearance over a Estructura acuñada Pinch out выклинивание
distance of a formation, e.g. an oil bearing
sandstone between layers of permeable rock.

Pinion gear Engranaje de piñón Pinhão Pinion gear шестерня

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Pipe fittings Auxiliary part (such as a coupling, elbow, tee, or Conexiones para tubería Conexões para tubulação Fiting pipa трубопроводная
cross) used for connecting lengths of pipe. арматура

Pipe rack Where stands of drill pipe are stacked vertically Tarima para tubería Rack de tubos Rak pipa стеллаж для труб
in a derrick ready for use.
Pipe wiper Limpia tubos Limpa-tubos Pengelap pipa резиновый скребок
Pipe wrench Llave para tubo Chave de grifo Kunci pipa трубный ключ
Pipeline A pipe through which natural gas, crude oil or Ducto Duto Saluran pipa трубопровод
petroleum products are pumped between two
points, either onshore or offshore.

Piston Pistón Pistão Piston поршень

Pit Fosa Fossa Pit (lubang) яма, шурф
Plot Trazar Plot / diagram план
Plug Object or device that blocks a hole or Tapón Gráfico Plug (sumbat) пробка
passageway (such as a cement plug in a
Plug back Shut off lower formation in a well bore. Taponar Tampão Plug back перекрывать пробкой
Plug container see cementing head. Cabeza de cementación Cabeça de cimentação Kontainer plug cementing контейнер с материалом
head для пробки

Plug flow The movement of a material as a unit without Flujo tapón Fluxo tampão Aliran plug пробковый режим потока
shearing within the mass. Plug flow is the first
type of flow exhibited by a plastic fluid after
overcoming the initial force required to produce

Plug valve Valve with a cylindrical rotating center. Válvula tapón Válvula tampão Plug valve пробковый кран
Plunger Pistón Pistão Plunger плунжер
POOH Pull Out Of Hole POOH Retirar do poço POOH (Ditarik Keluar dari извлеченный из
Lubang) скважины
Pop joint tuberias cortas
Pop valve Válvula de seguridad de Válvula de alívio Pop valve предохранительный
resorte клапан
Pore pressure See formation pressure Presión de poro Pressão de poro Tekanan pori-pori поровое давление
Pore volume Volumen de poro Volume de poro Volume pori пористость
Portland cement Cement most widely used in oilwells Cemento Pórtland Cimento Portland Semen portland портландцемент
Pour point The lowest temperature at which a fluid will Punto de fluidez Ponto de fluidez Titik tuang температура потери
flow. текучести
Pour test Prueba de fluidez a baja Teste de fluidez Uji tuang испытание на текучесть
Power pack Fuente de potencia Bloco de alimentação Power pack (Mesin блок питания
("power pack") pembangkit tenaga)
Power take-off A gearbox-type device serving to relay the Toma de fuerza Tomada de força Power take-off механизм отбора
power of a prime mover to auxiliary equipment. мощности

PPE Personal protective equipment PPE EPI's Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) индивидуальное
защитное снаряжение

BJ Master Glossary 083102

ppg Pounds Per Gallon lpg lpg (libras por galão) ppg (Pon per Galon) фунтов на галлон
PPM Parts Per Million PPM ppm (partes por milhão) PPM (Bagian Per Juta) миллионных долей
Preflush Fluid used to clean the well prior to cementing. Colchón Colchão lavador Pembilasan awal промывочная жидкость

Preflush or Spacer Preflujo o Espaciador Colchão lavador ou Pembilasan awal atau промывочная жидкость
espaçador Spacer
PCT Pressure Crystallization Temperature Temperatura de
Cristalización a Presión
Pressure Prueba de la variación de Teste de pressão Uji drawdown tekanan исследование методом
drawdown test la presión en función del понижения уровня
Pressure drop Loss of pressure that results from friction Perdida de presión Queda de pressão Penurunan tekanan падение давления
sustained by a fluid passing through a line,
valve, fitting, or other device.
Pressure gage Manómetro Manômetro Gage tekanan манометр
Pressure rating Especificación de presión Taxa de pressão Rating tekanan номинальное значение
Pressurized mud Balanza de lodo Balança pressurizada Timbangan lumpur весы для измерения
balance presurizada bertekanan плотности бурового
раствора под давлением

Pre-trip Antes el viaje Antes da viagem Pra-perjalanan Предваряющий

операции (СПО)

Preventive Mantenimiento preventivo Manutenção preventiva Pemeliharaan preventif профилактическое

maintenance техническое
обслуживание и ремонт

Primary cementing Cementing operation that takes place Cementación primaria Cimentação primária Penyemenan primer первичное
immediately after the casing has been run into цементирование
the hole.

