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Using cautious language

 Avoid exaggerating

e.g plastic packaging incredibily wastefu;

 Avoid superlative

e.g. Word-of mouth is the best kind of advertising word-of-mouht is one of the best kinds of
advertising+ evidence

 Avoid generalization

e.g. every worker prefer pay to cuts… most workers

Avoid adjectives that are too subjective/ emotive tends to, may

Repack is the solution to the extensive packaging problem

 Repack provides another/ can be a solution

Refering to your source

DO NOT say according statistic alone but included the specific source

NAME of author, article

Verbs of refer

A assume that counter point, when you don’t agree with A

However my point is

When you agree with their viewpoints: argue, claim

Trim wordy phrases where possible

Do not use too many phrasal verbs. One word alternative are always better

Pose a threat to threaten

A lot of many, numerous, a significant number

Do not use “like” such as, for example, for instance

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