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By Eric Persaud
Workers are too often given PPE as their first line of defense to workplace safety and health hazards. For
example, the COVID-19 pandemic response for many workplaces was to emphasize an overreliance on masking
instead of controls that may have isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus and encouraged overall safer practices.

Applying the hierarchy of controls which are methods designed to confine besides worker training are encouraged to
can advance protection of workers. This the hazards away from the at-risk worker. consider the technique in the act of heal-
article introduces a humanities approach to Next, lines four and five mention “change ing and recovery. While the “Hierarchy of
raise worker and management awareness the workers’ ways,” which is in alignment Controls” poem offers an example of injury
to the hierarchy of controls. Humanities, with administrative controls. Changing prevention, the humanities can be used in
including poetry, may have an impact on worker behaviors and practices such as occupational health to address individuals
healing when integrated into medicine through worker training, workplace policy who experiencing pain, both physically and
(Campo, 2006; Pories et al., 2018). The au- and procedure are examples of admin- mentally. A worker suffering from a work-
thor suggests that poetry can also be used istrative controls. Finally, lines six to 10 place injury or illness may find the act of cre-
as a form of prevention to safety and health demonstrate that PPE is the “last line” and ating poetry reflective and meditative during
risks in occupational medicine and as an act uses a hard hat to represent the use of PPE the healing process. The safety professional,
of healing for both the worker and trainer. for protection. Commas in the poem are for example, during the emotionally difficult
used to separate each level in the hierarchy times of the COVID-19 pandemic, may find
The Hierarchy of Controls as Poetry of controls. Line 11 contains only a period the act of creating poetry about the OSH
The NIOSH (2022) hierarchy of controls to conclude the poem and help emphasize conditions and environments they have
is a way to determine a preferred order of that PPE is the final resort of safety. witnessed and worked to address as a way to
actions to reduce or remove workplace haz- cope (Campo & New, 2021; Kleiber, 2021).
ards. The most effective safety measure is to Poetry as a Tool There are examples of the integration of
eliminate the hazard by removing it phys- OSH trainers and other professionals are humanities in medical education and train-
ically (elimination). If elimination is not encouraged to use this poem or create their ing, which has been well received (Pories
practical, the second most effective safety own to raise awareness of the hierarchy of et al., 2018). The author suggests that such
measure is to substitute or replace the haz- controls and other safety topics. Trainers integrative approaches in occupational
ard with a safer option (substitution). After interested in using poetry as a training medicine can have similar feedback, among
those preferred options, next is the modifi- tool or technique can use this example to both workers and safety professionals. The
cation of work environments to isolate the help frame their own content and material dissemination of occupational health hu-
hazard away from the workers (engineering specific to their audiences. Poetry can be a manities may help prevent workplace injury
controls). The next-to-last preferred actions creative process and need not conform to a and illness. However, the creation and de-
are focused on worker behavioral change, set grammatical structure. However, when velopment of such humanities may help the
for example, through worker training appropriate, it is recommended that train- safety professional heal themselves during
(administrative controls). The last line of ers tie their poetry into the safety topic and times when hope is most needed. PSJ
defense, PPE, is what workers wear as a final allow for the reader to be able to identify
barrier of protection from hazards. those connections in a way that raises their References
The following poem has the inverted pyr- awareness to the hazard. Campo, R. (2006). Why should medical stu-
The “Hierarchy of Controls” poem offers dents be writing poems? Journal of Medical Hu-
amid shape of the hierarchy of controls and manities, 27, 253-254.
follows the same preferred order of actions. such connections as an example of how
Campo, R. & New, E. (2021). The art of los-
to ensure that it aligns with the training ing—Three poems for the COVID-19 pandem-
“Hierarchy of Controls” content. Furthermore, the author hopes
Be gone! Removed from place and space, ic. JAMA, 325(1), 12-13.
this example stimulates the discussion and Kleiber, S.H. (2021, June 19). A physician-­
if not—then we shall need to replace, use of humanities-based approaches, such poet bears witness to the pandemic’s lost voices.
otherwise isolate it all away, as poetry, in the training and education of Wisconsin Public Radio.
or you’ll have to change workers across occupations and industries. NIOSH. (2022). Hierarchy of controls. https://
the workers’ ways, While not discussed in this article, other
with the last examples of humanities-based approaches Pories, S.E., Piawah, S., Abel, G.A., Mullangi,
line being that safety professionals may want to con- S., Doyle, J & Katz, J.T. (2018). What is the role of
this hard sider include fiction writing, short stories,
the arts in medical education and patient care? A
hat of survey-based qualitative study. Journal of Medi-

photography and visual art. cal Humanities, 39, 431-445.

. Healing Worker & Safety Professional Cite this article
In the first line, “removed from place Safety professionals who want to apply the Persaud, E. (2023, Jan.). The hierarchy of
and space” describes actions in accordance concept of a humanities approach in areas controls as poetry. Professional Safety, 68(1), 17.
with elimination. The second line, “need Eric Persaud, Dr.PH., M.E.A., earned a Doctorate in Public Health at the State University of New
to replace,” aligns with substitution. In the York-Downstate Health Sciences University, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Scienc-
third line, the use of the word “isolate” is es. He focuses on evaluating and researching training programs related to preparing workers for emergencies
meant to emphasize engineering controls, and disasters, and hazardous workplaces. Persaud is a professional member of ASSP’s New York City Chapter. JANUARY 2023 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY PSJ 17

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