Primary recovery Recovery of oil or gas from a reservoir purely by Recuperación primaria Recuperação primária Perolehan primer первичная добыча
using the natural pressure in the reservoir to
force the oil or gas out.
Prime Cebar Memancing заправлять
Primer pump For diesel engines Bomba cebadora Bomba pressurizadora Pompa pemancing заливочный насос
Procurement Adquisición Aquisição Procurement закупки
Product variance Variación de producto Variação do produto Varian produk Изменчивость
Production casing The last string of casing which is set in a Revestimiento de Revetimento de produção Casing produksi эксплуатационная
wellbore prior to production. producción обсадная колонна
Production casing Revestimiento de Revestimento de Casing string produksi эксплуатационная
string producción produção обсадная колонна
Production packer Packer designed to make a seal between the Empacador de producción Packer de produção Packer produksi внутриколонный пакер
tubing and the casing during production

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Production Plataforma de producción Plataforma de produção Platform produksi эксплуатационная
platform платформа
Production test Test of the well's producing potential usually Prueba de producción Teste de produção Uji produksi производственные
done during the initial completion phase испытания

Productivity/ The continuous productive capacity of a well. Índice de Productividad Índice de produtividade Produktivitas/indeks индекс продуктивности
productivity index The Index is measured as volume produced produktivitas
(e.g. barrels per day) divided by the drop in
pressure (psi.) to achieve that flow rate starting
with a "shut in" pressure.

profit margin margen de utilidad Margem de benefícios

Prop Proppants, beads, sand used in hydraulic Agente de sostén Agente de sustentação Prop расклинивающий
fracturing operations. наполнитель
Propeller shaft Eje de propulsión Eixo de propulsão Batang propeler вал винта
Propeller Hélice Hélice Propeler (baling-baling) винт
Proppant Granular substance (sand grains, aluminum Agente de sostén Agente de sustentação Proppant расклинивающий
pellets, or other material) that is carried in наполнитель
suspension by the fracturing fluid and that
serves to keep the cracks open when fracturing
fluid is withdrawn after a fracture treatment.

Pry bar Barra palanca Alavanca Batang pengungkit монтировка

Psi pounds per square inch Psi Psi Psi (pon per inci persegi) фунтов на кв. дюйм

Psig pounds per square inch, gauge. Psig Psig Psig фунтов на кв. дюймб
P-tank Silo neumático Silo Tangki-Bertekanan (silo) резервуар P--типа

PTO Power Take-Off. PTO PTO PTO механизм отбора

Pull out When referring to tools or strings in the hole Sacar Puxar, tirar Penarikan keluar скважинный

Pull out of the hole When referring to tools or strings in the hole Sacar del agujero Tirar do poço Penarikan keluar dari скважинный
Pull test Ensayo de fuerza de Teste de força de tração Uji penarikan испытание на отрыв
Pump governor Regulador de la velocidad Regulador da velocidade Governor pompa регулятор насоса
de la bomba da bomba
Pump unit Unidad de bombeo Unidade de bombeio Unit pompa узел насоса
Pump truck Camión de bombeo
Pumping Equipo de bombeo Equipamento de bombeio Peralatan pemompaan насосное оборудование
Pumping schedule Programa de bombeo Programa de bombeio Jadwal pemompaan график цементирования

Punch Punzador Furador Punch перформатор

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Pup joint A joint of tubular goods shorter than standard Tubería corta Pup joint Pup joint (pipa pendek) укороченная труба
QA Quality Assurance QA Qualidade assegurada QA (Jaminan kualitas) обеспечение качества

QC Quality Control QC Controle de qualidade QC (Kontrol kualitas) контроль качества

QFR Quality Feedback Report Reporte Control Calidad Relatório de Controle de QFR (Laporan Umpan отчет о качестве
qualidade Balik Kualitas)
Qty Quantity Cantidad Quantidade (qtd) Qty (Jumlah) кол-во
Quality control Control de calidad Controle de qualidade Kontrol kualitas контроль качества
Quality Gestión de calidad Gestão da qualidade Manajemen kualitas управление качеством
Ram Closing and sealing component on a blowout Compuerta Gaveta de BOP Ram плашка
Rate of flow Caudal Vazão Rate (kecepatan) aliran дебит скважины
Rate of The speed at which the bit drills into formations, Velocidad de penetración Taxa de penetração Rate (kecepatan)penetrasi механическая скорость
penetration usually expressed in feet (meters) per hour. бурения

Rate of shear Rate (commonly given in rpm) at which an Velocidad de corte Taxa de cisalhamento Rate of shear коэффициент сдвига
action resulting from applied forces causes or
tends to cause two adjacent parts of a body to
slide relative to each other in a direction parallel
to their plane of contact.

