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Keiko Pozo

January 30, 2023

COMM 1010

The relationship that I wanted to focus on for this specific response was the romantic
relationship I have with my husband. I really liked this chapter because it helped me see and analyze
a lot of the specific communication techniques we were using and how we can improve. Looking
back, I can see how our relationship has allowed us to use multiple communicative styles, and I have
been able to see the pros and cons for each.For example, one of the communication styles that we
used from about six months into our relationship until now has been compromising .Personally, I
always thought that compromising with my romantic partner was an ideal way to communicate but I
now realize that I was wrong. In Chapter 6.2, as we study the compromising style,we learn that this
style is not a “win/win” like many would categorize. Looking back and thinking of the time when we
compromised on big decisions, it was sad to realize that one of us was giving up something we really
With what I have learned this week, I hope to start working on using the collaboration style
instead. On page 8, it states “The collaboration style involves a high degree of concern for self and
others and usually indicates investment in the conflict situation and the relationship.” I absolutely
admire this passage because I highly believe that this communication style would allow my spouse to
feel loved and heard, while also not having to give up something I want. Likewise, I think that in a
marriage (or in any relationship really,) it is beneficial that all parties can come up with a mutually
beneficial solution. I plan to also use this communication style with my friends and siblings, as I feel
like we could use a lot of help in learning about each other’s perspective and coming up with a
solution that benefits us all. I am grateful for the opportunity we have had to examine different styles,
and see how they can make an impact in our everyday relationships.

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