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1. a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in
short lines which rhyme.
Answer: Poem
2. This poem is a private expression of emotion by an individual speaker.
Answer: Lyric
3. This poetry is highly musical and can feature poetic devices like rhyme and meter.
Answer: Lyric
4. “I Wandered Lonely as A Cloud” a poem by?
Answer: William Wordsworth
5. A 14-line poem with a variable rhyme scheme originating in Italy.
Answer: Sonnet
6. The poem is a form of poetry that is used to tell a story.
Answer: Narrative
7. Described as a short lyric poem.
Answer: Sonnet
8. The oldest form of poetry, and one of the oldest forms of literature.
Answer: Narrative
9. The entire poem consists of just three lines, with seventeen syllables in total. The first line and third line are five
syllables. The second line is seven syllables.
Answer: Haiku
10. This poem typically about the extraordinary deeds of extraordinary characters who, in dealings with gods or
other superhuman forces, gave shape to the mortal universe for their descendants.
Answer: Epic
11. A narrative-driven poem with short, pacey stanzas, the ballad is typically comprised of multiple quatrains
(groups of four lines).
Answer: Ballad
12. It is written in a very special style (verse as opposed to prose) and uses epic similes. It presents the heroic ideals
such as courage, loyalty, honor, sacrifice, patriotism, hospitality, and kindness.
Answer: Epic
13. A form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. Haiku can come in various
formats of short verses, though the most common is a three-line poem with a five-seven-five syllable pattern.
Answer: Haiku
14. one of the most important aspects of a poem. The purpose of the theme is to make an important point about
the topic.
Answer: Theme
15. the location and time frame in which the action of a narrative takes place.
Answer: Setting
16. The speaker refers to the narrative voice of the poem.
Answer: Speaker
17. It is the repetitive pattern of sounds found in poetry. They are used to reinforce a pattern or rhyme scheme.
Answer: Rhyme
18. is a literary device that works as a structural element in poetry? Essentially, meter is the basic rhythmic structure
of a line within a poem or poetic work.
Answer: Meter
19. A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza. It can change line by line,
stanza by stanza, or can continue throughout a poem. Poems with this are generally written in formal verse,
which has a strict meter: a repeating pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Answer: Rhyme scheme
20. Figures of speech include tropes (such as hyperbole, irony, metaphor, and simile) and schemes (anything
involving the ordering and organizing of words—anaphora, antithesis, and chiasmus, for example).
Answer: Figures of speech
21. the formation of clear and distinct sounds.
Answer: Articulation
22. It is essential for the audience to have any idea of what the
actor is saying or singing during a production. the act of
pronouncing words. With this good means your words are clear and
distinct. Listeners can understand what you're saying.
Answer: Enunciation
23. is the strength of speaking or singing whereby the human voice is used powerfully and clearly?
Answer: Voice projection
24. Use to convey the emotional content of your poem.
Answer: Facial and vocal expressions
25. This rhythm happens as the voice rises and falls, stressing the meaning words and passing quickly over the
unstressed words.
Answer: Intonation
26. Who was an English Romantic poet?
Answer: William Wordsworth
27. He was born on?
Answer: born on 7 April 1770
28. He was born at?
Answer: Cockermouth in Cumbria.
29. What the full name of Guy de Maupassant?
Answer: Henry-René-Albert-Guy de Maupassant
30. When and where Guy de Maupassant born?
Answer: born August 5, 1850, Château de Miromesnil
31. “Boule de suif” mean?
Answer: (“Ball of Fat”)
32. “La Parure” means?
Answer: (“The Necklace”).
33. is a piece of prose fiction that can typically be read in a single sitting and focuses on a self-contained incident or
series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood?
Answer: Short stories
34. Sometimes an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary work.
Answer: Character
35. Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense?
Answer: Setting
36. is the meaning behind events and characters’ actions in a story?
Answer: Theme
37. is any of the problems that a character encounters in a story?
Answer: Conflict
38. is a pattern of events that develop from the interactions between characters?
Answer: Plot
39. is the central idea, message, or purpose in a short story?
Answer: Theme
40. is a struggle between two people or things in a short story?
Answer: Conflict
41. is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict?
Answer: Plot
42. It can be either directly or indirectly stated by the author. Most likely indirectly?
Answer: Theme
43. The start or introduction of the story.
Answer: Exposition
44. All of the events that take place leading up to the climax.
Answer: Rising action
45. The most exciting part of the story.
Answer: Climax
46. The immediate reaction to the climax.
Answer: Falling action
47. The background information that the reader must have in order to understand the story.
Answer: Exposition
48. This is where the reader is introduced to the conflict.
Answer: Rising action
49. The turning point in the story.
Answer: Climax
50. All the actions that occur after the climax and before the conclusion of the story.
Answer: Falling action
51. There might not be a clear resolution. This is called a cliffhanger ending.
Answer: Conclusion

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