Rated capacity Capacidad nominal Capacidade nominal Kapasitas terpasang номинальная

(rated) вместимость
Rated horsepower Potencia nominal Potência nominal Rated horsepower (tenaga номинальная мощность
kuda terpasang)

Rathole A hole in the drilling floor in which the Kelly joint Ratonera Buraco do rato Ratehole (lubang tikus) шурф для ведущей
is kept when it is not being used. трубы
Rating Clasificación Classificação Rating номинал
Ratio Relación, cociente Relação, quociente Rasio отношение
Raw acid Ácido concentrado o puro Acido concentrado Asam mentah необработанная кислота

receivables cuentas por cobrar Contas a receber

Record Registrar, registro Registrar, registro Mencatat запись
Recorder Registrador Registrador Pencatat/perekam устройство записи
Recorder carrier A sub in a DST string in which pressure and Porta registrador Suporte de registrador Pembawa perekam держатель устройств
temperature recorders are placed for formation записи
Recording Registrar Registrar Pencatatan запись
Reducing agent Agente reductor Agente redutor Agen pereduksi восстановитель
Reel Carrete Bobina, carretel Reel (penggulung) бобина
Release pressure Liberar la presión Liberar a pressão presa Melepaskan tekanan yang стравливание давления
trapped atrapada terjebak

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Relief valve A valve that opens when the pressure reaches a Válvula de alivio Válvula de alívio Relief valve (katup предохранительный
predetermined value. pelepas tekanan) клапан
Remote location Locación remota Locação remota Lokasi terpencil дистанционное
Reservoir A subsurface, porous, permeable rock formation Yacimiento Reservatório Reservoir нефтегазоносный пласт
in which oil and gas are found.
Reservoir drive Process which causes reservoir fluid to flow into Mecanismo de empuje en Mecanismo de fluxo do Mekanisme penggerak механизм, вызывающий
mechanism a wellbore by natural energy.  Gas drives el yacimiento reservatório reservoir истечение нефти из
depend on the fact that, as the reservoir is пласта
produced, pressure is reduced, allowing the gas
to expand and provide the driving energy. 
Water-drive reservoirs depend on water
pressure to force the hydrocarbons out of the
reservoir and into the wellbore.

Reservoir The pressure at reservoir depth in a shut-in well. Presión de yacimiento Pressão de reservatório Tekanan reservoir давление в
pressure продуктивном пласте
Reservoir rock Porous and permeable rock that potentially can Roca del yacimiento Rocha reservatório Batuan reservoir порода-коллектор
accumulate producible fluids.
Reset Poner a cero Zerar Diset ulang (reset) переставлять алмазы
Residual For reserves Remanentes Residuais Residu остаточный
Resieved Retamizada Repeneirado Disaring ulang полученный
Resin Resina Resina Resin смола
Resin coated sand Arena recubierta con Areia resinada Pasir terbungkus resin смолопесчаная смесь
Reverse valve Válvula de circulación Válvula reversa Valve terbalik реверсивный клапан
Reversing Hacer circulación inversa Fazer circulação reversa Pembalikan реверсирование

Revision date Fecha de revisión Data de revisão Tanggal revisi дата редакции
Reynolds number A dimensionless number that occurs in the Número de Reynolds Número de Reynolds Nomor Reynold число Рейнольдса
theory of fluid dynamics. The number is
important in fluid hydraulics calculations for
determining the type of fluid flow; i.e., whether
laminar or turbulent. The transitional range
occurs approximately from 2,000 to 3,000;
below 2,000 the flow is laminar, above 3,000 the
flow is turbulent

Rheology Study of the flow of gases and liquids of special Reología Reologia Reologi реология
importance to mud engineers and reservoir
Rig Equipment needed to drill a well. Include the Equipo de perforación Sonda de perfuração Rig буровая установка
onshore and offshore vehicles, mobile
platforms, or vessels on which the equipment is

Rig crew Cuadrilla de perforación Equipe da sonda Kru rig буровая бригада

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Rig down Desarmado Desmontar Rig down (membongkar демонтаж буровой
peralatan) установки
Rig floor Piso del equipo
Rig up Armar, armado Montar Rig up (Memasang монтаж буровой
peralatan) установки
Rig-up time Tiempo de armado Tempo de montagem Waktu rig up время монтажа буровой
RIH Running In the hole Corriendo en el pozo Descer no poço RIH (masuk ke dalam спущенный в скважину
Riser (drilling) A pipe between a seabed BOP and a floating Tubo de subida Riser Riser (pengeboran) водоотделяющая
drilling rig. колонна
Risk Riesgo Risco Risiko риск
Risk management Administración de riesgos Administração de riscos Manajemen risiko управление рисками

