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Nama : Kayla Putri Nandayani

NPM : 5221811027
Prodi : Sains Data
Mata Kuliah : Data Preparation

1. Deskripsi Data
 Data ini merupakan data tentang
 Jumlah atribut 15
Position: Ranking of the movie in the list. (Integer)
Const: Unique identifier for the movie. (String)
Created: Date the movie was added to the list. (Date)
Modified: Date the movie was last modified. (Date)
Description: Short description of the movie. (String)
Title: Title of the movie. (String)
URL: URL link for the IMDb page of this result. (URL)
Title Type: Type of movie (e.g., movie, TV series). (String)
IMDb Rating: Rating for this movie on IMDb. (Float)
Runtime (mins): Length of this in minutes. (Integer)
Year: Year released in movie databases. (Integer)
Genres: Genre belongs to this movie. (String)
Num Votes: Number of votes received on IMDb. (Number)
Release Date: When the movie was released. (Date)
Directors: Who directed this movie. (String)
 Contoh 5 data teratas:

2. Sumber Data
3. Jumlah record

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