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Conference of African Ministers of Environment

“AMCEN” at its nineteenth session in 2022

This conference has been one of the most important scientific and environmental
conferences ever since its establishment by African Governments in 1985, as a forum for
developing strategies and improving environmental policy formulation and cooperation in
the application of resolutions, During its previous sessions, it discussed several topics,
including issues of climate change and ways to adapt to its negative effects. And face those
risks, and The international environmental conventions emanating from the 1992 Rio de
Janeiro Conference.
The conference will be attended by environment ministers from 54 African countries,
representatives of the African Union Commission, the African Development Bank and nearly
50 United Nations agencies, led by the United Nations Environment Program and
intergovernmental ,There will be about 250 participants.

The African Ministerial Conference on the Environment holds its regular sessions biennially
and extraordinary sessions between regular sessions when Necessity. UNEP’s Africa Office
serves as the secretariat of the Conference.
Since its inception, the Conference has held 14 regular sessions, resulting in several important
outcomes, including the Bamako Conventions on Hazardous Substances and hazardous waste
and its management in Africa (Basel) and Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
Its most important activities were the follow-up to ratification
On international agreements, as well as mobilizing political, financial and technical support
for effective African participation in environmental issues, Recently, the conference
contributed to the drafting of a strong African political declaration that was included in the
preparatory documents for the relevant World Summit Sustainable development.
Like many parts of the world, Africa faces a range of environmental challenges. Where land
degrades at an alarming rate, Makes it difficult for the continent to feed itself. Loss of
biodiversity destroys the continent’s natural wealth, destroys Ecosystems that supports every
aspect of life on the continent. Global warming has already caused human suffering On the
continent, climate change is affecting the most vulnerable people. The hottest planet will not
make it harder to eradicate Hunger and poverty, or other goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development and the African Union Agenda 2063. Addressing these issues is
even more urgent because sub-Saharan Africa’s population will double by 2050. Which puts
extra pressure on the area.
The AMCEN Conference of African Ministers of Environment aims to provide leadership at the
continental level to negotiate global environmental issues And regional agreements related
to the implementation of international agreements in the areas of biodiversity,
desertification and climate change, and the monitoring of environmental programmes At the
regional and sub-regional levels, encourage the ratification of the relevant multilateral
environmental agreements by African countries In Africa, and building African capacities in
the field of environmental management.

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