Rod Varilla Vara Rod (batang) штанга

RTS Ready to Start RTS Pronto para começar
RTV Return to Vendor Report
Run in To go into the hole with tubing, drill pipe, tools, Correr Descer no poço Run in (memasukkan спуск в скважину
or other devices. perkakas ke dalam
S/N Serial Number Número Serial Número de série
Safety joint Junta (acople) de Junta de segurança Sambungan pengaman разъединительный
seguridad переходник
Safety Meeting Reunión de seguridad
Sampling Muestrear Amostrar Pengambilan sampel отбор проб
Sand control Any method by which large amounts of sand are Control de arena Controle de areia Pengontrolan pasir борьба с поступлением
prevented from entering the wellbore. Methods песка
include: Gravel Pack; Screen Liner; and Sand

Sand screen Screen joint placed opposite perforations in Tubo colador Tela para contenção de Screen/saringan pasir пескоотделитель
sand control areia
Sand-out Arenamiento Embuchamento Sand-out выпадение песка
Sandstone Arenisca arenito Batu pasir песчаник
SBHT Static BottomHole Temperature Temperatura Estática de Temperatura estática do SBHT (Temperatur статическая забойная
Fondo poço Lubang Dasar Statis) температура
Scale A deposit precipitated out of water through an Incrustación Incrustração Kerak (scale) накипь
oxidation or other chemical process onto
surfaces in contact with the water.
Scale treatment The act of chemically removing an encrusted Tratamiento para Tratamento para Pengolahan kerak противонакипная
oxide film formed inside a casing string. incrustaciones incrustrações обработка

Scavenger slurry Lechada removedora Scavenger Scavenger slurry экранирующий раствор

SCF Standard Cubic Foot SCF SCF SCF (Kaki Kubik Standar) стандартный кубический

BJ Master Glossary 083102

SCFH Standard Cubic Feet Hour SCFH SCFH SCFH (Kaki Kubik стандартных кубических
Standar Jam) футов в час

SCFM Standard Cubic Feet Minute SCFM SCFM SCFM (Kaki Kubik стандартных кубических
Standar Menit) футов в минуту

Schedule Programa Programa Jadwal график

Scraper Device used to clean deposits of paraffin from Raspa tubos Raspador Scraper скребок
tubing or flow lines (see pig or rabbit).

Scratcher A device fastened to casing which removes the Raspador Raspador Scratcher скребок
mud cake from the wall of the borehole to
condition it for cementing. The scratcher is
fashioned of stiff wire.

Screen Device used in bulk plant lines to stop entrance Malla Tela Screen (saringan) грохот
of undesirable materials.
Screen analysis Determination of the relative percentages of Análisis granulométrico Análise granulométrica Analisis Screen ситовый анализ
substances, passing through or retained on a
sequence of screens of decreasing mesh size.
Analysis may be by wet or dry methods.

Screen out Arenamiento Embuchamento Screen out отсеивать

SD Squeeze tools Static Density Squeeze Tools Herramientas para Ferramentas para Perkakas SD Squeeze обжимные инструменты
cementaciones forzadas cimentações forçadas постоянной плотности
con Densidad Estática com Densidade Estática

Seamless pipe Tubo sin costura Tubo sem costura Pipa tanpa sambungan бесшовная труба
Seat Asiento Assento Seat (dudukan) глубина установки
Secondary The extraction of hydrocarbons from a reservoir Recuperación secundaria Recuperação secundária Perolehan sekunder добыча вторичными
recovery beyond what can be recovered by normal методами
methods of flowing or pumping. The use of
waterflooding, gas injection, etc.

Seepage Filtración Filtragem Perembesan просачивание

Seismic survey A technique for determining the detailed Levantamiento Levantamento sísmico Survei seismik сейсморазведка
structure of the rocks underlying a particular sismológico
area by passing acoustic shock waves into the
strata and detecting and measuring the
reflected signals.

Sequestration Formation of stable calcium, magnesium, iron Secuestrante Sequestro Sequestration комплексообразование
complex by treating water or mud with certain
complex phosphates.
Serial number Número serial Número de série Nomor seri заводской номер
Service operator Operador de servicio Opeador de serviço Operator servis исполнитель работ
Service supervisor Supervisor de servicio Supervisor de serviço Supervisor servis руководитель работ

Service team Equipo de servicio Equipamento de serviço Tim servis сервисная группа

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Set up Montar, montaje Montar, montagem Set up (pemasangan) Установка, настройка
Setting When referring to time for the cement to harden. Fraguado Tempo de pega Seting схватывание

Setting position Position in which the packer is set Posición de asentamiento Posição do assentamento Posisi seting положение пакера

Setting tool Tool used to set drillable or permanent tools, Herramienta e fijación Ferramenta de fixação Perkakas seting посадочный инструмент
such as packers, retainers, plugs; can be
mechanical, electric, or hydraulic.
Settle Sedimentarse Sedimentar Mengendap схватываться
Settling tank Tanque de sedimentación Tanque de sedimentação Tangki pengendapan отстойник

