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Foreign policy: state making decisions about external actors. This happens beyond the borders of the
state. Policy of state towards other states and other actors beyond its border

 The stratrgies chosen and implemented by one state in order to protect its national interests
against the other states( or non-state actors) in the international system

National interests is the key word here. We make policies to make sure that our interests are
protected and those interests are defined on a national bases. But who makes those
decisions?(president, prime minister and foreign minister are the main decision makers in
most states)

Understanding turkish foreign policy (how turkey makes its decisions)

Geography is quite important. You have to com up with unique geographfical foreign policy
Also history is important.

History and geography is so important understanding the foreign policy of any country!

Lessons from otoman empire> Maintainance the status quo

Cultural factors also so important beside of history and geography

Cultural factors such as central asian,eurpean,middle eastern,cultural influences plays

significant role in the definiton of turkish foreign policy and thats why turkey always need to
have different pillars towards central asia, toeards middle east, towards europe in its foreign
policy because of this cultural influences!

Turkey’s multiregional identity is important and thats why whatever happens in those egions
( eastern europe, balkans, middle east, mediterranean, black sea, caucasus) or regional
balances there definitely are important for shaping turkey’s foreign policy.

Domestic affair/politics, whateveer happens in domestic scene is also directly reflected in

foreign policy. The people shape foreign policy through domestic politics.

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