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O family:

Aff: I wrote a book last year
Neg: I didn't write your name in the class. I am sorry
Int: Did you write what the teacher said yesterday?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: I drove the car yesterday
Neg: I didn't drive last night. I do not know how to
Int: Did you drive my car last week?
Ans: No, I didn't

Aff: I rode my bike in the summer.
Neg: I didn't ride my bike in winter, it is too cold
Int: Did you ride a motorcycle yesterday?
Ans: Yes, I did, it is fun

Aff: He stole money from the bank
Neg: They didn't steal that book
Int: Did you steal my phone?
Ans: No, I didn't
Aff: He broke his arm last month, and now he is in the hospital
Neg: I didn't break my leg, I am fine
Int: Did he break his arm last month?
Ans: Yes, He did

Aff: She got a new cellphone on her birthday
Neg: You didn't get the job
Int: Did they get to the school yesterday?
Ans: Yes, they did

Aff: I forgot my keys in my bedroom this morning
Neg: They didn't forget about the party yesterday
Int: Did you forget your homework in your house?
Ans: Yes, I did. That is so bad

Aff: They won first place in the competition last year
Neg: She didn't win any trophies when she was in the school
Int: Did you win the competition?
Ans: Yes, I did
Aff: She wore her new pants yesterday
Neg: I didn't wear expensive clothes to the party. I do not like that
Int: Did you wear your hat?
Ans: No, I didn't

Aff: He spoke during the ceremony
Neg: They didn't speak during class
Int: Did you speak in public yesterday?
Ans: Yes, I did
A Family:
Aff: I began my English classes months ago
Neg: He didn't begin his new job last week
Int: Did the teacher begin the class?
Ans: No, he didn't
Aff: She drank water last night
Neg: He didn't drink too much yesterday
Int: Did you drink the juice this morning?
Ans: No, I didn't
Aff: I swam when I was in the school
Neg: She didn't swim because she was afraid of water
Int: Did they swim on the river a week ago?
Ans: No, they didn't. It was too dangerous
Aff: She sang at the party last night
Neg: I didn't sing in the karaoke
Int: Did I sing last night?
Ans: Yes, you did
Aff: I ran in a competition when I was a teenager
Neg: He didn't run this morning because he was not in a hurry
Int: Did she run yesterday?
Ans: No, she didn't
Aff: I sat in a chair this afternoon in the class
Neg: They didn't sit on the bus, there was no space
Int: Did she sit on the bus?
Ans: Yes, she did because she was pregnant
Aff: You gave your homework to your partner when you were at the
Neg: He didn't give his seat to the old woman
Int: Did you give your book to
Ans: No, he didn't
Aff: I came here last month, it is an amazing place
Neg: He didn't come to her best friend's house yesterday
Int: Did you come to the meeting last week?
Ans: Yes, I did. It was an important meeting
T Family:
Aff: I sent a postal to my mother last month
Neg: He didn´t send a message last night
Int: Did you send her a present at Christmas?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: He built that house a year ago
Neg: I didn't build any construction
Int: Did he build his own house last year?
Ans: Yes, he did

Aff: I dreamt about my family last night
Neg: He didn't dream anything last month
Int: Did you dream yesterday?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: The food smelt really well last night
Neg: The dog didn't smell his food before eating it. He was really hungry
Int: Did you smell the fruit? It smells really bad
Ans: Yes, I did, you are right
Aff: He lost the keys this morning
Neg: I didn't lose my cellphone last night. My friend had it
Int: Did she lose the competition last year?
Ans: Yes, she did

Aff: He leant against the wall yesterday
Neg: I didn´t lean against the wall, it was not allowed
Int: Did she lean against her desk?
Ans: No, she didn't
OLD family:
Aff: I sold my house to that family last year
Neg: I didn't sell my television, it was really important to me
Int: Did she sell her clothes?
Ans: Yes, she did

