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(True false, fill in the blanks, MCQs, match the column)

 Fraction is the part of a whole or collection of objects.

 Fractions has different types
 Proper fractions
 Improper fractions
 Mixed fractions
 Like fractions
 Unlike fractions
 Reciprocal is a way of changing numerator and denominator place after changing the
sign of division into multiplication
 Algebra is the branch of mathematics which deals with variables , coefficients ,constants
 Every whole number can be written as a fraction by putting 1 in its denominator
 Signs rules in algebra
 + + = +
 + - = -
 - - = +
 - + = -
 The basic goal of algebra is to find the value of unknown variables
 The combination of letters and symbols in algebra makes algebraic expression
 Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal
 Square has all sides equal
 )2x+12=58 is an algebraic equation
 An algebraic expression has different parts(term, coefficient, variable ,power, constant)
 Product means multiplication
 An algebraic expression is also a combination of constants, variables and algebraic
operation(plus, minus, division, division)
 Fraction has 2 parts (numerator and denominator).numerator is the upper part of fraction
whereas denominator is the down part of fraction.

 Definitions
 Unit fraction is the fraction with numerator 1
 Proper fraction is the one in which numerator is less than denominator
 Improper fraction =fraction in which the numerator is more than the denominator
 Mixed fraction=mixed fraction consist of a whole number along with a proper fraction
 Like fraction=fractions with same denominators
 Unlike fraction=fractions with different denominators
 Lowest or simplest form means changing the fraction into lowest possible number
 The word fraction is derived from Latin word( fractio) which means to break
 There are two methods to make denominators same (LCM or Common denominators.
 Rules for simplification of fractions

 Before adding or subtracting fractions, we should make sure that the denominator are
equal hence the addition and subtraction of fractions are possible with common
 When we multiply two fractions, then the numerators are multiplied as well as the
denominators. Later simplify the fraction
 When we divide a fraction from another fraction, we have to find the reciprocal of
another fraction.

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