Shaft Eje Eixo Shaft (tangkai) вал

Shakers In mud systems, device to remove solids by Vibradores Peneiras Shaker (pengaduk) вибрационное сито
Shale A fine grained sedimentary rock composed of Lutita Folheto Shale (batuan serpihan) сланец
silt and clay sized particles.
Shallow Poco profundo Poço raso Dangkal мелкий
Shallow flaw A discontinuity which has little depth in Falha rasa Flaw dangkal мелкий дефект
proportion to wall thickness and does not
exceed critical flaw size of the appropriate

Shear Corte Corte Shear сдвиг

Shear rate The rate at which an action, resulting from velocidad de corte Shear rate модуль сдвига
applied forces, causes or tends to cause two
adjacent parts of a body to slide relatively to
each other in a direction parallel to their plane of

Shear stress Esfuerzo de corte Esforço de corte Shear stress сдвиговое напряжение

Shipment Embarque Embarque Pengapalan доставка

Shipping Embarcar, embarque Embarcar, embarque Pengapalan отгрузка
Ship-to-ship Transferencia barco a Transferência barco a Pemindahan dari kapal ke перегрузка с судна на
transfer barco barco kapal судно
Shock Impacto Impacto Kejutan удар
Shock absorber Amortiguador Amortecedor Peredam kejut амортизатор
Shoe Device placed at the end of or beneath an Zapata Sapata Shoe башмак
object for various purposes (e.g., casing shoe
guide shoe).
Shoe Depth Profundidad del Zapato Profundidade da sapata Kedalaman shoe глубина установки
Shop Taller Oficina Bengkel мастерская
Short blend test Prueba corta de mezcla Teste de corte de mistura Uji pencampuran pendek Испытание на
Show Evidence of hydrocarbons in a formation such Manifestación Manifestação Show (tampilan) проявление
as fluorescence in cuttings or gas in the mud
returning from down hole.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Shut down Parar, apagar Desligar, apagar Mematikan заглушать
Shut down device Dispositivo para parar Dispositivo para parar Piranti untuk mematikan останавливать
Shut down Procedimiento de Procedimento de parada Prosedur mematikan порядок останова
procedure apagado
Shut in Close values on a well so that it stops Cierre Fechamento Menutup (penutupan) останавливать
Sidetrack Use a whipstock, turbodrill, or other mud motor Desviar, desviación Desvio, desviar Sidetrack забуривать новый ствол
to drill around broken drill pipe or casing that в обход сломанной
has become lodged permanently in the hole. колонны

Sieve Cedazo Peneira Sieve (Saringan) сито

Sieve Analysis Analysis by particle size and percentages of the Análisis Granulométrico Análise granulométrico Sieve Analysis (Analisis гранулометрический
amount of material in various particle size Saringan) анализ
Sight glass Mirilla Visor Kaca duga трубчатый уровнемер

Silt Limo Silício Lumpur pengotor / kotoran ил

Sintered bauxite Bauxita sintética Bauxita sintética Bauksit sinter спеченный боксит
Site Locación Local, planta Lokasi площадка
Skid Low platform mounted on the bottom of Skid Skid Skid салазки
equipment for ease of moving, hauling, or
Skid unit Unidad en skid Unidade de skid Unit skid салазки
Skin damage Daño Danos Kerusakan sekitar lubang повреждение кожи
Skin factor Factor de daño Fator de dano Skin factor коэффициент
коллекторских свойств

Slate Pizarra Ardósia Slate сланец

Sledge hammer Macho Marreta Palu godam/besar кувалда
Sleeve Camisa Camisa Sleeve (lengan) втулка
Slickline Sondas de línea de acero Slickline Slickline трос для работ в
Sliding Corredizo Deslizante Sliding (menggeser) сдвиг
Slimhole Diámetro reducido Diâmetro reduzido Slimhole (lubang kecil) скважина малого
Sling Eslinga Slingas Sling канат
Slip In packers Cuña Cunha Slip клин
Slip bowl Device in a rotary table or other tool into which Tazón de cuñas Cunhas Slip bowl плашка
tubing, drill pipe, or slips can be inserted.

Slip joint Junta deslizante (de Junta deslizante Slip bowl плашка

BJ Master Glossary 083102

slippage reports informes de desviaciones Relatórios de desvios

Slotted Ranurado Com ranhuras Ber-slot (berlubang) с циркуляционными

Slurry Mixture and/or suspension of solid particles in Lechada Pasta Slurry/bubur пульпа
one or more liquids. It could be cement or
fracturing fluids.
Slurry Volume Volumen de la Lechada Volume de pasta Volume slurry объем пульпы
Socket Casquillo Soquete Soket гнездо
Socket wrench Hand tool Llave de dado Chave soquete Kunci soket торцевой гаечный ключ

Spacer Espaciador Espaçador Spacer (pemberi jarak) заполнитель

Spacing Espaciamiento Espaçamento Penentuan jarak antara расстояние между
Spaghetti Very small tubing or pipe. Tubería de diámetro muy macarroni Spaghetti (pipa kecil) трубы для
reducido трубопроводов малого
Spanner joint Junta de ajuste Junta de ajuste Spanner joint соединение под
накидной ключ
Spare parts Repuestos Peças sobressalentes Suku cadang запасные части
Spark arrestor Protector de chispas Protetor de faíscas
Spark plug Bujía Vela Busi свеча зажигания
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers. SPE SPE SPE (Komunitas Insinyur Общество инженеров-
Minyak AIME) нефтяников США
Specific gravity A measure of the density of a material usually Gravedad específica Gravidade específica Berat jenis удельная плотность
obtained by comparing it with water.

