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Booking a package

Useful expressions

 How can I help you ?

 Are you interested in …..
 Do you have an idea of what you would like to do?
 I see
 I’m sure we can help
 First, can I have your name, please.
 When are you planning to travel?
 Can I check, what kind of budget do you have?
 For example, we have a one week package including return flights to…., which includes……
for $ …..per person.
 Let me see…
 Well
 There is our ….special for ….$
 You can combine tours
 Can I check your travel dates, Mr Bradford? Did you say…
 Returning on….
 I will send you details of …..
 I will also send you information about…. So you can compare tours and prices

1. Have a seat and we’ll see what we can do.
2. So, were you thinking about a package tour, perhaps?
3. So you’d prefer to do things on your own?
4. You want something not too expensive …
5. Well, probably your best option is to travel……
6. And when exactly did you want to travel?
7. And what about your stay? How long would you want to be away?
8. And have you booked with us before, by any chance?
9. Now, what have we got that might interest you …
10. How long do you want to be/stay in Austalia?
11. Which places do you want to visit?
12. Where do you want to stay?
13. How many of you are travelling?
14. What time of year do you want to go?
15. How much do you want to spend?

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