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10 Years ago a man and his wife lived with their daughter in a magnificent mansion on top of Stony hill.

The house was filled with beautiful furniture, crystal chandeliers and stairs made out of marble. It was
rumored that the man killed his wife and daughter and then killed himself. It is still unknown why the
man did it but some say the man had a mental illness. The house was locked up and no one has lived in
it since. Many people think the house is haunted by the man’s ghost. If you ever look up at the house
though you might just see a light flicker or even a curtain move.

It was a hot summer afternoon as I walked up the long hill, my legs aching, and sweat dripping from my
forehead. My friends had made a bet that if I could spend one night in the house on the hill they’d give
me two hundred dollars, there was no way I would chicken out! I’d told them, but now I felt like running
away and hide.

When I finally reached the gate of the house I was worn out. I had to jumped over the fence because the
gate was chained up. I looked up at the house and it had vines growing all over it, otherwise it was still
beautiful. I didn’t believe that the house was haunted until I saw the curtain move. But I was thinking
that it was the wind that blown it away.

I walked up the steps and opened the door and it had a loud creek. The inside of the house shook me. A
huge crystal chandelier was hanging from the ceiling most of the furniture was covered with white
sheets and dust. The door suddenly slammed shut behind me and my heart started to race fast. Then I
went off to explore the so called haunted house.

As I explored the house I discovered lots of rooms, and each one had something that distinguished it
from the others. At the end of one of the corridors was a living room. It was nearly dark, so I set my
pillow on one of the coach. I laid on the coach with my eye open wondering what will happen to me if I
went to sleep.

I eventually went to sleep without even noticing, but a noise woke me up. I followed the noise to see
where it was coming from. I finally stopped outside a door and placed my ear to it. This was definitely
where it was coming from. I slowly opened the door and looked around. There was nothing in there
except a blackboard. As I was about to leave I saw a writing on the blackboard. I moved closer to the
board and read what was on there. Run fast, you’re next.

I immediately ran out of the room. I ran down the marble stairs and corridors, and forget the way out. I
looked back to see if anyone was actually following and there standing was my friends whom betted
with me........

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