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Threats to the Ecosystem (Subtypes)

 Habitat loss, which is the lead threat to biodiversity and

contributes to the endangerment of over 80 percent of all

How we can mitigate these:

1. Reforestation and supporting reforestation projects

2. Recycle waste at home.

 Pollution, including the use of chemicals, fossil fuels and

plastics, which disrupts the earth’s ecosystems, injuring
species and changing their habits.

1. Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle next time you are

replacing your car and,
2. Save energy, by turning off the television and make
sure you flick the light switch when you leave the room.

 Rapidly increasing climate change, which is changing

growing patterns, food availability and migration patterns
faster than ecosystems and species can adjust.

1. Adopting renewable energy sources like solar, wind,

and small hydro and,
2. Helping cities develop more sustainable transport such
as bus rapid transit, electric vehicle and biofuels.

 Overexploitation, which is the over-harvesting of species

faster than they can naturally reproduce.
1. Manage resources in a sustainable manner and,
2. Significantly reduce the objects, materials and
resources used in the development of human life and
the volume of waste in production systems.

 Invasive species, which are often introduced by human

action and can threaten native species and their ecosystems.

1. Talk to your local nursery when selecting plants for your

gardens and,
2. Volunteer at removal efforts.

Reference (APA Citation):

The Top Five Threats to Nature- Protect Nature Challenge. (2021, July 31). In

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