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- . .

7A Prehistoric Timeline
\ A A f l 3 F- -> .;I


With its tong,

sharp teeth,
Masiak a ~ u r q & , 1
was a powerfu~
paying atattention to the words
Then answer thg questiafis below.

me Cretaceous Period

2 4 ~ 1 l l b ' ~ ~ : ' b f i h " S Md dv ~ ~ r p i l ~ y & '#- g ~

temperatures aie petfect fbr reptila, Thwk l"f@ddW-known dirrmauc
become common sn Earth, and disqovereg by @depntoIogists become extinct.
grow ta h u p &e% in Mgdaggsaar- ddtes kwk to
this time,

What kind of animals were dlhusaucs~

-& When did dinosaurs Idk out cmplt3t~Ifl
'3:Wat isapaieont~iogist?l'i -4-+.
4, mat d o ~ sa predator mt?-3' & e
8. Pr&&fm b a d the four questions in the paragraph:badings an
the ~8page and answer Yes or No.Then read the p w a g e
ta ch@b xwr answers,

7 Dinasaurs Qnrq Alive

I!: you learned about dinosaurs in ,school. mybe you haw
seen them in a mtwkm. But how much d & m y o w -
h o w abrxut these animals?
Were dinomurn-just big reptiles?
a h r ykats, scientkts thought dinosaurs were big, dumb,'
;md cold-blooded-in orher words,,just gbt'repnles.
(Somedinasaurs wept huge- But many m e ahour rlre size
of madern-day W or dogs. Were b s a w s warm- wr
I L cold-blooded?Pdeantologigts are not sure. But they believe I
I w aume were intelligent. Qf come, no dmosattr was a6 mart
~3 n human or wen a mu&ey. However, some smaller r~mhmidTWM
dmosaurs-like the mo-rnetxa (six-foot)TYOQ~OFZ-
had f&ly large brains,
r. ,\.) '
/;Im ( I 11-
( . , , 1 ,- - \r
, w 1 - . - q v '=T

.i: -m3 t
#RSS%rmnasaunw r a ~ ar powduli pdiitotf.
t 1 ~ ~ l I . l d m . 'l"t 71'-

1s me scimtistk thmk the ~ p p a i wis true. In the

bevies, 2: r w is often a sp@y giant, but in fact, t h i s
t@h@aurcgdd not rm very &a.P l i ~ ~it aj ,s tpo
I large. In ' d i g 3T. +EX probably moved a$ fast as an
elephant. Also, T. rex had very small arms. without monglegs
% or arms, this dinosaur p~rrbablywasn't a powerful
hmt&. It map have been a $c8-prepgcfh~t"'ead,d y eating
mimahe that were alr~gdydead.
Utd an asteroid kill the d!nusaws?
F - I

25 ~y-8 18B-Mo111et~( 11@mile) d d i i CEIKT

a@. It mated a
called & i d & Many believe d ~ o i arised
d ~
I extinction of the dino~atm.But ~ r b ne f a this, dinmaw were
already d p g ouP around the morld, f& mimy r w m . At the I
end of the Cretaceous perid for ampl&,the global dimate
, s:was changing: the Earth's tempwame was getting colder.
Are all dinomurn now extinctF
D~~ZOUUTS wmpttay +sappeared about 65 d m years ago.
owever, ,scienrist~believe msder~1- day birds are dacendmts3. A A crater caused by an
s~f3d.13 5 .thls h W, then din~Sam'
& a 0 ~ 8 ~If &&vE% asW3id FWMg EmM
still wdkhg-and flying+mong us! Tn
l kmlhig Is dumb, lt Is, n @ t ~ m .
* If m a h l n g d h put ~k&smesMbet,It,begrrmIWmnmn m8findl$
w aesmhdanrs a E wple h ~ e r m p ~ aw $ w to
r ~+EY ym. YA Prehism,rkTimehe 79
0 Reading Comprehension .
A. Multiplk Choice. Ch~ose,the best answer for each q-tian',
Gist 1, hather titlafmthi~r&dng could be
a. What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?
- ,-

b. The Truih a b u t Dingsaur;.I - - ,-


in blexim
G, Dinosaurs Uis~@v@W
d, Our Favorite [Ilwmm


chIt WB dmih ta ~nelephant.
0 d E& mhab that w m dr-
Dstail 4, )Whatt b &kuW?

