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Nama : Ajeng Lintang Kerti

Role number: 03

Class: 1B

1. Bar Chart ( Diagram Batang )

During the last 10 years, national fish consumption has tended to increase. In
2012, the national fish consumption rate was only 32.25 kg/capita, while the
national fish consumption rate in 2020 was 56.39 kg/capita. This figure increased
by 3.47% compared to the previous year (2019) which amounted to 54.5 kg/capita.
The community consumed a lot of fish during the pandemic because it was to
increase consumption of fishery product production during the Covid-19
pandemic. What's more, fish contains immunostimulants which are compounds
that can stimulate the immune system in the body.
2. Pie Chart ( Diagram Lingkaran )

The portion of food and the type of food consumed is a very important role in
efforts to control blood sugar levels in diabetics. You can measure food portions
for diabetics without using a scale. You do this by using the help of imaginary lines
on the plate that will be used for eating.Take medium sized plate. Usually used
for closing menu. Then draw an imaginary line down the middle so that it divides
the plate into two halves. Then draw another imaginary line that divides one of
the halves down the middle. has 3 areas on the plate, covering one part the size
of half the plate, while the other two parts are one-third the size.

fill the largest part with non-starchy vegetables. examples of nonstarchy

vegetables: Asparagus, Broccoli or cauliflower, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Green
leafy vegetables, Mold, Green peas or peas, Peppers, Pumpkin

fill a quarter of your plate with lean, low-fat protein, examples of lean and low-
fat protein include:Chicken, turkey and eggs, Fish such as salmon, cod, tuna,
tilapia, or swordfish, Shellfish such as shrimp, scallops, clams, mussels, or lobster
,Lean cuts of meat such as chuck, round, sirloin, flank, or tenderloin, Lean cuts of
pork such as a center loin chop or tenderloin, Lean deli meats, Cheese and cottage
cheese, Beans, lentils, hummus and falafel, Peanuts and peanut buttera, type of
bean from Japan, Tofu and tempeh,Vegetable meat substitutes

Then fill the remaining quarter with carbohydrates — the foods that have the
greatest effect on blood sugar.
3. Table ( Tabel )

In this table, I explain the nutritional adequacy rate here, I summarize it from
children aged 0 months to 9 years. First, children aged 0 to 15 months with an
average weight of 6 kg and a height of 60 cm require 550 calories of energy and
12 grams of protein as well as 31 grams of fat. Second, children aged 6 to 11
months with a body weight of 8.5 kg and a height of 71 cm require 725 calories
of energy and 18 grams of protein and 36 grams of fat. Third, children aged 1 to
3 years with a body weight of 12 kg and a height of 90 cm require 1125 calories
of energy, 26 grams of protein and 44 grams of fat. the fourth, children aged 4
to 6 years with a body weight of 17 kg and a height of 110 cm require 1600 calories
of energy, 35 grams of protein and 62 grams of fat. Last, children aged 7 to 9
years with a body weight of 28 kg and a height of 120 cm need 1850 calories of
energy, 49 grams of protein and 72 grams of fat. So from now on get in the habit
of children eating nutritious and varied foods, don't just eat foods that fill you
4. Chart ( Bagan )

Investment in the social sector (nutrition, health and education) will improve the
nutritional condition of the community which is one of the determining factors
for improving the quality of human resources. By increasing the quality of human
resources, it will increase work productivity which will further improve the
economy. The occurrence of economic improvement will reduce poverty and will
further improve nutritional conditions, improve the quality of human resources.
Increase productivity and so on.

The community's quality of life is influenced by the investment that has been
made by the government in improving the quality of its human resources
(education, health, and environmental sanitation) and investment in the
development of economic facilities and infrastructure, accompanied by policies in
the context of community empowerment.

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