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Financial Institutions plays a vital role in development of any country. Each

financial institution has to follow the rules of the country mother bank. The policy
of any mother bank is to facilitate the nation and holding reserves and generate
currency for its country. In this project named as “Intelligent Smart ATM Access
system” we are going to implement a system that helps bank users to withdraw or
deposit money in more conventional and easy way. Using this system users can
easily and quickly access ATM machine with a smart watch. This system using
computer technology hence this system is much faster, secure and provides
confidence. The Card Management System is a smart watch application that takes
care of the complete internal Card Processing activities of a Bank.

It mainly involves the smart watch which is having a QR Code to access with the
ATM machine. With the help of this QR code the user don’t have to remember his
account details or pin number for ATM processes. It helps within a limited time the
user could complete his process by scanning the QR code through the ATM

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