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Everyone has work patterns for everyday.

That can be simple or detialed, but the

work patterns will help you manage the timeline, then you will have more time for the
other activities. Today, I will talk about my work patterns and explain my ideas.
First, about my timeline in a day. I work from 7:30 to 11:30. After lunch, I start at
13:00 and end a work-day at 17:00. In the evening, form 20:00 to 22:00 is my flexible
hours. If I have work, I will work. If I don’t have to work, I will phay game or talk about
the life with my friend.
Second, we can’t work all a day, right? So, with 45 minutes to work, I have 15
minutes to relax. In the lunch and early evening, I mustn’t work because I spend that time
for my family. I want a comfortable day with activities have been allocated.
The last, working form home. People have use to work at home after a year with
pandemic. In my view, it can be a good transition. We needn’t spend time for traffic,
notably large city with traffic is blocked everyday. In addition, some cases can’t go to the
company still work at home and make the same progress as other people.

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