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1 Warm up

Look at these pictures of Elvis Presley, a famous American performer, and decide which decade each
one is from: the 1950s, the 1960s or the 1970s.

a. b.

c. d.

1. What do these pictures tell you about Elvis’ life?

2. What else do you know about Elvis?

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2 Vocabulary

Complete the gaps in the sentences with words from the box. Explain what the words mean.

addicted / controversial / distinctive / drafted / numerous / racially segregated

1. In some cultures, tattoos and body piercings are extremely and must be hidden.

2. The man on the train was wearing a red hat with a feather and a flower.

3. There are reasons why people want to study English.

4. I’m completely to chocolate - I have to have some every day!

5. South Africa was a country until the 1990s.

6. My grandfather was into the army when he was only eighteen and he served for
five years.

Match the words/phrases with their meanings.

1. a large expensive house a. audition

2. cause something to increase or improve b. mansion

3. musical genres which come from the south of the United States - c. boost
they often have sad or difficult themes
4. perform for someone in order to show you are suitable for a d. compose
contract or job
5. write an original piece of music e. blues and country

Find four words in the exercises that have a consonant plus -i spelling that is pronounced as a /S/

Read this sentence and say how the grammar and pronunciation of the words in bold are different:
Elvis recorded and sold more than one billion records worldwide!

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3 Listening 1

Choose the best option to complete the sentences. Then listen to the recording and check.

1. Elvis came from a large family / was an only child / never knew his real parents.

2. A music producer at Sun Records recognised his talent after he heard Elvis play an original
composition / after he saw Elvis performing in a bar / after Elvis sent him a letter and a recording
he had made.

3. The musical style of Elvis’ first hit is best described as church music / southern / rockabilly.

4. Elvis met Colonel Tom Parker, who became his manager, in 1958 / 1956 / 1957.

5. Elvis had to take a break from performing because he was in the army / sick from working too
hard / didn’t have a recording contract.

6. In the 1960s he appeared in over forty-three / thirty / twenty-three films.

7. In 1968, he found that he became more popular after he announced a world tour / appeared in
advertisements for cars / made a television programme for the Christmas holiday.

8. When he wasn’t performing, Elvis lived in his mansion Graceland / Gracefields / Gracewood.

9. Today, his home is owned by Dolly Parton, the country music star / popular with tourists / falling

4 Language in context

Read these sentences from the recording and explain the meaning of the words in bold.

1. The band had a big hit later that year with a cover of a song by Arthur Crudup called, "That’s All

2. However, in the 1970s, his career started to go downhill, partly because of his lifestyle.

3. In his early years, before he became a mainstream celebrity, Elvis was a controversial figure.

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5 Listening 2
Read the questions. Can you remember the answers? Listen again to check.

1. Describe Elvis’ appearance as a teenager.

2. Where did Elvis and his first band learn the blues and country music songs that they played?

3. How did people in the south of the US get to hear his music?

4. What important thing did Colonel Tom Parker do for Elvis?

5. What important personal events took place for Elvis in the 1960s?

6. Where did Elvis put on a series of successful performances in the late 60s and early 70s?

7. What was the problem with his lifestyle in the 1970s?

8. What did Elvis do for black music?

6 Language point
There are thousands of phrasal verbs in English, and we use them in everyday speaking. Read these
sentences from the recording and choose the correct preposition to complete the phrasal verbs. The
meanings of the items are given in brackets.

1. Sam Phillips ... asked Elvis to come in / to for an audition. (attend a meeting after being invited)

2. He offered Elvis a contract and put up / together a three-piece band for him. (organised)

3. Their popularity took out / off in the southern states ... (became very popular quite quickly)

4. As the hits kept on / up coming, he changed over to a more rock and roll sound ... (continued
without stopping)

5. However, in 1958, Elvis was drafted into the army and gave out / up performing for a couple of
years. (stopped doing something completely)

6. Between 1969 and 1976, he also put on / over hundreds of shows in Las Vegas, with tickets
regularly selling off / out. (performed in / selling until none were left)

7. His diet was poor, and he put on / up weight. (gained, increased in)

8. He passed away / out from a heart attack at home in 1977. (died)

9. Many people all over the world were very sad and found it difficult to take up / in the news of his
death. (understand)

10. Stories that he hadn’t really died carried on / out in the media for years. (continued)

Phrasal verbs can sometimes have more than one meaning. Which phrasal verb is repeated in the
sentences above?

