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More details on this use-case 

Plant leaf disease identification

•The STM32 model zoo provides everything you need to train and retrain
models with your own data
•The solution proposes a model trained on a public dataset providing very
good accuracy while running on a STM32
•The model can be easily deployed on the STM32H747 discovery kit with the
STM32 model zoo Python scripts
•The use case presented is based on a plant leaf dataset to identify diseases

Vision: Camera module bundle (reference: B-CAMS-OMV)

Dataset: Plant Village dataset of plant leaf
Data format:
39 different classes of plant leaf and background images
RGB color images

Model: Fast-downsampling MobileNet 0.25
Plant leaf disease identification is crucial for agriculture helping to Input size: 224x224x3
prevent the spread of diseases, which can have a significant impact on Memory footprint:
137 KB Flash for weights
crop yields and food security. Identifying the specific disease allows 152 KB RAM for activations
farmers to take appropriate measures to control or eradicate the Accuracy:
disease, such as applying the correct pesticides only on targeted Float model: 99.82%
Quantized model: 99.62%
plants or implementing quarantine measures. Performance on STM32H747 (High-perf) @400MHz
Inference time: 63.2 ms
Frame rate: 16 fps

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