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A student should follow an effective routine to achieve

success. I’m a morning person. The calm and quiet

early morning helps me to concentrate better. I have a
daily routine that starts early at 5 am and ends with
planning the next day's work at 10 pm. I wake up at five
and study till 7. I eat my breakfast at 8 am and leave for
school at 8:30. Revision in the morning helps me
understand better in class.

My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

I make sure my routine does not become monotonous,

so after I reach home, I go and play outside with my
friends. Dinner time is always family time. The day ends
with a short walk on the terrace gazing at the stars. The
routine keeps me active and productive all the time.

200 Words Essay on My Daily Life (My

Daily Routine Essay)

“We are what we repeatedly do,” says my dad daily

quoting Aristotle. According to him, following a daily
routine consistently will help me achieve my goals. He
says that by planning my day and following it, I can
complete all my work on time, avoiding pressure and
being more productive.

My Daily Routine

Every morning I wake up at 5 am to the sound of my

brother’s alarm which wakes me up. Exercising in the
morning keeps me energetic and active the entire day.
The fresh aroma of roasted coffee beans from the
kitchen indicates coffee time. Later, I diligently sit for my
morning studies and revise the previous day's concepts.

By 8:00 am, I’m ready for school. My mother prepares a

delicious breakfast which I eat while watching the daily
news along with my brother. 8:30 am I leave for school
on my bicycle. Halfway, my friends join me. After lunch, I
prefer light walking and freshening up for the afternoon
study session. Classes end by 3:30 pm. After school, I
go to the playground with my basketball team, where we
practise for 2 hours, and I reach home by 6 pm. I finish
my homework before supper.

Before going to bed, I prepare for the next day at

school. Weekends are more relaxed. Mornings are
usually spent cycling with friends. Afternoons, I help my
mother grocery shop and cook in the kitchen. In the
evening, I visit my grandma and have dinner with her.

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