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The 7 C’s of Communication apply to production forms of communication, both speaking and writing.

They are guided

by 7 principles.

Completeness - requires all the facts needed by the receiver(s) to obtain all the desired and important information in
order to make better decisions.

A Complete Communication…

* develops and enhances the reputation of the communicators

* saves cost, no important information is missing

* provides additional information wherever needed and leaves no doubts in the mind of the receiver

Conciseness - Composing your message with just the necessary words to get it across. In other words, straight to the

Tip: American Business Culture - values, conciseness, time, effective communication

Concise Communication…

* highlights the main message

* provides short and essential information in few words

* are more appealing and comprehensible to the receiver(s).

Consideration - The message should be developed according to the audience. Things to consider include; background,
social, cultural values, education, and importance of the topic to the audience.

Considerate Communication…

* brings empathy to the communication process, allowing for the sender to connect with the receiver’s needs and
requirements trying to stimulate a positive response.

* helps the sender select the right words, style of communication, and most appropriate way of communication.

Clarity - is the principle of communication that gets the same message from the receiver as intended by the sender.


* makes understanding easier

* helps in choosing the right words to convey the message

Concreteness - implies being specific, correct and clear rather than general. Stick to the main message and facts.

Concrete messages…

* contains specific facts and figures

* uses words that are clear

* bring the intended response

Courtesy - Courteous communication should reflect the senders respect, recognition and positive thoughts towards the

Courteous communications…

* are positive and focused on the receiver

* contain enough gap for the receiver to understand and appreciate the message

Correctness - Demands that communication be correct in every aspect. e.g., language/

grammar/format (in case of written letters/forms), and the right medium to deliver the message.

Correctness ensures…

* the message is correct and well-articulated

* use of language and tone is correct

* the trust of the receiver is maintained during the process

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