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Quotes on Team Building

"Individual commitment to a group

effort--that is what makes a team
a company work, a society work, a
civilization work." --Vince Lombardi

"Talent wins games,

but teamwork and intelligence

win championships." --Michael


“ Great things in business are never

done by one person.
They’re done by a team of people”
--Steve Jobs

"Alone we can do so little,

together we can do so much." --Helen


"I invite everyone to choose

forgiveness rather than division,

teamwork over personal ambition."--

Jean-Francois Cope

"None of us is
as smart as all of us." --Ken

"Coming together is a beginning.

Keeping together is progress.

Working together is success." --Henry


"If everyone is moving forward

then success takes care of itself." --

"The strength of the team is each

individual member.

The strength of each member is the

team." --Phil Jackson

"It takes two flints

to make a fire." --Louisa May Alcott

"Unity is strength. . .
when there is teamwork and

wonderful things can be achieved."

--Mattie Stepanek

"The best teamwork comes from men

who are working independently

toward one goal in unison." --James
Cash Penney

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