Aff: He told his friend about what happened last week
Neg: I didn't tell anyone about that
Int: Did you tell your friends about the party?
Ans: Yes, I did
E+T Family:
Aff: I felt good when I finish the school
Neg: I didn't feel bad about the thief when the police captured him
Int: Did you feel good about the ending of that movie?
Ans: Yes, I did. It was pretty good

Aff: I kept the money that my parents gave to me when I was a child
Neg: You didn´t keep silent in class. That is why the teacher got mad
Int: Did you keep your old clothes?
Ans: Yes, I did until I moved to another house

Aff: I slept well last night
Neg: He didn't sleep yesterday because he did his homework
Int: Did you sleep well last night?
Ans: Yes, I did
GHT Family
Aff: He bought a new jacket 2 days ago
Neg: She didn't buy any makeup last week
Int: Did they buy a new house last year?
Ans: No, they didn't

Aff: He fought with a stranger last night
Neg: I didn't fight with any person
Int: Did she fight with her?
Ans: No, she didn't

Aff: I thought that you had an accident
Neg: He didn't think about the exam
Int: Did she think about her life?
Ans: Yes, she did

Aff: I taught math to my siblings during vacations
Neg: He didn't teach science when he was in the school
Int: Did you teach English last year?
Ans: No, I didn't
Aff: She caught her son eating candies
Neg: I didn't catch any fish in the river
Int: Did you catch the ball?
Ans: No, I didn't
EW Family:
Aff: I knew that she didn't do her homework
Neg: He didn´t know about the exam
Int: Did he know

Aff: I grew up in Lima, it is a nice department
Neg: She didn't grow up with his mom
Int: Did you grow up in Perú?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: The bird flew in the sky, it looked so beautiful
Neg: I didn't fly in a plane, I prefer to travel by bus
Int: Did the bird fly last night?
Ans: Yes, it did

Aff: When I was a child, I drew my family
Neg: She didn't draw last year, she learned how to draw on vacations
Int: Did he draw his dog?
Ans: Yes, he did
1E/1O Family
Aff: I met my best friend at the school
Neg: He didn't meet
Int: Did you meet your roommates?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: He chose to study engineering when he was a teenager
Neg: The company didn't choose him.
Int: Did they choose the captain of their team?
Ans: No, they didn't

OO Family:
Aff: He took a shower during the afternoon
Neg: I didn't take the exam yesterday
Int: Did you take a picture?
Ans: No, I didn´t

Aff: I understood that she was really mad
Neg: He didn't understand the indications of the teacher
Int: Did you understand what he said?
Ans: No, I didn´t. He talked slow

Aff: She was in Perú, and now she is in EEUU
Neg: You weren't happy at the party. Are you okay?
Int: Were you in Italy on your vacation?
Ans: No, I wasn't

Aff: He did me a favor last month. So I have to help him
Neg: You didn't do your homework
Int: Did you do your homework?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: They had a nice plan. However, they fail
Neg: You didn´t have any grades for the course. That is bad!
Int: Did you have toys when you were a kid?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: You went to the concert alone last night
Neg: I didn't go to the hospital. I am better
Int: Did he go to the museum?
Ans: No, He didn´t

Aff: He made a custom for Halloween
Neg: He didn´t make the dinner. That is why he buys a pizza
Int: Did you make the bake for my last birthday?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: She ate a hamburger last night, and now she is eating healthy food
Neg: I didn't eat the last piece of pizza
Int: Did he eat junk food last night?
Ans: No, he didn't

Aff: I saw him yesterday, and he was really happy.
Neg: She didn't see the news yesterday
Int: Did you see the accident last night?
Ans: Yes, I did!

Aff: I heard a strange sound outside last night. I am scared
Neg: She didn't hear what I was talking
Int: Did you hear the homework?
Ans: Yes, I did

Aff: You found your pocket in your car
Neg: I didn't find my pencil when I was in the school
Int: Did you find your money?
Ans: Yes, I did

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