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SQL Queries:

1)to check databases

-> show databases;

2)to create a database


3)to specify the database to use

-> use database;


5)to create table

-> create table table_name(column);

6)to check the description of the table

-> desc table_name;

7)to modify table name

-> alter table old_tablename to new_tablename;

8)to insert records into table

-> insert into table_name(columns) values();

9)to retrive the data from table

-> select * from table_name;

10)to add new columns on table

-> alter table table_name add column_name type,...;

11)update record :using where clause

->update table_name set column_name=value where sid=102;

12) delete a record: using where clause

-> delete from table_name where <condition>;

13)change attribute_name for temporary basis using alisas at the time of display
-> select sid as 'student_id',name as 'student' name' from table_name;

14)distinct is used to return value only distinct(different) values inside table ,

column contains sometimes a column many contain duplicate values
-> select distinct(city) from table_name;
->select count(distinct city) from table_name;
->select count(distinct city) as no_of_cities from table_name;

15)to change column name perrmanently

->alter table table_name rename column old colname to new col name;

16)AND operator

17)OR operator

18)select details whose id strts from 102 to 104

->select * from table_name where sid between 102 and 104;
19)select those students details whose marks are 75,80,81,82
->select * from table_name where marks in(75,80,81,82);

20)to retrive the data from top

->select * from table_name limit 3; //(top 3)

21)sort record in ascending order

->selct * from table_name order by student name;
->selct * from table_name order by student name desc;
->selct * from table_name order by marks;
->selct * from table_name order by student name desc limit 2;

22)like operator is used in a where clause to search for a specified pattern in

a column.there are two wild cards often used in conjection with th elike operator
i)percentage sign(%)--represents zero ,one or many characters
ii)underscore sign(_)--represents one./single character.
-->select * from table_name where student_name like 'a%';

23)calculate total marks

->select sum(marks) as total_marks from table_name;

24)to count total no of recorddsd

->select count(*) as 'no_of_students' from table_name;

25)to find min and max marks

->select min(*) as 'lowest_marks' from table_name;
->select max(*) as 'highest_marks' from table_name;

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