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-Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to father or looser, the best reality tv ever. Today we
receive a woman with two supposedly father of this child. They will share their version of the
story for prove you this is their baby. Firstly, Kylian is one of them and he’s opposite to
Yacine. It is two people who are twenty’s years old and they came from OHIO. So, we can
begin with Kylian.
-when the test was positive, I was confident because one week ago, I fucked her.
- and you think I don’t? don’t worry, I do it a lot of time.
-shut up, it’s my turn. I know it’s me because I live with her since two years and she never
left me: we’re never break up.
-it doesn’t rich me: look the baby look’s like me.
-umh, he is to beautiful for looks like you with your rat face.
-calm down both, I have an idea for know the truth: let’s do a DNA test ?
-yes, sure.
- yes, let’s do it.
(Sortent de la classe pour faire le test)
-And you, who do you think is the real father?
(le public répond, Kylian rentre dans la classe et va se confesser)
-I think it’s me, I will be cash and direct, I’m the father, it’s my baby and he is my DNA it is no
other option possible.
(yacine rentre dans la salle et bouscule kylian donc il lui attrape le col. Yacine part se
confesser et kylian va voir Lou)
- I believe in my performances, it’s me.
-thank you for your attention and your visit, see you the next week.
(yacine et kylian allons dehors et lulu s’assois)
Welcome back 1 one week later after the DNA test for the story of Kylian and Yacine about
the truly father. We have done test for knowing the real father with the spit of the two men
and the baby. Are you’re confident?
- Yeah, sure I have been talking with her and I’m also really confident on myself.
- Why would I be not? I have all of chance to be the father. But, I have a question if
you are the real father, would you stayed with her knowing that she cheated on
you ?
- Yeah, I would stay with her because I don’t want that the baby is with you on you’re
in the wrong hand.
- My hand is similar than the baby, this is why she choose me instead of you. We can
ask ludivine if she can reveal now the father.
- Let’s go
- Everyone, are you ready to know the father ! (cri pour hype le public)
THE FATHER IS …... (teaser qui apparait maintenant avec des moments stressant et tous)

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