Speedometer Velocímetro Velocímetro Speedometer спидометр

SPF Shots per Foot Cargas por pie furo por pé SPF (tembakan per kaki) записей на фут

Spill Derramar, derrame Derramar, derramamento Tumpahan разлив

Spillage Derrames Derramamento Tumpahan разлив

Spline Ranura Ranhura Spline шпонка
Split Hendedura Fenda Split (terbelah) разрезной
Split ring Aro partido Aro partido Split ring (cincin belah) кольцевая шпонка
Spooler bobinadora Bobinadora
Spud-in Operation of drilling the first part of a new well. Iniciar la perforación de un Início de perfuração Spud-in забуривание
Squeeze Inserting cement under pressure. Cementación forzada Squeeze Squeeze нагнетать
Squeeze Cementación forzada Squeeze Penyemenan squeeze вторичное
cementing цементирование
Squeeze job Remedial well-servicing activity whereby a Cementación forzada Squeeze Pekerjaan squeeze вторичное
cement slurry is pumped into open perfs, split цементирование
casing, etc., to effect a blockage.

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Squeeze manifold Manifold de cementación Manifold de squeeze Squeeze manifold манифольд для
forzada вторичного
Stacking Paralización
Stand Tramo Espaço, pedaço
Standard practice Norma Norma Praktek Standar стандартная методика

Standard practice Manual de Normas Manual de normas Manual Praktek Standar руководство по
manual стандартным методикам

Standoff Centralización Centralização Standoff зазор

Standpipe A rig pipe, which is a part of the drilling fluid Tubo vertical Tubo vertical Standpipe стояк
circulating system, extending up into the derrick
to a height suitable for attaching the rotary hose.

Starter Arranque Partida Starter забурник

Steel loop High pressure loop Tijera Chicksan
Step out well SEE: Extension Well. Poço de extensão Step out of well скважина, пробуренная
(memanjang keluar dari непосредственно за
sumur) пределами контура

Sticking Jamming of the drill string in the well borehole Atascamiento Entupimento Sticking (terjepit) прихват
caused by usually a high differential pressure
and a build-up of mud solids on the rock face.

Stimulation Any process undertaken to enlarge the old Estimulación Estimulação Stimulasi возбуждение (скважины)
channel or create new ones in the reservoir
Stinging in Lowering of pipe or tubing into the bore of a Introducir Acoplar Stinging in (penancapan) спуск
downhole tool.
Strength For acids Concentración Concentração Kekuatan сила
String Entire length of casing, tubing, sucker rods, or Sarta Coluna String колонна
drill pipe run into a wellbore.
Stroke For reciprocating pump, length a plunger Carrera Curso Stroke (langkah) ход
Stuffing box (1) A packing gland.(2) A chamber or box to Prensaestopas, caja de Stuffing box Tabung paking набивочная камера
hold packing material around a moving pump prensaestopas сальника
rod, valve stem or wireline to prevent the
escape of gas or liquid.

Sub Sub Sub Sub переходная муфта

sub-ledger libro secundario Livro auxiliar
Submersible Equipo sumergible de SS Submersible drilling rig погружная буровая
drilling rig perforación установка
Submersible pump Bomba de fondo Bomba de fundo Submersible pump погружная буровая
Subsea Submarino Submarino Bawah laut подводный

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Subsea test tree Árbol submarino para Árvore submatina para Subsea test tree фонтанное
pruebas testes оборудование для
испытания скважин с
подводным устьевым

Subsea tree Árbol de navidad Árvore de natal submarina Subsea tree морская донная
submarino фонтанная арматура
Subsurface Subsuelo Sub-solo Bawah permukaan подповерхностный
Sucker rod Varilla de bombeo Haste de bombeio Sucker rod (Batang насосная штанга
Super frac Super frac Super frac Fracsuper сверхмощный
Supercharger Supercargador Superalimentador Supercharger нагнетатель
Surface casing The shallowest casing string required to protect Revestimiento de Revestimento de Casing (selubung) кондуктор
fresh water zones, to provide sufficient pressure superficie superfície permukaan
control during drilling operations, and to support
the wellhead and subsequent casing strings. It
is not to be confused with a drilling conductor
pipe nor with a large caisson in an offshore area
which encloses several separate and unique
surface casings at the surface.