'a. huge hob mwml by an a&wo!d

' b,'~type)of dinosaur found in. M&Q
a a tims fn dimmwhktary
dl an midT T:X*E

DetaiI L At-t h wd
~ ~f ,&tmaw perf&
a. saw din.mum&a&&terlfiy
h. h u m s app& m ~k '

hahe Earth's tsmper- vlra$ h n g i n g

& dinosaur numberswei@h6i.eedng in Mexico

1, 8,W18 t f i R ~ ~ \ i v & ~ ~ ~ i ? d l .
(.f$ NG
2 AII &adwA.had 9mdl brairc;., T NG
wars tWld-birnW.
h g p that dinWars

& K m v m a Mt mhn@k
T , NG
& A ymng T: rw pmbabty had 6-
f&m. lib &bid. T F (R. ,%>
6, P h t m scfmtl& bsliev~~%aX u-

rna&rn-dq birds are related

The ancient sea master DfiIzwgms (nicknamed "Gdziia") is a(n)
1. / :" -
- of modm-daycracodiles. T b South American
sea r~ptdewas a(n4 2, ' # .4 Jswimmer wd a powerfir1

a r ,

!$ca repriles like Dakos&u~us were top predators. And some, like
Tyios~a~as, even attacked sharks. But in the end, shacks were the
red sqvivogs. Todayythey are still dive, but changes in t h e Earth's
4. :
caused the lager sea reptiles to become extinct.

WQ m add -er or -or to ~ ~ r todform

s nouns.
These nouns often describe a p m n w h does
~ a
cerhh action or job, f ~ axmple,
r hunter dr inventor.

I ii-
A Epd8ndroswhs
(160 m~tlionymrs a@.
Oi%ove& In China,

1Before You Read

A,Complstiun. Read the definkiom, Thsn ~amptetethe paragi-aph
below with the csrrect farm sf the worm in blue. What is unusual
. , about the dinosauts pictured above?
claws: the long, sharp n d s on the tats of some animals
fossk the bones M remains gf an animal or plant
horns: the hard ahings on top of an animal's head
unearth: to take somedung out of the ground; to
discover so~nething
Dinosaurs I~akcdstrange. Somc had 1. gn
their heads. Others had 8 like giant kcnives.
Several (like the C@rnu$~wzq) had huge ba-dies but very s m d
a r b . Pateanmlogis~C O ~ M U to~ 3.
Merent dinosaurs dl over the world. Each time, these
dinosaur 4. are s m g e r than before. Today,
scientist5 are akkii~g;what was purpgse af t h unusual
features-the horns, the strange claws, the small arms?A d
what can rhey tell us a b ~ u dmosaurs?

'& Predict. Look at the p i c t ~ e son the next page. What do you
think is unusual abut this dinosaur? k a d the passags to check
yaw ideas.

Bit 7 Dinosaurs Come Alive

;aidYou Knw?
"t3@ mds"for

Lived whm 70 million years ago

DWvered where: Mopgalla
Wbw mwf the,sa?Pde~-ra~lu&ts haw ,snughi
an answer to this question for ;Ilmast forty y
of &ant arm$ in Mong~h.The -1 of
each, when M y .exten&id, w a s 3.4 mete&
(@&i feet). The claws were 26 c:en&eters
(ten 'inch~slong, EaleonroJ~gis~ r d e d the
d ; a lr n S w d & ~ f (m'tming
~ *mfible hatud-3
So whgt did thb d m d look 9aleo1ie~l~
&'t s u w . Many rimes, scicmkts have egamhd &,e area

where they found the arms. But sirice the g r i p 4 disc~very~ a Z k p body
they have me&thed only a few bthtr bones ofthis dimam. t$.srnyswh
D q i t e this, scientists have some ideas ahbur D&ilzocbd~&s
~&ppeWmce, Physi~dkthis &,al's Urn,and hands are
sihdhf f6 d~&.i#harn*wik type of dinosaur that hoked b e a . . .
m~$e~;day&%fcka%$d used its &m* for ~ t ~ h i food. n g But .
when pdt~nti~lagi~ts use the size of D&u~ch~iM"sarmsk try
to & sdzt of its boidyg
~ it deems
~ tb been
~ a huge ~ ~ ~
a n i m a l d o s t 12 meters (40 fket] lo*. This is almost as big
as (a T. rm!

