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Air pollution — a major global public health issue Hello everyone! It's a pleasure to be here! My name is Carina and I'm 15 years old. I'm here to talk about Air pollution- a major global public health issue, So, let's go straight to the point! What is air pollution? Air pollution occurs when the air is contaminated with any chemical, physical or biological agents. It is the world's largest environmental health risk leading to millions of deaths around the world each year. Although, anyone can be affected by air pollution. People who are most vulnerable include the elderly, children and people with chronic lung or heart disease. Let's take a look at outdoor air pollution. The outdoor air can be polluted by natural sources or human sources. Natural sources of air pollution include pollen, bush fires or dust from deserts. Pollution of the air from human sources is commonly due to industries, buming of fossil fuels and the use of motor vehicles. So, what are the health effects? Exposure to air pollution can result in a wide range of short and long-term health effects. The health effect will depend on factors like the type of pollutant, concentration and individual characteristics of the person exposed to it. It can range from minor symptoms like irritation of the eyes, nose and throat to more severe conditions like heart and lung disease or cancer. In 2012 outdoor air pollution was estimated to have caused 3.7 million deaths around the world. Air pollution can also lead to damage to property, reduce visibility and have other effects on the environment, like acid rain. What can we do to reduce air pollution? There are many different ways to reduce air pollution. These require the combined efforts of governments, industry and individuals. At an individual level reducing the reliance on fossil fuels can be achieved with actions like walking, using public transport or choosing energy efficient means of living and transportation Today there is no doubt that air pollution is a global public health emergency. It threatens everyone from unborn babies to children walking to school to women cooking over open fires.Planet Earth is only one. There is no B opportunity, so it is our duty to preserve our true home. Remember, clean air is a right for every citizen. | am grateful for your time and hope that each of you will do your part. Thank you

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