Surface Filter Malla para Filtro de Tela para filtro de

Screen Superficie superfície
Surface Tubing Conector de Tubería de Conector de tubulação de
Connector Superficie superfície
Surge tank Silo used to unload cement into cement mixer Tanque de descarga Surge tank Tangki surge уравнительный
Swab Pistonear (achicar) Pistonear Swab сваб
Swab valve Válvula de achique Válvula swab Swab valve клапан сваба
Swabbing Reducing pressure in a well to clean or Pistonear (achicar) Pistonear Swabbing свабирование
stimulate it.
Swing In treating lines, a short piece (elbow) that Giratorio Giratório
allows change in direction.
Swivel joint Joint between two pipes (or other fittings) that Unión giratoria União giratória Sambungan swivel подвижный стык
can be freely rotated to change the direction of
Tail Cola Extremidade Tail хвостовик
Tail pipe Tubo de fondo Tubo de fundo Tail pipe (pipa труба-хвостовик
Tail slurry Lechada de cola Pasta de fundo Tail slurry раствор для
Tally To measure and record length of pipe of tubing Tally Tally Tally измерять трубу

tax liability obligaciones fiscales Obrigações fiscais

Tbg Tubing Tubería de producción Tubing Tbg (tubing) трубы

BJ Master Glossary 083102

TCP Tubing-Conveyed Perforation Disparo con cañones TCP TCP перфорация со спуском
transportados por la перфоратора на
tubería насосно-компрессорных

TD Total Depth Profundidad total Profundidade total TD (kedalaman total) конечная глубина
Tell-tale Testigo Piloto Tell-tale устройство для
сигнализации о рааботе

Tempo (Flash) Informe Tempo (Flash) Relatório Tempo

Report (Resumo)
Tensile load Greatest longitudinal stress that a metal can Carga a la tracción Carga à tração Beban regangan (tensile растягивающая нагрузка
bear without tearing apart. load)
Test Prueba Teste Uji / Pengujian испытание
Test services Servicios de pruebas Serviços de testes Servis pengujian услуги проведения
Test string Sarta ( columna) de Coluna de testes String pengujian испытательная колонна
Tester Probador Testador Tester (alat uji) испытатель
Thermocouple A temperature measuring instrument. Termopar Thermocouple термопара
Thickening Espesamiento Espessamento Pengerasan / pengentalan загущение

Thickening Time Tiempo de Espesamiento Tempo de espessamento Waktu pengerasan время загущения

Thickness Espesor de un estrato Espessura Kekerasan / kekentalan густота

Thin Diluido Diluído Tipis разбавлять
Thixotropy Tixotropía Tixotropia Tiksotropi тиксотропия
Thread Rosca Rosca Uliran резьба
Thread lock Thread lock Trancado Pengunci uliran клей для резьбовых
Thread protector Metal or plastic device that is screwed onto or Guardarrosca Protetor de rosca Pelindung uliran предохранитель резьбы
into pipe threads to protect them from damage.

Throttle Acelerador Acelerador Throttle дроссель

Thru tubing Operations performed from inside the En el interior de la tubería Através da tubulação Thru tubing из трубы
production tubing of an existing well.
TIR Technology Information Request
Tongs Llaves Chaves Tong ключ для труб
Tool catcher Retenedor de herramienta Tool catcher Tool catcher (penangkap ловитель инструмента
Tool pusher Drilling supervisor or foreman in charge of the Jefe de perforación Chefe de perfuração Tool pusher буровой мастер
Toolkit Juego de herramientas Jogo de ferramentas Kotak alat комплект инструментов

Trash dumpster Contenedor de basura Lixeira Dumpster sampah мусорная свалка

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Treating iron Línea de tratamiento Linha de tratamento Treating iron трубопровод для
обработки скважины
Treatment van Van de fracturamiento
Trip It refers to running a tool or a string in a well Corrida

Triplex Triplex Triplex Triplex трехцилиндровый

Triplex pump Reciprocating pump with three pistons or Bomba Triplex Bomba triplex Pompa triplex трехцилиндровый насос
T-schedules Informes T Relatórios T
TSR Technology Support Request
Tub Batea Bombona Tub бак
Tubing Grapple Conector de Grapa de Conector Arpéu de
Connector Tubería Tubulação
Tubing Roll-on Conector de Bola de
Connector Tubería
Underream Enlarge the wellbore below the casing. Ensanchar Alargar Underream (memperbesar расширять ствол
lubang) скважины буровым
Underreamer Ensanchador de fondo Alargador de fundo Underreamer (alat раздвижной буровой
memperbesar lubang) расширитель
UOM Units of Measurement UOM UOM
UPS United Parcel Service
Upstream The processes of exploring for oil, developing oil Corriente arriba Montante Upstream поиск, разведка и
fields, and producing oil from the oil fields. добыча нефти