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Complete the gaps with five more phrasal verbs from the sentences above. The meaning you need is
given in brackets, and you may need to change the verb to fit the sentence.

1. Can you help me this flat-pack furniture from IKEA ? It needs

four hands! (assemble from pieces)

2. Our flight was delayed, and we didn’t until after midnight. (leave the ground)

3. My parents love cats, and they often homeless kittens from the
street. (bring home to look after)

4. I don’t know the answer and I can’t guess. I - tell me! (stop trying to guess)

5. My boss is in a relationship with one of our customers, but they’ve had to in secret
for years. (have a relationship)

When you learn a phrasal verb, you also need to know its grammar. How do the five phrasal verbs
with more than one meaning fit into this table? Record the information as in the example. Sometimes
the two meanings have different grammars.

type 1: no object type 2: takes an object, can’t type 3: takes an object, can
separate separate

example: put something on

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7 Talking point

Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.

1. What would you ask Elvis if you could meet him?

2. Why do you think there were so many stories that said Elvis hadn’t really died? Why did people
believe them?
3. The blues is a style of traditional African American music best described as slow and sad songs
about luck and love. Is there a similar style of traditional music from your country?
4. Elvis impersonators, or people who dress up as Elvis and pretend to be him, are still popular around
the world. You can even have one at your wedding in Las Vegas! What do you think the attraction
is? Do you know of any other celebrities that people impersonate?

Read these quotes about Elvis and say which you like best and why.

" was like he came along and whispered some dream in everybody’s ear, and somehow we
all dreamed it." - Bruce Springsteen

"It was the finest music of his life. If ever there was music that bleeds, this was it." - Greil
Marcus, remembering the 1968 TV Special

"Before Elvis, there was nothing." - John Lennon

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8 Optional extension
Elvis made almost fifty movies during his career. Work in A/B/C groups. Read about one of Elvis’
films and decide what the phrase in bold means. Cover the paper and remember the information to
tell your group about your film. Use the words in bold and explain what they mean if necessary.

Listen and match the pictures to the descriptions you heard. Then say which film you would enjoy
most and why.

Student A

Elvis perfected his classic dance moves in his third film. Set in a prison, Elvis’ character is
serving a one-year sentence for accidentally killing a man in a fight. He shares a room with
a singer and bank robber, who teaches him to play the guitar and gets him interested in the
music business, where he eventually finds success. The story may be a bit unbelievable but
the dance sequence to the film’s title song has been described as "Presley’s greatest moment
on screen."

Student B

Upon his return from military service, Elvis actually made three films in this beautiful location.
This was the first and tells the story of a young man, just out of the army, who returns to his
family and has to make some difficult decisions about his future job and relationship. The film
includes lots of beautiful views and traditionally styled musical numbers and the big finish
features an exotic local wedding ceremony.

Student C

This is probably the best film Elvis made after his time in the army. The story centres around
a racing driver who is trying to make money to buy a new engine for his car so he can prepare
for a big race. Ann-Margret stars opposite Elvis as his love interest and the critics praised
their onscreen chemistry. The movie is fast and fun, with some excellent dancing numbers.

Viva Las Vegas (1964) Jailhouse Rock (1957) Blue Hawaii (1961)

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3. Listening 1

Narrator: Elvis Presley was born to a very poor family in Mississippi in the south of the United States
in 1935. His twin brother died at birth, and he was an only child. The family moved to
Memphis, Tennessee thirteen years later. As a teenager, Elvis was interested in all kinds
of music and wore colourful clothes with a distinctive hairstyle that he kept for much of
his life.

