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GEAI607 – Week 3 / Logos

The texts used for today’s lesson are available at

A). Journal Abstract

1. What is this journal article about?

This article is about the COVID-19 that is a worldwide pandemic.
It also talks about the infection control.

2. What factual information is provided to persuade the audience?

They use the data of the online questionnaire to make audience be persuaded

3. Is the abstract well written? Explain.

Not so well, because the data they used is from a online questionnaire, not a science study. And this article
doesn’t have their own opinion.

B). Car brochure

1. Who is the audience for this information? What kind of information is available to persuade the reader?
What can you learn from the brochure?
The audience is the person who is looking for a new car.
They offer so many information about the car and talking about how great this car is.
I can know the function and facilities about this car.
2. How effective is this brochure? Explain.
So good. It talk about any details in this car, use photos to catch our eyes and make us understand this car
more clear.

C). Public Information Campaign Poster

1. Who made this campaign, who is the audience and what is the purpose of the poster?
Public Health Liverpool made this campaign for everyone who watch this campaign.
This poster hoped people can have less beer to keep health.

2. What kind of information is given to persuade the audience?

This poster offers the information about the 3 pints of beer is like two hamburger, and tell us drink less
beer can reduce the risk of cancer.

3. What is your opinion of the poster? Is it persuasive?

I agree this poster. This poster use a creative photo and a amazing data to make me know the beer has
so high calorise.

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