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Welcome to the

travel agency

The aim of the lesson is to teach you to talk about your travel preferences and to choose the best options
for your future holiday.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to our travel agency

“OneTwoTravel”. We are glad, that you have
chosen our company. We will try to make your
holiday as comfortable and relaxing as

1. Before we start, let’s take a look at the cities we can recommend you to visit. When you hear the sound [dʒ], turn
left. When you hear the sound [tʃ], turn right.

2. When you travel, you need to know English well. So, let’s learn new words that will help you. Can you guess the
meaning of the words below?

 Cruise [kruːz] –
 Safari [səˈfɑːri] –
 Souvenir [ˌsuːvəˈnɪə(r)] –
 Activity holiday [ækˈtɪvəti ˈhɒlədeɪ] –
Now look at the situations to guess the meaning of the words.
1. –Hi, Jane, I know you had a holiday. Where have you been?
-Hi, Alice, I have been abroad. I have visited France, Germany, Great Britain, Turkey.
Abroad [əˈbrɔːd] –
2. –What will we visit during this sightseeing tour?
-You will visit Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and London Bridge.
Sightseeing tour [ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ tʊə(r)]-
Guess the meaning of the word by its synonym.
Leisure [ˈleʒə(r)] = past time/ free time/ rest =
Now look at the pictures and try to guess the meanings of the words below.

Coach [kəʊtʃ] –

Beach holiday [biːtʃ ˈhɒlədeɪ] -

The last word is adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]. It means приключение.

3. Let’s see how well you have learnt these words. Something bad happened and the letters forgot their places. Re-
arrange them in the correct order.

 Cocah =
 Chbae dilohay =
 Sieleru =
 Thseesigingrout =
 Doaabr =
 Vityitca dilohay =
 Vensouir =
 Fasari =
 Isecru =

4. Firstly, we need to decide what means of transport you prefer. Study exercise 2 on page 116 carefully and disagree
with your friend.

I like to travel by bus, and you? – Oh, no, I like to travel on foot.

I like to travel by plane.

I like to travel by car.

I like to travel by coach.

I like to travel by ship.

I like to travel by train.

5. Now we need to decide what kind of holiday you prefer. For this you need to understand what you will do during
each of these holidays. Read the text and open the brackets.

Do you like to (путешествовать) during your (время отдыха)? Well, we can help you. Today we will tell you about
different kinds of holidays. So, we will start with a (отдых на пляже). It is the best holiday for a family. You will live in
a hotel, swim in the sea and eat tasty food. If you don’t like to swim, you can try (сафари). You will see wild animals
and even feed them. But if you like museums, you can go to a (осмотр достопримечательностей). You will visit
many ancient and famous places. Don’t forget your camera! If you like sport, ( активный отдых) is for you. You will
play volleyball, basketball and football with you friends all day long. But if you want to see many countries, you can
try a (круиз). You will go (заграницу) and visit 15 countries in 2 months. Anyway, any (приключение) is interesting.
But don’t forget to bring (сувениры) with you for your friends and relatives. It will make them happier.

6. Oh, no, I wanted to show you what places you will visit or what you will see during these holidays, but the papers
mixed up. Re-arrange the words to put things where they should be. The words in bold on the right are the head

cruise tiger Turkey The Eiffel Tower The Red Square Cyprus
safari Spain monkey Greece snake The Pyramids
sightseeing tour The Tower of London giraffe Italy Big Ben elephant
7. Now, let’s look at some adverts that can help you to make the right choice. Do exercise 3 on page 116.

8. Every time you go on a tour, you need to know what is allowed to do and what is not. For this you will need the
modal verb CAN.

Мы используем модальный глагол can, когда разрешаем кому-то что-то сделать (You can
take photos here. Вам разрешено здесь фотографировать.) Если
же мы хотим запретить что-то, мы используем модальный
глагол can’t (You can’t talk here. Вам запрещено здесь
разговаривать.). Обратите внимание на произношение данных
слов: can [kæn], но can’t [kɑːnt]. После самого глагола can, мы
используем глаголы без частицы to.
9. Listen to your teacher and raise your red card if you are allowed to do something, and your green card when you
are forbidden to do something.

10. Let’s take a look at what you can and can’t do during these tours. Do exercises 5b and 6 on page 117.

11. So, we hope that you have already decided, what tour to choose.
Recollect all the advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of the tour you

(E.g, I like a beach holiday. I want to go abroad to the Red sea. I want to
go there by plane. I like the tour because I can swim, eat exotic food and
sleep a lot there. But, I can’t take my dog with me. Well, my sister will
look after my dog. And I will bring her a souvenir for this.)

Home assignment

1. Do exercise 9 on page 117. Use exercise 3 as an


2. Find the words that you have learnt at this lesson.

*Слова могут находиться по горизонтали, по

вертикали и по диагонали.

3. Learn the spelling of these words by heart and be

ready for a spelling race.

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