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In a year your life might be changed into better

or it may be nothing but memory that can't be changed . Humans can
be soil or rock . because they can be emotional or material .
There is one thing that is common: they can't forget their memories .
On such a thing , my memories of a year on a trip are unforgettable.

On the pleasant month of the year our grandpa

has a desire to travel to kanyakumari where three sea will meet
together and it is the southern part of india and in the sea there is
statue of the great tamil poet thiruvalluvar , in a few meters in the sea
there was a temple for swami vivekananda .
I know that my life will end in a year because
I have Alzheimer's disease which will kill me in a year but I can die because
I had a dream about a trip on a bike (kanyakumari to srinagar). My dream
is also dying with me but I am happy because I had a trip with my grandpa
to a spotless spot . where the sun rise make me to birth a another time and
i can feel sunlight is mixing with my blood ,my eyes are wordless my hands
are speechless , i really enjoyed it .
We went to see the Thiruvalluvar statue. I can't
pronounce it properly because of the 133 feet statue in the middle of the
sea. It is wonderful . I used to think that I was dying but the reality is I
am not dying. My soul is preparing to make a trip to heaven. Do you know?
I am the only person in the world who was loved by God because I am the
one who has the ticket to his world .

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