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Joylyn Kim

Process Paper

Word Count: 448

Florence Price: Cross-bordering Cultural Segregation

Music has long been confined by a pervasive set of stereotypes that have persisted for

centuries. As a classical musician myself, I have come to observe the startling lack of

representation of racial minorities in the genre. Ironically, classical music itself celebrates white

male composers and their works, creating the illusion that the traditional classical musician must

be a white man in a black suit. My life-long experience with the violin and piano has allowed me

to fully grasp the scarcity of minority representation in classical music. To learn more, I began to

delve into the stories of musicians from minority backgrounds and the impact of race and gender

on their experiences. It was then that I encountered Florence Price, the first female black

composer to be recognized as a major symphonic composer, and I was immediately captivated

by her story.

As I researched Price's deep history, I was astounded by the breadth of her

accomplishments. She not only excelled as a composer but also as an advocate for black rights,

making her a vibrant and dynamic collaborator. I was compelled to listen to all of her music and

was struck by the way in which she seamlessly combined classical music styles with traditional

African rhythms. Listening to her arrangements of other songs was a revelation that completely

transformed my view of classical music. As I researched further into her life, I became fascinated

not just by her accomplishments, but also by her own ideas and feelings as a black woman in the

music industry.
After concluding my research, I was driven to create a visual arts presentation that would

effectively showcase Price's extraordinary contributions to classical music. I ultimately decided

that a website would be the most compelling format. To structure my materials and argument, I

first wrote an essay that provided an overview of Price's story and her impact on the classical

music world. I then organized the website into two separate sections: Price's story and her


My research on Florence Price is highly relevant to this year's theme of "Frontiers in

History: People, Places, and Ideas." Price was an innovative pioneer who challenged the covert

racism and prejudices embedded in classical music. Her accomplishments opened doors and

created opportunities for other musicians of color, forever changing the course of classical music

history. However, the sad reality is that despite her groundbreaking achievements, her name has

largely been forgotten, and her legacy has been buried. Her example underscores the need to

properly recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of musicians and composers from

minority backgrounds. The legacy of Florence Price is a shining testament to the power and

importance of diversity in the world of classical music.

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