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Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________


“My First Day of Scool”

Last year, I went to school for the first time. I was excited and a little nervous,
but my mom and dad held my hand and walked me to my classroom.

When we got to my classroom, my teacher smiled and said hello. She showed me
where to put my backpack and where to sit. I met some new friends and we played
with toys until the bell rang.

In class, we learned the alphabet and sang songs. We also read a story about a
little rabbit who went on an adventure. I loved the story and thought the rabbit
was very brave.

At recess, we played on the swings and ran around on the playground. I even made a
new friend who liked to play tag.

After recess, we had snack time and I ate an apple and drank some juice. Then we
did some coloring and drawing. I drew a picture of my family and my teacher said it
was very good.

Before I knew it, it was time to go home. I was tired but happy. I couldn't wait to
go back to school the next day!


Q:1) When did the girl go to school for the first time?
Q:2) Was the girl excited or nervous?
Q:3) Who walked the girl to her classroom?
Q:4) What did the teacher do when the girl arrived in the classroom?
Q:5) What did the girl do at recess?
Q:6) What did the girl eat for snack time?
Q:7) What did the girl draw during coloring and drawing time?
Q:8) Was the girl happy at the end of the day?

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