Other scientists have a different a&on-. They think

Di$~che&aisW* a s m d & &saw with extmrndy long awns,
But why would a rMle. m i ~ needd l h b g - w bng2 To climb -
or to hunt for bod, pefrqas? 'The h d y is a my,-,''
wys Thumas Hob, a paleontabgist at the University .of
Maryland in the U.S. Yt +t n& be an o~nithomimid at all.
But then what i4 id* Qnd p a l ~ ~ ~ ,t d. a. M
g_ i mt l . f~ d
d d e n ~ ethis
, quesdon remains mad-"

An ~n6trfchlsa my l a r g e < Mthat mnot @>

tin-& ywt a m a m tEg%
A for e@h question.
Pufpose 1. What iia thsrridin'puw-po&aftRer~hdin$
a,:& wptdn b w paleontotQgjsts find dinosaurfWi1~
b-. .to cornpare T; rex and Dei~locheims
e: to talk about dkrsnt dinosaur dismv6ri~in Manqalki
d to dascrike m unusual Eyps af dinmur
Detail ,Z Del#oc&fms
a. had very short fingem?on Its hand o. had w a y few bones in ib body
b. had v,ery long,m s d, aould fly l i b a bird .
Detail 3. Which modern-day anin@ is Dairr~ckeirusmast similar. to?
. a , a m m k y b.ahorse c . m ~ s f & h d.alizard

Vocabulary 4, What dues the! wwcl,evIdencemean in line 312

a* infolrmatton 8 , qumtions c, mysteries d, beliefs

Inference 5, Which statemen?would Thomas Holtz probably agree with?

a. Deimcheiws' was a huge and dartgemus predator.
b. 7;m was a relajive of Dai~ocheirus.
G.De/na~eiruuswas a small dinosaur with very tang arms
d. We don't know for sure what De/nocheirus Iwkd like.

B. Campletion. C~rnpletathe palwntol.o@st'~

with information from the' readina.
Vocabulary Practice
A Campletion. dompbta lheInfwrnexhn usingthe ~ w r Wform
- of
words h m the box. Onel wgrd is mtm

The largest ever f l y h mimd

~ -lived& &od
years age. It was a type d pterosaur (or "flying
fepiwq d e d B ~ ~ I E M ~r W n - ~aaima1'$
wings m e '1, ,,eachwas about
12 #E*r5 (40 feet) in2. -the
size of &@meairplanes! But did pterosaur: mmc
from.3 smaller animal?And haw did ptermaurs
lmrn to fly? For yearqpleantd~@$ts have

%catty,, one of the srndmt p t m m a w w5 wkh the

A A paleo~rrtQloght
&w~~~rre,din C h a by w team & G ! h t s c ; asd B r a s k b d e s 07 ~ U Q W ~ B ~ ~ U S
p-dd~ntd~gists.h 4. the,~y pterasaur In Texas Memodal,
(~dledPJ, G~*&M) W ' P FU . ~, G S S with feet
O Q ~ ~ reptile
4mihr to 8 Kid's. Scientis@5, that a b ~ u t
120 d i o h ye%$ ago, tb mima! lived in tee^ in China.

The world" huge ptkrbsaurs, they believe, were descendents

dN. arj$hma
0'. WOMBIn Context. Complete waeh wnbnc~with the
bfM answer.
1, If yau mmtne something, you
a ImkWltpicWy b. sttldyitdasely

Use opinion with:
different opinion, exgwl ~pin@n,
honest gplnion, popular o p h b .
something is knible, it makes you f@l
4. If ask an phio on, give an o p b ,
share an oplnlon.
a, affa'id b, rhlax&d

5. An IImWWW qu&tidn been explained.

a, Ms b, hasn't

D i m s a y Discovery
A Preview. Labd the piduB udng tbe ward$
in the box. Use a dictbnary to help you.
b %tpakbonp v.~flem

- I.' 1

1. Summarize. Watch the video, Dinosaur D % o v q
Then mmplete the summary helow using the c o W t
form af words f r m the box. fhres wards afe extra.
- I cuThink About: It
ilirWe ~ a rpletely
h examine extend 1. How do you think
giarnt hunt lak@i mmgrirn the mayor of
-- - -
opp&t 8 WatiVB wek Sabinas feels about
the discowy?
Near the town of Sabinas in Mexico, scientists have discovered
Which of the dinosaur
a(n) 1. dhosaur. The animal is about 15
discoverieq in tt"iis.unit
meters (50 feet) in 2. and 4.5 meters (15 feet)
do you think is most
tall. Why is t h i s digcovery imprmt? It ~h'oAws;Eha Stbin%was
interesting? Why?
once a jungle. Sabinas is now a desert. The 3.
in t i i s area has &aged 4. Why2 Sdeafist;s '
a 5, an answer ro quwb~.

eer first discovered some the din;s@rr7sb ~ n m .

e land foir a c,an%wwtiaproject.
ees. Now paleoatologises me
7, = for the rest of the fossils. In thar
8, -
, this might be the most mmpletc dinwaur
skeleton in&I America. The mayor af Sabinas wants to keep -
the dinaaur'~&&is in a(n) 9, for people
to see. He also m t s paleontologists a u n d the world t~
know about ~~ai&&&io" and &her &maw diswueries
in the area. --

&h ~ n i7t~inosaursCome Alim

6 -

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