Narrator: In 1954, Sam Phillips, a music producer at Sun Records in Memphis, asked Elvis to come in
for an audition. When he played a song that he had composed himself, Phillips recognised
the young man’s talent. He offered Elvis a contract and put together a three-piece band for
him. They played blues and country music that they knew from the radio, night clubs and
churches with both black and white members. The band had a big hit later that year with
a cover of a song by Arthur Crudup called, “That’s All Right,” using a style called rockabilly.
Their popularity took off in the southern states as people saw them perform in local venues
and even heard them on national radio programmes.

Narrator: In 1956, Elvis met Colonel Tom Parker, who became his manager and organized a contract
with RCA Records in New York. As the hits kept on coming, he changed over to a more
rock and roll sound and performed in numerous TV shows and in films.

Narrator: However, in 1958, Elvis was drafted into the army and gave up performing for a couple of
years. When he finished his military service, he returned to his music career and during
the 1960s he made more than thirty movies and recorded lots of songs. He also married
and had a daughter.

Narrator: In 1968, Elvis performed in a Christmas TV special, which boosted his popularity for a
while. Between 1969 and 1976, he also put on hundreds of shows in Las Vegas, with
tickets regularly selling out. However, in the 1970s, his career started to go downhill,
partly because of his lifestyle. He was living in Graceland, a mansion in Memphis that he
had bought in 1957.

Narrator: His diet was poor, and he put on weight. Even worse, he was addicted to prescription
medicine. He passed away from a heart attack at home in 1977. Many people all over the
world were very sad and found it difficult to take in the news of his death. Stories that he
hadn’t really died carried on in the media for years.

Narrator: In his early years, before he became a mainstream celebrity, Elvis was a controversial
figure. In the racially segregated 1950s in the US, he made black music popular with white
Americans. He was also careful to treat black musicians with respect and credited them as
performers and songwriters, which many white performers did not usually do. Today, even
forty years after his death, Graceland remains one of the most popular tourist destinations
in the US.

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
Work with the whole class to match the photos with a decade and then pose the follow-up questions. These offer
an opportunity to practise guessing or speculating - it looks like... / he might have been... / he appears to be... etc.
Don’t confirm or deny any of their ideas but tell them they will find out more about Elvis’ life story during the
Variation/extension: find a short video clip of Elvis performing and show this to students, eliciting their reactions
Note: although it is more usual to use surnames in biographies, in this lesson Elvis Presley is referred to by his first
name, as this is how he is best known internationally.
a. the 1960s b. the 1950s c. the 1970s d. the 1960s

2. Vocabulary

10 mins.
Explain that students will need to know some vocabulary to understand the listening. First, students complete a
gap-fill exercise and use the context of the sentence to define the vocabulary.
Answers: controversial = raising strong feelings for or against something; distinctive = easy to recognise and
different from other similar things; numerous = many; addicted = unable to live without something because your
body depends on it; racially segregated = separating people according to their skin colour and treating them
unequally; drafted = called to spend time working as a soldier in the army.
1. controversial
2. distinctive
3. numerous
4. addicted
5. racially segregated
6. drafted

In the second exercise, students match meanings to words. Pose the follow-up questions.
explain: genre - is a type e.g. of music, literature etc.
1. → b. 2. → c. 3. → e. 4. → a. 5. → d.

Find four words in the exercises that have a consonant plus -i spelling that is pronounced as a /S/
sound.controversial, mansion, racially, audition
Read this sentence and say how the grammar and pronunciation of the words in bold are different: Elvis recorded
and sold more than one billion records worldwide! To record (verb), or recorded, has second syllable stress, while a
record (noun), or records, has first syllable stress.

3. Listening 1

10 mins.
Go over the sentences and ask students to work in pairs to predict the answers before they listen – this stage will
probably be very brief. Then students can listen to the recording and check their ideas. Before you check answers
with the whole class, students can check answers in pairs.

