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Homework for January 24th

1) The document learns to us that the monarchy system is the best because
we see that is the most legitimate face to others , according to the
document. Indeed, when different parties need to integrate together it is
most interesting to have a figurehead which is not invest in one of those
parties and aren’t legitimate in a way and this bring stability to the country.
(graphic). Also, the monarchy’s detractor talks a lot about the expenses of
the crown but this is not a real argument because it depends of the country
we have the example of the British crown and the Spanish crown.
Furthermore, they often forgot to mentioned the profit that is made
thanks of the monarchy. So, monarchy is something good for the Great
2) I’m totally agree with the issues raised in the article because we have see
that historically speaking the monarch was the constant in a situation of
crisis. We have the example of the WWII when the royal family was a real
source of hope when London was attacked by Nazis. Furthermore, in the
history people based their way to leads their tribe on the hand of one
person named or inherited for life. But in a way, I understand people who
are disagree because we can think that the person is not legitimate to
represent us or take decisions for us without that we have the choice to
choose him.

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