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A “Festive” Holiday

“Ah” exclaimed Candice as she breathed in the fresh air of the Canadian wood’s air.

“Here,” called the house owner, Neo, as he threw the key to Candice, “Also, I’ve put all my
things in the attic, so please don’t open it.”

The family entered their rented cabin. The moment Candice entered, she ran to her room and
threw herself into her bed. Without another thought, she fell asleep。

When she woke up, she was alone. Candice walked to the window in her room and opened
the windows: Snow danced like ballerinas as they fell gently on the wood floor. Somewhere in
the woods, she could hear a mockingjay singing a beautiful yet sad song. Candice shivered.
She sighed, she was literally bored to death. Suddenly an idea flashed through her mind.
Candice rushed to the attic and began picking on the lock. Candice peered through the door
creak: the scene made her heart skip a beat.There sat a skinny girl tied up onto a chair in the
middle of the dusty room.

As Candice closed the door in fear, the girl yelled, “No! Please don’t go!”

Candice opened the door a creak and peered in the door again timidly, “But-but, what do
you want me to do then?”

“You can do so much,” cried the girl, “But you got to listen to me! Neo is doing dangerous
experiments on innocent people somewhere in the forest! We gotta stop him!”

”I'm Candice,” she slowly entered the room.


They rushed out the cabin door with every footstep on the snow as evidence of their
bravery. The mockingjay in the woods still sang that sad tune; however, now with other
mockingjays tuning in. Candice shivered again.

“Candice!” exclaimed Gabrielle as she pointed at somewhere in the forest. Candice

looked towards Gabrielle’s finger. There sat a large luxurious mansion. They entered it.

Eyes of innocent people followed them the moment their feet stepped upon the ground
of the mansion. It was like hell coming to real life .
Candice knelt down and taking a hairpin down, started to pick on the lock. She tried to
hold her trembling hands steady as a sound of click, the lock opened. AS lock after lock opened,
they entered the inner parts of the mansion.

After a while, they still haven’t found anything interesting. As Gabrielle leaned on the
wall, taking a rest, a sound of crash rumbled the whole mansion.


“RUN!” cried Candice.

“No, you go to your parents, NOW!”

Candice couldn’t stop obeying her command. Candice ran to their rented cabin and mum
and dad headed to the nearest police station.

“It's not my fault, if humanity wants improvement, sacrifice needs to be taken”

“On innocent people?” asked the officer

As the police car went off the road, silence fell.

“Such a Festive Holiday, eh?” They both giggled as they headed into the car, returning

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