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Sources of the audio:
1. was an only child
2. after he heard Elvis play an original composition
3. rockabilly
4. 1956
5. he was in the army
6. thirty
7. made a television programme for the Christmas holiday
8. Graceland
9. popular with tourists

4. Language in context

5 mins.
This is a quick practice in deducing meaning from context, an important skill for students at this level. Go over
the sentences with the whole class and elicit the correct answers. Encourage students to notice the whole phrase
and drill pronunciation.
1. a cover of a song is a recording of the song made by a different artist than the one who first recorded it
2. gradually become worse
3. a person who is famous and admired by many people

5. Listening 2

10 mins.
Go over the questions with the whole class. Students should work in pairs before listening to recall/predict the
answers and then listen again to confirm/find the answers. They can check answers again in pairs before you go
over the answers with the whole class.
If any students need extra support for this exercise, you could make the transcript available to them while they
listen or after they listen. Students often enjoy listening and reading anyway – if you haven’t repeated the listening
more than twice so far, they may want to do this now.
1. He wore colourful clothes and had a distinctive hairstyle.
2. From the radio, night clubs and churches with both black and white members.
3. People saw them perform in local venues and heard them on national radio programmes.
4. He organized a contract with RCA Records in New York.
5. He married and had a daughter.
6. In Las Vegas.
7. His diet was poor, he put on weight, and he was addicted to prescription medicine.
8. He made it popular with white people and he also treated black musicians with respect.

6. Language point

10 mins.
Part 1: At this level, students should be expanding their range of phrasal verbs, and they need to be aware that
mastery includes knowing the form (which verbs and particles go together), the meaning and the grammar. Go

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over the introduction and instructions so students can complete the exercise dealing with form. They can check
answers in pairs before you check with the class.
1. come in
2. put together
3. took off
4. kept on
5. gave up
6. put on / selling out
7. put on
8. passed away
9. take in
10. carried on

Phrasal verbs can sometimes have more than one meaning. Which phrasal verb is repeated in the sentences
above? Put on a show / weight.

Part 2: Set up the second task and exercise for students to complete. In some examples the verb and particle
1. put ≀ together
2. take off
3. take ≀ in
4. give up
5. carry on

Part 3: Finally set the grammar task, first calling attention to the way the table is organised and how the information
is recorded. You can elicit/explain to students that they may be able to identify the type of verb from the sentences
by asking if there is an object, and if so, where it is. However, separating an object (that is not a pronoun) is
optional, so make students aware that dictionaries also record this information as verb + particle + something or
verb + something + particle. This activity is a good opportunity for dictionary practice.
Note: there are actually four types of phrasal verbs, but the fourth type (with two particles) has not been included
in this lesson.
Answers to the table: Type 1: take off, carry on, give up (stop guessing); Type 2: give up something (stop doing it
completely); Type 3: put something together, take something/someone in

7. Talking point

10 mins.
Students can work in pairs or small groups to discuss these questions. If your classroom set-up allows, students
could move round the room, forming small groups to discuss one question at a time, changing groups for each new
question. Conduct a quick round-up of answers either after each question or at the end, encouraging students to
give reasons and examples for their answers.
Source for quotes:

8. Optional extension

10 mins.
This activity is intended as a filler or cooler if you have time in your lesson. Students complete a short jigsaw
reading task and demonstrate understanding by matching pictures and discussing their preferences. The task
provides an opportunity for them to try guessing meaning from context, learn and use some useful vocabulary
related to music and films and practise remembering and rephrasing information.

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Answers: dance sequence = a complicated pre-planned series of movements to music which feature in a performance;
the big finish = an exciting ending to a story or performance; onscreen chemistry = the way that actors show a
believable relationship between their characters in a movie.
Extension: show a short clip from one or more of these films, possibly with music and dancing, and give students
a chance to react.
Match the pictures to the descriptions task - answers:
1. Viva Las Vegas (1964) - Student C
2. Jailhouse Rock (1957) - Student A
3. Blue Hawaii (1961) - Student B

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