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pt name: Nora Fathi Alshebani

pt age: 6 months


Examination : MRI of the both hip joints and thighs with contrast:
Technique: Axial T1FSE, T2FSE, T1 FAT SAT post contrast coronal STIR :


⦁ Evidence of significant right side hip joint effusion with some apical subluxation and
reactive bone marrow oedema of the right side femoral head head and neck as well as
significant synovial enhancement and diffusion retsrion in DWI sequence, furthermore,
oedema in the muscles of the right hip and anterior proximal thigh. preserved right side
femoral head height with no evidence of bone erosion >> septic arthritis should be
considered, correlation with clinical examination and laboratory finding is advised.

⦁ Normal appearance and morphology of the left femur head and acetabulum. Normal
bilateral superior and inferior ramus. Normal bilateral ischial tuberosity.

⦁ Normal appearance and morphology of the rest scanned muscular structures.

⦁ Normal scanned pelvic structures.


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