Vendor Proveedor Fornecedor Vendor (penjual) поставщик

Vent lines Líneas de venteo Linhas de ventilação Pipa ventilasi линии продувки
Vent valve Válvula de venteo Válvula de ventilação Valve ventilasi выпускной клапан
Vortex Nozzle Boquilla de Vórtice Jato vórtice
Vug Caverna Caverna Vug каверна
Walkway Pasarela Passarela Gang untuk berjalan мостки
Warehouse Almacén Almoxarifado Gudang склад
wash rack Área de lavado fossa de lavagem
Washout Derrumbe Desmoronamento Washout размыв
Water based Fluidos de fracturamiento Fluidos de fraturamento à Fluida fracturing berbasis жидкость для
fracturing fluids base agua base de água air гидроразрыва на водной
Water bath Baño Maria Banho maria
Water coning Conificación del agua Conificação da água Coning air (kenaikan образование водяного
permukaan air) конуса
Water cut Percent of the total liquid production of the well Corte de agua Corte de água Kadar air содержание воды
represented by the water phase.
Water drive Reservoir drive mechanism in which oil is Empuje de agua Impulso da água Water drive (penggerak водонапорный режим
produced by the expansion of the underlying air)
water and rock, which forces the oil into the

BJ Master Glossary 083102

Water flood The injection of fluids into an oil reservoir to Inyección de agua Injeção de água Pembanjiran dengan air закачка воды
maintain the reservoir pressure or to extract
hydrocarbons from the reservoir beyond what
can be recovered by normal methods of flowing
or pumping.

Water-wet mojada en agua

Weighting agent Agente densificante Agente densificador Agen pemberat утяжелитель
Weighting Materiales densificantes Materiais densificadores Material pemberat утяжелители
Weir Vertedero Açude Weir перегородка
Well testing Testing in an exploration or appraisal well is to Pruebas de pozo Teste de poço Pengujian sumur опробование скважины
estimate the reserves in that well, in addition to
well productivity.
Wellbore Agujero, hueco Poço Lubang-bor sumur ствол скважины
Wellhead The control equipment fitted to the top of a well Cabezal de pozo Cabeça do poço Wellhead оборудование устья
casing, incorporating outlets, valves, blowout скважины
preventers, etc.
Well-site Pozo Poço Lokasi sumur буровая площадка
Wettability Mojabilidad
WHE Well Head Equipment WHE WHE WHE (Peralatan оборудование устья
Wellhead) скважины
Whipstock Long steel tool that uses an inclined plane to Desviador Desviador Whipstock скважинный отклонитель
cause the bit to deflect from the original
borehole at a slight angle.

Wildcat well An exploration well in an unproved area. Pozo exploratorio Poço de exploração Wildcat well разведочная скважина

Winch Malacate Guincho Derek лебедка

Wireline A cable used to lower instruments into a Cable Arame Tali kawat кабель для зонда
wellbore for the purpose of wireline logging.

Wireline log A permanent record of one or more physical Registro por cable Registro a cabo Wireline log каротажная диаграмма,
measurements as a function of depth along a полученная с помощью
wellbore path, as measured using instruments кабельного зонда
lowered into the wellbore on a logging cable.

Wiring When referring to an engine Cables Cabos

WO Work order
Working pressure The pressure at which an item of equipment Presión de trabajo Pressão de trabalho Tekanan kerja рабочее давление
normally operates.
Workover Maintenance job on a well, generally to replace Reparación Reparo Kerja ulang капитальный ремонт
equipment or to stimulate production.

WOW Waiting on weather. WOW (menunggu cuaca) ожидание погоды

WP Working Pressure Presión de trabajo Pressão de trabalho WP (tekanan kerja) рабочее давление

BJ Master Glossary 083102

write down reducción del valor de un Depreciar
activo; reducir el valor de
un activo (según contexto)

write-off dar de baja Baixar

WTI West Texas Intermediate. Type of oil used as WTI западнотехасская
reference. средняя нефть
X-link water Agua reticulada Água reticulada Air X-link Вода с добавкой X-link
X-linked Reticulado Reticulado
Xmas tree Oil industry term for a wellhead, specifically the Árbol de navidad Árvore de natal Xmas tree фонтанное
top of the wellhead where there is a collection of оборудование
valves and fittings.
Yard Patio Pátio Halaman kantor склад открытого
Year-end reports informes de cierre de Relatórios de Final de
ejercicio Exercício
Yield Number of barrels of cement slurry that can be Rendimiento Rendimento Hasil (yield) выход
made from a sack.
Yield Point The maximum elastic point a material can Punto de cedencia Limite de escoamento Yield point (titik hasil) предел текучести
withstand without undergoing permanent

BJ Master Glossary 083102

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